
Thursday, August 4, 2011

You MUST have FAITH. A Deep Down Belief that Your GOING to MAKE it.Your GOING to MAKE a Difference in this Life:)
If you can think of any Person that has Shared a Smile with You, then Your Loved:) A Smile is a compact boost of Love Shared with another:)
When You feel like giving up, remember these words to Pull Yourself back Up.There are People in Your life that Love You:) You can't quit.
Let Me be the First to say that Your doing a Great Job.Keep up the Great Positive Efforts.I'm Proud of You:) Never Give Up on Your Success:)
Today is the day that You evict that ugly so called friend from your life. And that's a negative mind set.Never Give Up on Your Success: )

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Happiness is Positive Energy and is a Zillion times more Powerful than negative energy.Time to get Happy:) Never Give upon Your Success:)
Fear, despair, panic,worry and feeling hopeless.Those thoughts won't attract Love and Abunbance into Your life.Its TIME for Positive Change.
Some call it a one track mind.Its really Focused Positive Mental Action Thinking.What are You Focused on?Never Give Up on Your Success:)
You Deserve to Have a Life of Love and Abundance. I Want this for YOU, but YOU Must WANT this for Yourself in order to ATTRACT it :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's TIME to Take back Your LIFE and LIVE Again: ) You Have the POWER: ) Never GIVE Up on Your Success: )
I REFUSE to LIVE My Life filled with fear and despair. Will You join Me in this POSITIVE Movement: ) Never Give Up on Your Success: )
Remember, it Takes More Strength to be Happy than sad. True Strength is Fueled by Positive FAITH energy.Never Give Up on Your Success:)
So Many things happen outside of our Human control and understanding. I don't have all the answers, I TRUST the LORD and keep moving:)
make your Faith bigger than your fear. Make Your FAITH BIGGER than Your fear: ) Never Give Up on Your Success: )

Monday, August 1, 2011

Your True Power and Beauty lies within YOU. Believe in its Awesome Positive Energy. Believe in Yourself: ) Never Give Up on Your Success :)
Commit Yourself to Love the One that's has been with You for so MANY Years. And that's YOU :) Never Give Up on Your Success:)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tough times Never last forever, but Tough POSITIVE People Do:) Never Give Up on Your Success :)