
Saturday, November 26, 2011

5LINX November $1,000.00 Quick Start Bonus:

Here's a video from my SVP and Mentor: SVP. Dwayne Eddings, explaining the new $ 1000.00 Quick start bonus for the month of November.

Also here's my direct email to reach me: , I look forward to helping You Achieve Abundance in Your Life :)

Dr. Paul Pharms, PhD. 5Linx Global Expansion Leader.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Charge thru the Storms of Life:

Your either in the beginning, middle or at the end of a personal storm. Which ever stage Your in, Strive and Press Forward to Achieve Your Personal Victory.You'll get Rewarded for not giving up:) Remember, that the Victory goes not to the Strong or the Swift, but only to those that can Endure the Test's of life:) Greatness Lives inside of YOU :) Never Give Up On Your SUCCESS:)
The closerYou come to Achieving a Goal, the More negative junk will come to distract You from doing so. This is Your cue to Press Onward:)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Real Secret to True Power

The more Positive thoughts of Love and Abundance that fills your Heart and Mind the more Powerful you will Become:)

Focus Your thoughts towards Love and Abundance and know that this will help You to Achieve all that Your Heart and Mind craves for:)

Once, You Accept the Fact that Greatness Lives inside of You and Start Striving to fulfill Your Dreams, no human being can stop You:)

You are just that POWERFUL:)
Never Give Up on Your SUCCESS:)

Together,we can build a strong Financial Future:

My friends, we Must do for Ourselves. All that read my Post, let's do Business together. We can form Our own Business Master Mind Group. Inbox Me if Your serious about changing Your Condition:
Never think that Your alone, there are people that Care about You. You just have to look at them in a new light:) Friendship is Priceless:)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Let me be the first to say, that I'm PROUD of You and Keep Striving to Achieve Greatness. And thanks for liking my Positive Posts:)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

There's to much concern about having to always getting it right. Be More Concerned about Never Giving Up on Your SUCCESS:)
Rock,paper,scissors. Strong will like a Rock, flexable like Paper and can Cut thru all negative junk like Scissors:)
When Your feeling stressed, angry or fearful. Say, to Yourself... HE LOVES me, HE LOVES me, HE LOVES me and HE will never leave me:)
Before Peace can come upon the earth, it Must be made within Ourselves. Then we will Truly have Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all Humanity.
The Challenges in life are Design to bring forth the Greatness in YOU. It takes extreme pressure on a piece of coal to make a DIAMOND:)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Five Things can Change Your Life for the Better :)

Write down five things that Your Grateful for Now and five things that You WANT Now. And what Your willing to GIVE in Return for the five things that You WANT Now:) Read, them aloud with Feeling three times a day for Ninety days and Watch how Your life starts to change for the Better:) P.S. YOU Must BELIEVE in this for it to Work :) Never Give Up on Your SUCCESS:)

Are You Opened...?

If the Miracle of Attracting Love and Abundance hasn't happened for You yet, Its because of negative attraction thinking:) When You spend Most of Your time thinking about, what You don't have, what You used to have, what doesn't work anymore, who kicked You to the curb, who don't like You, and so and so has more than You. You don't solve any of them,You attract more negative thoughts and people just like them :( When we are GRATEFUL for what we do HAVE, we start to OPEN the doors of POSITIVE forces of LOVE and ABUNDANCE :) Why? , because we are now OPEN to RECEIVE them and able to understand what has held us back for so long, aka: self. A Positive Mental Action Thinking Life Style is one filled with FAITH. Not, little faith, but BIG FAITH!!! This is the kind of FAITH that YOU need to propel YOURSElF to GREATNESS:) You Have UN LIMITED abilities inside Your Goodness/ Greatness and they are ready to come forth and spread POSITIVE light upon the world:) Greatness Lives inside of You :) Never Give Up on Your SUCCESS:)
Would'nt YOU rather Live Your Life Striving for Personal GREATNESS, than to live Your life as a quitter ? Never Give Up on Your SUCCESS:)
You can choose to be content with the present You.Or Become the GREAT Person of Your DREAMS.Never Give Up on Your SUCCESS:)
The only Limits to Your Greatness are only the ones that You place upon Yourself. Unleash Your Greatness upon the world:)
A Positive Attitude Will Give You Power.
Never Give Up on Your SUCCESS:)
Be Patient and keep Striving. You can go through life or You can Grow through life. Believe, that GREATNESS Lives inside of You:)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I will Strive to Become Greater than I am !!

Always will I Strive to be Greater than I am. I must SURPASS MYSELF. In each successive act, test,
encounter, thought. I will be GREATER than in the one previous. I am what I am now, but in an hour I
must be MORE than I am now. In everything must I exert more power to surpass myself. I am Powerful :) Never Give Up on Your SUCCESS:)

Siempre me esfuerzo por ser más grande que yo. Me tengo que superar. En cada acto sucesivo, prueba,
encuentro, el pensamiento. Voy a ser mayor que en la anterior. Yo soy lo que soy ahora, pero en una hora me
debe ser más de lo que soy ahora. En todo lo que tengo que ejercer más poder para mí superar. Yo soy poderoso:) Nunca te rindas en tu éxito:)

" Keeping Your Dreams Alive "

It's a sad fact: Many people get so discouraged they
completely give up on their Dreams:( For those that has been reading my post, I know you're not one of those people:) ( YEA!!!! ) Keep Going, You're only one step away from Achieving Personal Greatness:) Only, one step away from Attracting Love and Abundance into Your Life:) I'm so very PROUD of You :) Those that Achieve Greatness are the ones that Refuse to give up on their Success. Never Give Up on Your SUCCESS :) Dr. Paul Pharms, PhD :)

Es un hecho triste: Mucha gente se desanime por lo que
completamente renunciar a sus sueños: (Para los que ha estado leyendo mi mensaje, yo sé que no eres una de esas personas:) (! YEA!) Sigue y Sigue, sólo está a un paso de alcanzar la grandeza personal :) Solo, a un paso de atraer el amor y la abundancia en tu vida:) estoy muy orgulloso de ti:) Los que alcanzan la grandeza son los que se niegan a renunciar a su éxito. Nunca te rindas en tu éxito:) Dr. Pablo Pharms, PhD:)