A Man’s Perspective on How to Attract a Guy
In needing dating advice from men, many women are really looking to learn what makes a man tick. Furthermore, it’s easy to become discouraged in the world of dating today. Media puts so much pressure on people (women especially) to hold themselves to these unrealistic ideals of “beauty”.According to popular magazines, a woman might only be beautiful if she is extremely thin, or has full pouty lips, or a deep, dark (and usually artificial by the way) tan. Photos of women who have been air brushed to within inches of their lives and who are often unhealthy because of the pressures of the beauty industry are the photos that real women like you compare themselves to.
As a result, women like you often become discouraged and develop a poor body image. That often snowballs into a dating life that leaves you feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. Either you are attracting the wrong kind of men, or you wind up feeling too down on yourself to even bother with dating altogether and are left wondering “will I ever find my true love?”. I would say that’s a pretty sad state of affairs, wouldn’t you?
Every Woman Has Something Beautiful About Them That Makes Them Marriage Material ( yea! )
I’m here to tell you to throw all that “ideal woman” crap out the window. Take it from a man who knows… beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. There is a man out there in this world who thinks YOU are the most beautiful woman on this planet. Don’t despair if you haven’t yet met him, because I guarantee you he is out there, just waiting to be found. You just have to be willing to look.And it’s important to remember that while at first glimmer of interest we men might initially start looking at you in a physical way ( Men are more visual, wheres women are more audio). But the real, deeper attraction happens when we start to talk to you and get to know you better. We become attracted to the little quirks that make you unique. Maybe we love the softness of your hands, the dimple in your chin or the way you smell.
Maybe we love the way you fill out a pair of jeans, or the way your eyes crinkle up when you smile. True attraction happens on a deeper level than just looks. Real beauty isn’t just a pretty face or a perfect body. The men who are marriage material, the men you are looking for YOU; they already know this. They are looking for the beauty inside a woman. They want to find that woman that will look beyond their own flaws too and really see the man they are inside.
Because deep down, we men are concerned also. We secretly reflect on that we may never find Mrs. Right. We get nervous in initiating a conversation or asking a woman out. And just like you we want to be loved, flaws and all. The difference is we’re men. We don’t communicate those things well. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t feeling them also.