
Thursday, November 21, 2013

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Friday, May 31, 2013

A Love That Will Last

A Love That Will Last

On a certain day in a certain place ; A certain woman was looking at a face And suddenly, her life of uncertainty Became a memory.

For as she listened to him she knew Something unimaginable was coming true. In the instant that she feels it start She becomes aware of the beating of her heart . And a glow of warmth between her breasts Expands with the rhythm of her breath; Becoming a golden cord unseen By anyone but her in this waking dream.

Tentative at first, from her chest it starts then extends across space to touch his heart; And as it strengthens and continues to wind All around them it tightly binds Their destiny and their lives.

Because she knows with certainty The present is the future's past , And from this moment love will last...


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Secret Relationships Can They Work

Secret Relationships Can They Work

Secret relationships sound exciting and adventurous, don't they? Just having a secret is provocative, but when there's romance and sex involved that makes the secret even juicier. Do you like to know why secret relationships have such a big appeal, and that people wonder why you're smiling all the time?
Secret relationships aren't uncommon. But you should also realize that they don't always work. In fact, having a relationship that's a secret can put a huge strain on you as a couple. The odds of this type of relationship only lasting a short time are pretty high. 

It can be more difficult than you think to go very long without talking about the relationship. If it weren't secret, you would probably mention your partner throughout the day in casual conversation. Even just mentioning something you saw together or talked about would be a natural thing to do. 

But in secret relationships, you have to keep yourself from doing that. You might find it on the tip of your tongue to talk about your partner and have to catch yourself all the time. Having to censor yourself several times a day can be quite a source of stress. 

Add to that your partner's feelings about having to do the same thing. Between the two of you, that can add up to a lot of tension. 

There's also the worry about being seen together. People in hush-hush relationships don't have the luxury of going out go a great restaurant for dinner. They can't go see the latest movie together, or walk down the road holding hands. 

There are exceptions to this. If you're keeping the relationship secret because you're good friends and you don't want people to know it's become more, you can still be seen together. But you'll have to give only appearance of friendship around others. 

Some relationships are kept secret for that very reason. Friends have become more than that but don't want to jinx the relationship. Or they decide that their group of friends might not understand. And they think maybe keeping it a secret is a good idea in case things don't work out. Then the friends would never have to know. 

Many coworkers who start dating keep the secret for the same reason. Things would just be easier at work if other people didn't know, both while it's happening and in case it ends. And with work situations, such dating might be discouraged making the secret necessary. 

But by keeping it a secret for those reasons, it's as if you're saying that it's probably not going to work out. At least, you're showing that you have serious doubts about it. How healthy does it seem to be in a relationship that you must believe won't last, so much so that you're keeping it a secret?

While the relationship might be thrilling at first and seem like an adventure, the best way to have secret relationships is with the understanding that they'll only be secret for a short time.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How To Stop Cheating

How To Stop Cheating....

     Stories about cheating wives and husbands are dime-a-dozen. It's true, it has been this way since ancient times. There have been tales of scorned men and women dating back to the first pages of recorded history. And it continues today, with people you love, people you're friends with, people you admire on television — cheating just comes too natural for most people.

The problem with cheating is that it hurts the person you really want to be with for the long term. Unfortunately, people are only looking at the short term. Try thinking about the following scenario.

You're angry, or you feel rejected — you're tired of taking second place to a job or hobby — but after enough time goes by, you don't feel angry or rejected anymore. Afterall, they made it up to you by telling you they have been doing it for the both of you, for your future together — now how do you deal with that — do you tell them and clear your conscious...risking it all, or do you live with what you've done for months until it subsides...if it ever does.

Let's face reality, unless the person you're with is desperate or has very low self-esteem, he or she is going to have a real tough time trying to decide whether to stay or go.

Cheating is a destroyer of relationships — it destroys trust — it ruins everything good the other person ever felt — if you value the person you're with, you have to ask yourself if it's worth the risk of destroying what you two had together.

Now here are some ways to curb your cheating habits:

All you cheaters need to look at the statistics. Only one out of 100 relationships that start with infidelity work out. You might feel guilty about hurting your ex or your children. And speaking of children, now is the time to start thinking about the expensive and long dragged out custody battles — up to 21 years worth if they go to college. And if your ex is feeling a bit scorned, she isn't going to make a moment of it easy on you — Divorce is one of the most costly mistakes we will ever make in our life.

Will your new spouse ever trust you knowing that you cheated on your first spouse. Just throwing it out there.

Think ahead to how the courts will view you.

Think about how your children will view you.

Be honest with yourself and your new spouse/ partner — do you think you can be trusted now — are you going to say you're older and wiser now — or was it because you were too young to know what you really wanted out of life — will you believe any of it — will he or she believe any of it?  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How To Fall In Love

How To Fall In Love......

What would it be for you to find that after such a long, long time your heart is ready to trust. Your soul is ready to heal and your body is ready to feel those feelings of hope and passion. Can you imagine yourself placing your hand on the knob of that door unopened?

 Where once you locked away your dreams, fantasies and desires. Where once you placed those flickering embers of your heart until you could welcome their fire? When you know that you are ready now to fill that space within so that your long loneliness is finished and your happiness can begin.

 When you know that now you have finally found some one with whom you can share the peace and the passion , the warmth and the glow that once again you feel beginning to grow. In that secret place, once hidden so well now opening as if to the magic of a spell.

 A person may not know that you have already made that choice until you hear something special as you listen to a voice so close to your ear with whispers that remove all fear. Because you know whatever happens, you have chosen to live. You have chosen to give a priceless gift to yourself;  the gift of loving once again.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Want A Happy Marriage - Search For The Glue That Will Hold You Together

Want A Happy Marriage - Search For The Glue That Will Hold You Together

If you want a happy marriage, search for the glue that will bind you together.  That is advice given through the generations and like a lot of comments from older people, it is worth listening to.

Every relationship is different, as unique as the two people involved in it. Your mutual attraction, shared memories and lifestyle will help to keep you together and prevent you becoming yet another statistic.  But you cannot afford to just sit back and assume that you will always be happy.  Happy marriages take work. Couples need to realize that they must spend time on their relationship as well as time apart in order to stand the best chance of staying together.

People often make the mistake of putting their kids first all the time.  While your children are important, the relationship between you their parents is equally so. What better example can you set for your children than to have them growing up in a home where everyone is valued and their contribution to family life is appreciated.  You want your children to grow up knowing how to treat other people properly. They learn from example so be sure that the example you are giving them is the one you want them to follow.

In a happy relationship both parties know that the other person will always be there for them.  This doesn't mean that they will always take their side in an argument but that they will not be abusive or disparaging or disrespectful.   You need to develop good listening skills. The lord gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. You need to learn to really listen to your partner and try to appreciate what they are saying to you.  Poor communication does not result in you celebrating forty or fifty years of married bliss.

Spend time together - this seems like an obvious one but if you look back over the last month how much time have you two actually spent alone together.  Staring at the TV screen every evening doesn't count.  If you have to put a time in the diary but make sure that you spend at least one evening every two weeks together enjoying quality time. 

If your intimate relationship needs some work, don't ignore it. Mutual attraction and desire played a huge part in you getting together in the first place. You should still find each other attractive.  The good news is that the more you make love to your spouse the more your body will want it. 

Making love to your spouse releases feel good chemicals and thus your body craves these good feelings. Even if you have to make a huge effort to get into the mood try and soon you may just find that it doesn't take that much effort anymore!

Finding the right partner to spend the rest of your life with is difficult but it is easy compared to keeping your marriage on the right track. Don't put your head in the sand. You want a happy marriage?  Search and apply some the techniques mentioned here and you can be as happy as you wish.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How To Build Trust In A Relationship


  How To Build Trust In A Relationship

Building trust in a relationship can be very difficult depending on the circumstances. If one partner had an affair, then it may take several years to build trust in a relationship.  It can be done and marriages survive affairs but it will take time. The person who had the affair will need to apologize to his/her partner and then be prepared for that person to learn to trust them again.

But trust is something that needs to be built up in every partnership. After all you are going to share your life with this other person so you need to know that they share the same values as you do. If you are trying to build mutual reliance there are several ways of doing this:

1) Make sure your words and actions match. If you say you are going to be home at a certain time, then make sure you are or else phone in advance to explain why. It is the little gestures that define who we are.

2) Always tell the truth no matter how painful. Lies destroy every type of relationship from friendships through to marriage. Telling the truth isn't always the easy option but it is the safest. If your partner knows that you always tell the truth, they will trust you much quicker. If they hear you telling lies to others, even those that you dismiss as being small they will have less belief in you.

3) Do not keep secrets when in a relationship. Now I don't mean that you have to tell your new partner your deepest secrets but as soon as the relationship looks like it is becoming serious, it is a good time to make sure that any relevant history is out in the open.

4) You need to have faith in your partner before expecting them to return that trust. If you have to text them morning and night wondering where they are and who they are with, they are likely to think you have something to hide.

5) Don't be unrealistic. All relationships have issues even those that have been happily married for 50 years. You need to accept that being part of a couple means that you take the good times and the bad. If you bolt at the first sign of trouble, your partner is never likely to trust you.

6) Finally rely on yourself to do the right thing. You must first know yourself and trust in your ability to make the right choices before you can trust anyone else. You have to know what your own goals and aspirations are in life before you can share a meaningful existence with someone else. Somebody with a defined sense of values is more likely to trust another person as they will quickly recognize these similar values.

All good relationships are built on a number of factors so learn how to build trust in a relationship now to increase your chance of success.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

5 Types of Love Letters to Write to a Boyfriend or Girlfriend

5 Types of Love Letters to Write to a Boyfriend or Girlfriend

A love letter can be the perfect way to convey your emotions to the person that you care about. Unfortunately, writing this love letter can prove to be a difficult task. While some people can write down their emotions easily, others struggle with the idea of a love letter altogether. If you want to pen a love letter, here are five different types of love letters to write to a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Things Unsaid

The first type of love letter to consider is the love letter that holds all of the things that you do not say. This is the perfect love letter for those who are shy about your emotions. You can write down all of the positive things you see in your significant other and in your relationship. When you write down the things you never say, you open your lover up to a new side of your emotions. This is a powerful way to show your soul mate how much he means to you.

Things You Always Say

Another love letter to consider is a letter that simply consists of the things that you say on a normal basis. Putting these thoughts and words into a letter will give your sweetheart a simple reminder of your love, commitment and emotion. They can take the letter with them wherever they go, reminding themselves of the things they usually hear from you.


If you are feeling creative, write a poem. You can easily write poems that convey all of the emotions that you feel for your one and only and for your relationship. A poem will show your sweetie that you care enough to take the time to craft something special for them.

Song Lyrics

If you enjoy music, consider writing song lyrics about your lover. You can write lyrics to a song that already exists, or create a brand new song. Either option will show your honey that you are thinking of them and will let them know exactly how you feel about them.

There are some relationships that thrive off of sarcasm and humor. If you have this kind of relationship, consider a humorous love letter. This love letter will still convey your emotions, but will do so in a way that your boyfriend will find enjoyable.

There are multiple approaches that you can take to the love letter-writing process. You simply need to think about the person that you are dating, and the kind of relationship that you have. Certain types of love letters will fit your relationship, while others will not. Take the time to consider what you want to say, and to find the correct way to say it. While it may take a little extra work to take these things into consideration, it will help you to know what love letters to write to a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

4 Ways to Say Sorry to Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend


4 Ways to Say Sorry to Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

It can be incredibly difficult to tell your sweetheart that you are sorry. For some, it can be difficult because of the embarrassment that they feel from their wrong-doings. For others, it can be difficult because they are simply too stubborn to apologize for something. Either way, it is important to say sorry to someone that you care about when you have done something wrong. If you are struggling with an apology, consider these 4 ways to say sorry to your boyfriend or girlfriend.

The Simple Apology

Sometimes, all you need to do is give your boyfriend or girlfriend a simple apology. This form of apology is best for those small issues that don't really require serious thought. This can be the hardest apology for those who have issues with their ego, as those that are stubborn often hate apologizing. It is also important to note that the simple apology may not work for bigger issues. If the wrong-doing is somewhat serious, a simple apology will come across as insincere.

The Long Talk

If you have done something wrong, you may need to sit down and have a talk with your lover. Talk to them about how you made them feel, and why they are upset. Apologize, but talk about this apology. Talk to your significant other about what you did, and the steps that you will take to ensure that it never happens again. A long and serious talk is the most heartfelt way to apologize to your soul mate.

Giving Gifts

Gift giving is often seen as a secondary way to apologize for an action. While you have a normal apology, you back the apology up with gifts. The gifts are intended to make up for the problem. While gift giving will not solve your problems, it can help to make your sweet heart feel better. They may be more willing to accept your apology if you are making the extra effort to make them happy.

Going Out

Another way to support your apology is to treat your honey to a night out. Your lover may feel better about the situation if they can enjoy a night with you. While the apology is important, it is also important to remember why you are together. If you enjoy a night together, your apology may be accepted more easily.

You need to think about the action that you are apologizing for before you actually make the apology. There may be some instances that will benefit from a simple apology. There are other issues that may require a more intense apology.

Take the time to fully understand the reason for the apology and the apology method that will be appropriate. While it may seem like a lot of work, you want to make sure that you say sorry to your boyfriend or girlfriend in a way that will mend your relationship.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Defining men’s relationship angle


Defining men’s relationship angle

Information that would help women perceive men’s reactions in a better fashion
March 22, 2013-  Understanding the opposite sex has always been a topic for extensive debate.  While each one has a different perspective about various aspects in life, it is obvious that there needs to be a bridge of consensus in order to maintain a peaceful life.  

Dr. Paul Pharms, PhD, a renowned relationship consultant and a specialist in enabling people through self-empowerment has created two very helpful videos that would provide all the answers to the most pertinent questions a woman would have about men in general.  Often women find it challenging to comprehend men’s actions when it comes to maintaining a relationship.  The numerous books and educational material on men’s behavior doesn’t provide answers to these questions either.  This would lead to a belief which would be hard to alter and in turn would hamper the relation to a great extent.

The videos that are created by Dr. Pharms are focused on providing an insight into men’s thought process when it comes to handling a relationship.  Certainly there are differences however with love and understanding people would become more accepting of the differences.  Only when the actual thought process is understood one would be able to react in the desired manner.  This is the sole aim of the videos and the end result would be bridge some of the gaps that occur through the changes in reaction and work it out for bettering the relationship.

Having worked as a relationship consultant Dr. Pharms brings forward the common scenarios with solutions that would help every man and woman respond well to their partners.  The gender differences are bound to hinder the thinking and when it comes to two different mindsets living together a lot of disagreements do happen.  The true meaning of relationship is to bring the differences to a platform where they can be worked out collectively for a positive outcome.

  These videos are a perfect guide for those who wish to embark on a new relationship or work on a broken relationship.  It also provides a few insights that can help those in a relationship and often have questions about the differences that arise.  For viewing the videos visit .  Dr. Pharms has listed many articles in his blog that have helped many couples come together and stay united for long.  Visit the site mentioned above to contact Dr. Pharms for any other additional relationship advice.

Media Contact:
Defining men’s relationship angle
Dr. Paul Pharms, PhD

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Does My Boyfriend Really Love Me 5 Actions to Look For


Does My Boyfriend Really Love Me 5 Actions to Look For

It can be hard to fully understand the emotions of your partner. While you may try to get into their mind, you may still struggle to understand how they feel. You may find yourself asking, 'Does my boyfriend really love me?' Each relationship will have different signs and signals that will answer this question. With that being said, there are five different actions that may show that your boyfriend loves you.

He Does the Small Things

People tend to focus about the larger aspects of relationships. They often fail to look at the smaller aspects of their relationship. This is unfortunate, as most of the tell-tale signs of love can be found in the small things. Does your boyfriend work to make you smile? Is he extra-corny just to make you laugh? Is he making you dinner, or letting you pick the movie? All of these small things show that your boyfriend is looking out for your feelings and emotions, and that he does have strong emotions for you.

He's Talking about the Future

One of the biggest indicators of love is any talk that discusses the future. If he is talking about future dates, or future actions, you can know that he sees you in his future. Whether it be the immediate future, or a distant future, you can be sure that he loves you or at the very least cares deeply for you.

He's Taking you Out

Does your boyfriend take you out to dinner, or out on the town? If your boyfriend likes to entertain you, he has strong emotions for you that could be love.

He's Showing you Off to Friends

Your boyfriend would not show you off to his friends if he did not love you. Is your boyfriend inviting you to hang out with his friends? Does he constantly talk to his friends about you? These are clear signs that he values your relationship.

He Wants you to Meet the Family

One of the biggest steps in a relationship is the step that introduces you to your boyfriends family. Most men will not introduce a partner to their family unless they see potential in the relationship. If your boyfriend did not see this future, he would not introduce you to parents, brothers, or sisters. If he wants you to meet the family, you can be sure that he loves you.

Your boyfriend may not be the best at verbalizing his love for you. If he does struggle to vocalize his feelings, look at his actions. If you notice that his actions signify a deep emotion, you can know that your boyfriend loves you. If you find yourself asking 'Does my boyfriend really love me?', simply look for these few actions. If you notice one or more of these actions, you can be sure that your boyfriend loves you or cares deeply for you.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Serious Questions to Ask Your Partner

Serious Questions to Ask Your Partner

When you first get into a relationship, you are simply excited about your new love. You will often avoid many important relationship topics and conversations when you first fall in love with someone. With that being said, there are multiple questions and topics that should be covered by these who are in a more relationship. These are some of the serious questions to ask your partner as your relationship continues to get more serious.

What Do You Think about  Children?

If you find that your relationship is getting more and more serious, you need to start thinking about your future goals. If you are dead-set on having a child, and your partner is dead-set on not having children, you may have an issue. While it may not be grounds to break up right away, it is something to keep in the back of your mind as you find your relationship to be more serious.

Is This Long Term?

You need to be upfront with your partner about your wants and needs. IF you are looking for a long-term relationship, you need to tell them this. They will then be able to tell you whether or not they are on the same page.

What Are Your Thoughts on Monogamy?

It is important to be on the same page as far as monogamy is concerned. You need to ask this relatively soon. Be clear and firm about your stance on the issue, and make sure that you clearly understand their thoughts on monogamy as well.

Am I a Priority?

Talk to your partner about their priority list. While you should not expect to be first on the list of priorities, you should not be last. Find out where you rank in their life to fully understand how committed they are to you and your relationship.

Do You Love Me?

This simple question may seem pointless, and may not seem serious. This question can actually have a strong purpose. When you ask your partner if they love you, you are reaffirming their feelings. Sometimes, it is simply good to be verbally reassured that they love you and care about you.

Are You Willing to Work for Our Relationship?

Relationships are not easy to maintain. They require work and patience to be successful. You need to talk to your partner about your relationship to understand if they are willing to do the work necessary to maintain a good and healthy relationship.

It is important to space these questions out; do not ask them all at once. While you want to have serious talks, you do not want to bombard your partner with serious questions. IT is also important to keep an understanding tone while talking about these questions. An accusatory tone can ruin your relationship.

You should be asking these questions to understand your partner. You need to think about serious questions to ask your partner to ensure that you are not surprised by something later on in your relationship. Remember, the way you start is the way that you will continue in your relationship; until new positive change comes about.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

4 Ways to Use Cute Quotes for your Boyfriend

4 Ways to Use Cute Quotes for your Boyfriend

If you are trying to think of interesting ways to make your boyfriend happy, consider the use of cute quotes. Cute quotes can be placed anywhere and can be used in nearly every situation. These quotes can be a great way to convey feelings and emotions. They can also be a great way to make your normal relationship talks more interesting, and more romantic.

 Here are 4 ways to use cute quotes for your boyfriend.


A simple gift card can be the perfect way to use a cute quote. Find some of the best quotes that you can find and write them in the card. These quotes make the card more personalized, and can easily convey your thoughts and emotions.

You can also find cards that already have cute quotes on them. These cards are less personal, but will still be able to explain your feelings and emotions.


Scrapbooks are a simple and easy way to work cute quotes in to a gift. You can easily make a scrapbook for your boyfriend that features these quotes. Simple find quotes that are appropriate for your relationship, and for the pages of the scrapbook that you plan on making. The cute quotes take on a more serious and deeper meaning when they are paired with pictures from some of your favorite memories together.

Cute Notes

If you want to be somewhat spontaneous, grab some note cards or some post-it notes. Gather all of your favorite cute quotes, and write them on these notes. Then, place these notes in random places for your boyfriend to find. Hide them in places in his apartment or home when he is in a different room. These surprise quotes will take your boyfriend off guard, making them more interesting, more thoughtful, and more enjoyable.


A simple way to brighten up your boyfriend's day is to send them cute quotes through emails. You can send them one single email with multiple quotes, or you can send them one email a day with a different quote per day. This will help your boyfriend to think of you every day, but will also help to make each and every day a little more enjoyable. While it may take some effort to keep up with the cute quote emails over time, it will be worth it in the end.

Many people fail to realize that a simple hand-made card can be one of the best gifts that a boyfriend or girlfriend can receive. Personalized scrapbooks, notes, and emails can all make your boyfriend's or girlfriend's day. Take the time to find some of the best cute quotes for your boyfriend or girlfriend. When you find the right quote, and find the right way to deliver that quote, you will have found a strong way to connect with your significant other.

Getting Beyond He Said-She Said

Getting Beyond He Said-She Said

  The differences between male and female gender include differences in thought process, sensitivity, memory, and communication.  A successful relationship is one that recognizes the difference between men and women and is able to get beyond the he said/she said scenarios. Men and women have a different thought process when it comes to solving problems.

  While both sexes are capable of solving problems equally well the thought process involved in coming to a resolution varies between them. For men a problem is an opportunity for them to demonstrate their problem solving skills in a quick and efficient manner.  Men see having the problem solved as the ultimate goal and they believe that the best solution is the one that is quickest and most efficient. 

Women on the other hand see a problem as an opportunity to work together and reach a resolution.  Women relish the chance to communicate about the problem and the act of working together to solve the problem is more important than actually solving the problem.  Women may feel closer to their partner, even if the problem still exists, if she feels that the resolution process drew them closer together.  Understanding that women and men view the problem solving process differently will help a relationship to prosper. 

Sensitivity is another area where ladies and gentlemen differ.  Women have a heightened sense of sensitivity relative to men. This heightened sensitivity results in women being more prone to act on their emotions rather than on rational thought. A woman's sensitivity allows her to understand her own feelings as well as those of others better so her reactions tend to take feelings into consideration above logic. 

However, men do not have the same level of sensitivity and therefore are more likely to make their decisions based solely on logic and not take feelings and emotions into consideration.  This disparity can result in problems during a relationship because the woman assumes that the man intentionally tried to hurt their feelings if they make a decision that has this effect while the man may grow frustrated if he believes the woman made an irrational decision.  Realizing that this difference exists will help a couple to get beyond he said/she said. 

Men and Women also differ in terms of memory.  Men have a memory that is stronger in situations where they can recall the details of an event by making an association with something concrete such as a location or item.  For example men are more apt to remember an event that took place in a location that they are able to visualize well. 

Women on the other hand have a memory that is stronger when they are able to associate the emotions felt with that memory to other memories where they had similar emotions.  This type of memory is especially problematic because when a women becomes angry with her partner, she is often able to recall other situations where he has angered her. Unless the difference in memory is recognized it can become a source of frustration in a relationship when the man and woman don't understand why their partner doesn't remember something that is so vivid to them. 

Men and Women also often have different communication styles which can complicate a relationship.  Men tend to be more introspective about their problems and choose to deal with them internally and without discussing them with their partner.  When they do decide to discuss a problem it's usually after much thought and careful consideration.  Women on the other hand enjoy conversing about their problems with their partner and believe that doing so helps them to understand their problem better and come to a solution more easily.  Women often use communication as a method for reaching a conclusion.  They view the discussion as a way to figure out a solution.  The he said/she said aspects of communications must be understood to avoid frustration and disappointment in a relationship.

Men and women have different styles when it comes to problem solving, sensitivity, memory and communication in a relationship.  Careful observance and understanding of these differences is necessary for a relationship to flourish.  Understanding these he said/she said principals and being willing to get beyond them will help to minimize difficulties in a relationship; in regards to gender differences.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I’m So Happy I Could Cry I Got My Boyfriend Back


I’m So Happy I Could Cry I Got My Boyfriend Back.

I have been sitting here at the kitchen table with my best girlfriend, Lisa, crying and laughing at the same time. Actually both of us are so darn giddy, it's hilarious. And when we start laughing really, really hard, I almost pee on myself. Oh Gawd! I've started giggling again. Hold on a second, I have to stop laughing and then I'll tell you all about it.

Now let me tell you why we are so giddy. About six months ago my boyfriend dumped me. As you can imagine, I was completely devastated.I thought I was having a heart attack; it hurt so bad. I was so messed up. All I did was cry hour after hour. I couldn’t think, much less try to go to work. You know what I’m saying right?

About 3 days into the worst event of my life, a thought hit me. It was almost like a white hot electrical shock from a huge lightning bolt coming out of the sky and hitting me. I really, really love this guy and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. And the first question that popped into my mind was, "How do I get him back?"

I had already tried to text and call him, but he just plain ignored me. Then I went over to his house and almost got on my knees begging him to take me back. Mike was very gentle, as he explained what was going on with him and then he asked me to leave. And that’s when I blew my top. I just plain lost it. But I did leave.

After getting home I called Lisa, bawling my eyes out again and she rushed over; to comfort me and give some much needed advice.

Lisa had gone through the same thing with her boyfriend within the last year, so she knew what she was talking about. As we talked she told me how she had done the same things I had and they didn’t work for her either. “O.K.! Then how did you get Greg back?” I asked.

“Listen,” she said. “Donna, the first thing you have to do is stop acting like a fool. You’re going to have to take your time and figure out what caused Mike to breakup with you. Once we have that figured out we can layout a battle plan to get him back.” And trust me that‘s precisely what we did.

Lisa went online to your blog and began to list the things she had used and I was going to have to do to win my ex back:

* Start looking my best, all the time not just part of the time
* Determine why Mike and I had fallen in love the first time
* Start doing the things that had attracted Mike to me originally
* Stop texting, stop calling, stop going to his house

To make a long story short I followed Your wise advice and last night Mike asked me to marry him. Oh Gawd! The ring is beautiful. Now you know why I’m so giddy I could cry.

But I have to tell you without Lisa and your advice I would have lost Mike forever. P.S. Thank you so much Dr. Pharms,PhD.

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

5 Tips For When Your Ex Wants To Get Back Together

5 Tips For When Your Ex Wants To Get Back Together

Some people end their relationship with a clean break. Both parties agree that they should not be together. Others will simply end the relationship on their terms. While they are done with the relationship, the other person will still want to stay together. This relationship can be difficult, as the person who ended the relationship must deal with the ex who wanted to stay together. There will come a time when your ex wants to get back together. Instead of making an irrational decision, follow these 5 tips. These tips will help you to make the best decision.

Consider Your First Relationship

If your ex wants to get together again, you need to consider the relationship that you had. Why did you break up in the first place? You need to consider the end of your first relationship before you consider another one. If the issue is something that cannot be repaired, you should not even bother with a reconciliation attempt.

Consider Your Life Now

You need to make sure that you consider your life now when considering getting back together with an ex. You may be willing to give it a shot, but do you have the time? Are you in a place in your life where you can handle a full relationship? The answers to these questions will help you in your final decision making process.

Be Patient and Kind

It is important for you to be patient and kind to your ex. They are dealing with a lot of emotions. You want to make sure that you do not make these emotions stronger. Be patient with them and listen to what they have to say. This conversation may be useful to you, as it may help you to make up your mind.

Talk To your Friends

Talk to your friends about the situation. Talk to them about how your ex feels, how you feel, and all of the different factors that will affect your decision. It will be good for you to say these things out loud to someone, as it can be helpful to talk it through with someone.

Make the Decision On Your Own

In the end, you need to make sure that you are making the decision on your own. You should not make this decision based on your ex, or on your friends. Take yourself and your own feelings into consideration. This should be the basis for your final decision.

You need to make sure that you are looking out for yourself. While you should take the words of your ex and your friends into consideration, you need to make the decision on your own. Think about what is best for you when your ex wants to get back together. When you think about your best interests, you will always make the right decision.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Proven Advice For Teens Dealing With Breakups

Proven Advice For Teens Dealing With Breakups

Teenagers and adults tend to handle things differently in certain situations, and dealing with breakups is absolutely no exception. Some of the greatest advice that can be offered to teenagers dealing with breakups can be found online, because there are teenagers all over the world that are learning the lessons of love the hard way, by losing the people they cared about to breakups.

If you are a teenager and you have been recently separated from your boyfriend or your girlfriend, then you are probably feeling heartbroken right now, which is simply expected no matter how old you are. Luckily, you have plenty of living ahead of you, and you will meet a surprising number of suitors in your life that are better suited for you. Everyone goes through love and loss, and while it is unpleasant to begin so young, you can and will move on from this moment of heartbreak.

Here is some basic advice for teens dealing with breakups and the associated heartbreak.

- Do not try to rekindle things with your ex right away. The best way to show your ex that you are worth getting back together with is to play it cool and let him or her think that you're doing just fine without them. Play it cool by acting like you're having fun and hanging out with people, and that you do not need your ex to enjoy yourself.

- The initial period of time that occurs after a breakup can be rough, and you might feel tempted to get back with your ex, but you need to let your emotions simmer first so as to come off as calm and cool rather than needy and desperate. If you act desperately, this will actually greatly diminish your ability to get things going with your ex again in the future.

- The best plan to follow is to stop constantly calling, texting and trying to see your ex. Move on, or at least facilitate the appearance that you are moving on. Play hard to get. Play it cool. Let your ex develop the needy and desperate feelings rather than exhibiting them yourself.

- Get out of the house and see other people. Spend time with friends, meet new people, and have fun. Let your ex see that you are having fun and getting along fine. Don't be afraid to flirt a little. This will work wonders for your self esteem and your hurt feelings, and will create a little bit of jealousy in your ex. Let your ex simmer for a while, and you will start looking much more attractive to him or her in no time at all.

However, a word of caution with this particular word of advice, for teens dealing with breakups; don't overdo the jealousy factor as it can easily backfire on you.

- Take things slow. Even if your intention is to get things going with your ex, the breakup is going to have created residual feelings of heartbreak, so you need to mend your heart before you strike up any relationship, ex or not.

To sum up this advice for teens dealing with breakups, use your common sense and keep your emotions under control. By doing so you will find that time will be your best friend as your heart heals :)

Dr. Pharms, PhD.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

How To Be An Amazing Girlfriend Without Being Wonder Woman

How To Be An Amazing Girlfriend Without Being Wonder Woman

The good news is that it is fairly simple to answer how to be an amazing girlfriend. You just need to know certain tricks and soon he will love the ground you walk on.

Often when women get involved with a man, they start to become comfortable.  They stop dressing as well as they once did and leave waxing and other grooming a little bit longer than we should.  This is the first step to being amazing. You never want him to see you looking anything other than your best.  Yes ladies this means that the fluffy nightwear stays firmly in the closest and the sexy black negligee is neatly folded under the pillow :)

This brings us to the next step. You have to have a very active and interesting sex life in order to gain the amazing girlfriend award.  Seriously now is the time to be reading Karma Sutra cover to cover and putting some of the easier moves into practice.  Men love a great time in bed but they like it even better when they turn their partner on so if he does make it obvious. Yes think the dinner scene from when Harry met Sally!  Initiate sex and be open to trying different techniques and positions.  Obviously you shouldn't do anything you are uncomfortable with but forget the missionary position every night. That's predictable and boring and doesn't merit the description of amazing.

Let your man out with his friends and don't call or text to find out where he is or who he is with. Men hate clingy insecure women. They don't mind you being a little jealous if some other female flirts with him but they expect you to trust them when they are on a night out.

If you want to be a permanent fixture in your man's life, you need to treat his family and friends with respect. Sure they may not be the people you would chose to socialize with.  I am guessing if you were honest, some of your own family wouldn't meet this criteria either.   Your man's family will be important to him. In fact you should have already checked how he treats his mom as that is a good indication of how he will treat you in years to come.

It may be easy to answer the question how to be an amazing girlfriend but I am not saying that it will always be easy to put it into practice. But if you master at least some of these techniques you have more chance of moving onto the next step in your relationship.  If you think that this is all too much effort, you may just find that your man has plenty of other female friends just waiting for the chance to prove they have what it takes to be an amazing girlfriend.

If you love this man and want to be walking down the street holding hands when you are in your twilight years, you need to take action now. Go on - what have you got to lose?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I Want My Ex Back Now

 I Want My Ex Back Now

I want my ex back now is a common refrain and one that is thankfully easily remedied.  Most of us have broken up at some point with our partners over something very silly. Perhaps we lost our temper or we got into a silly argument and now regret it.  Thankfully these types of breakups are easy to rectify.

But perhaps you have broken up over something more serious.  Perhaps one of you were unfaithful or lied to your partner? These are bigger problems to overcome but they are not necessarily the end of the road. If both of you are happy to make an effort to reconcile, you can get over almost any obstacle.   You may need some professional help from a third party.  This may take the form of relationship counseling either as a couple or separately.  There are many great articles within my blog on this subject which can be very helpful at putting things into perspective.

The first thing you should do is to arrange a meeting in a public place. If you meet in private you could let your emotions take over and either end up having a huge argument or in bed making love.  Of course the second option might be enjoyable but it will not necessarily sort out getting your ex back.

Meeting to discuss your relationship is a chance for you both to air your grievances. This is not a blame game and if you have the idea that you are going to make your ex partner pay for their behavior then do yourself a favor and walk away now.  What you want to do is acknowledge that you two have some issues to work through but you want the relationship to work and would like to give it another go.

Having any sort of  marriage/ partnership with someone takes work and commitment.  We are very different in how we think about things and how we communicate.  Sometimes we can blow issues out of all proportion and either our pride or our tempers prevent us from discussing our problems like adults and we behave like kids.

If you want your ex back, you will need to convince them that you have something special and worth fighting for.  Be prepared for some reservations depending on the original reasons for breaking up.  Don't try to make them take you back by making them jealous or playing any other types of games. Games belong in the school yard.  Make an effort to look your best. It helps if you wear an outfit that you know your partner likes and finds attractive.  Use their favorite scent and cologne as well.

Keep the conversation civil and talk about the great times you have shared and your dreams for the future. It may take a while and more than one meeting but in time you may be back together and no longer saying I want ex back now!

Monday, February 4, 2013

5 Ways To Be Romantic After A Break Up

 5 Ways To Be Romantic After A Break Up

So you've broken up with the person you love and you want them back. But how can you be romantic with someone after you've broken up with them? That doesn't exactly provide you with opportunities for romance when you're not dating or seeing each other at all.

It can certainly be a challenge, but here are 5 ways to be romantic after a break up that can help you express your feelings. These ideas not only offer the opportunity for romance, but they'll make your ex feel special which is one of the most important things you can do when you want to get back together.

It's important to remember, however, that you need to respect your ex's wishes. If you're calling and stopping by and they want you to stop, you need to stop. But that doesn't mean you can't make a romantic gesture.

But your gesture will be better received if you don't do it immediately. Stop bothering your ex and begging them back. Give them some space without you. After some time has passed, then make one of these romantic gestures which will surprise them and remind them of you.

Tip one: send flowers. Don't do this immediately after you give your ex what they want by contacting them less. Wait a little while then send a bouquet of their favorite flowers and have them delivered. Don't have them delivered when they're at work or in front of many other people. Have them delivered at home instead.

And don't write wishes of getting back together or love on the card that's attached. Include a message that says something as simple as I hope you're doing well, or hope you're okay.

Tip two: focus on them. Wait a while and then call or stop by when it feels like it would be okay to do so. But don't talk about yourself or what you want. Ask if they need anything or if there's anything that you can help them with. Do this without the pressure of anything in return.

Tip three: do something very thoughtful. After some time has passed, send them a thoughtful card or gift that's obviously just for them. If they have exams coming up or a tough project at work, send a card of encouragement about it without mentioning yourself. For a birthday or any type of occasion, instead of the fancy gift, wash their car or give them something practical to show that you care.

Tip four: make a romantic gesture that doesn't necessarily include you. Surprise them with two tickets to a movie or play designed for them to take someone else. They might just ask you now that the pressure's off.

Tip five: give up something you know they want. Whether it was a CD or anything that belongs to you that you can replace, offer it to them in goodwill. These 5 ways to be romantic after a break up can help your efforts to get back together and make you both feel good.