
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Two energies can't share the same space at the same time.Your Mind can't share space with FAITH and fear at the same time.Choose FAITH
The negative one's are on their job daily,always employed until We STOP Listening to them: ) Never Give Up on Your Success: )
Once we get Angry at Our Condition, then Fear will Leave and POSITIVE Change will begin.Angry Yet? Never Give Up on Your Success: )

Friday, July 22, 2011

The negative ones will Say... Oh, that won't work or See told You so.But when SUCCESS Arrives, they are the First to ask You for MONEY:)
Why would You keep some one in Your Inner Circle,who Finds JOY, in Tearing YOU Down? You DESERVE Better, like Positive Thinking/ Treatment.
The negative thinking mind set ones, will call You a Dreamer or You live in a Dream world. So, all Modern Advancement came from where?
The negative thinking mind set ones, will NEVER give You Positive words to Inspire You to Greatness. Never Give Up on Your Success:)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

In this Life of Ours, We will all Trip,Slip, Stumble and Fall. We this happen to You, be sure to land in Prayer and GET BACK UP:)