Want Ex Back Changing What Went Bad to Get My Ex Back
Ladies, you are home after a date with yet another guy. It didn't go well. You find yourself saying I want ex back.
After a break up, you may move on to other people. But, when you constantly find yourself thinking you want ex back, are there things you can do to rekindle an old relationship?
There are, and in this article, I present you with five strategies for when you want ex back.
First, clear your energy from other people. Don't invest time and energy in men who aren't your ex. For your old relationship to start working again, you have to prepare your mind, body and soul for him.If you are flirting with another guy, dating other men, or even worse, sleeping around, you are not preparing the proper mindset for getting your ex back.
Next, keep your dignity. Don't chase your ex, flooding him with hundreds of text messages, calling him at odd times of day, or stalking him. Also, you need to make him respect you and treat you well. Don't be a doormat. You will only command your ex's respect and love when you are yourself at your best. Hold your head high. You will increase your chances of getting back together with your ex if you do.
Third, make a list of the things you appreciate about your ex and spend some time dwelling on them. Sometimes, a bad break up ends with all kinds of accusations. Now that you have some breathing room, start to concentrate on his good points. This is a good thing to do when you want ex back.
Next, when you get back together, try changing some of the circumstances. Go to new places and try new things. Take up a new hobby together. Meet new people. By changing the environment of your relationship, you have a better chance of making it work. Don't fall into the same old patterns of your relationship. You may even want to tune your relationship down a notch. If you were living together, try having separate places for a while. If you were engaged, try just dating. Don't try to force your relationship back into old patterns.
Finally, create a shared sense of destiny. While fate certainly plays a role in our lives, we are the ones who write our life script. Map out with your partner where you want to go. When you do this together, you create a mission with a place for both of you.
When you want ex back, you have to work with new scenarios. Follow the advice in this article if you want ex back.
For Your information on Want Ex Back Changing What Went Bad To Get My Ex:
A blog from a Relationship Consultant. One that loves what he does and wants to share some of his learning experiences.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Romance Tools and Romantic Ideas to Ignite Her Passion
Romance Tools and Romantic Ideas to Ignite Her Passion
Men, here are some romance items you should have available at all times to help you to be spontaneous and romantic. Do you want to romance her, spark her libido and ignite her passion? Then here are some romantic ideas and some romance supplies you should have:
Romantic Candles. Get the kind of candles that come in their own glass jar with a lid. They are safer than the tall candles, won't spill wax all over the place and when you put the lid on they go out without filling the room with smoke. Choose scented candles with mild scents like vanilla or melon - or your partner's favorite scent.
Here's a romantic idea: light them all around the living room - at night, and just sit on the couch and talk with her, communication builds and strengthens intimacy.
Romantic "I love you" Cards.
Get about 15 different "thinking of you" and "I love you" greeting cards. Then - over the course of a few months, whenever you have the idea of leaving one in her purse or car or mailing one to her work, you can do it before you forget. Just write a short personal note in each when you send it.
Here's a romantic idea: send her a card a day for a week and then personally bring flowers to her at work at the end of the week as a romantic surprise. She'll love it!
Romantic Bubble Bath.
Get scented bubble bath for your partner - but don't give it to her - yet. The cucumber and melon scents are really relaxing.
Romantic idea: make her a bath, use the romantic bubble bath and put some romantic candles (above) around the tub. Then just leave and let her enjoy some peace (unless she asks you to join her). She'll melt with relaxation.
Romance Incense. Incense can really make your home smell nice and create a relaxing atmosphere. Some incense are really powerful.
A Blanket can be Romantic.
Keep a blanket in your trunk. That way, you can do spontaneous romantic excursions like stopping, laying on the blanket and looking at the stars on a clear night or just enjoy relaxing under a tree on a warm day.
Your Romantic Cell Phone.
Yes - your cell phone can be romantic - just call her out of the blue just to say I'm very thankful for you and "I love you."
Romance idea: send her loving text messages at random times in the week.
Try to do something small two or three times a week for her - such as a card or note or a call or e-mail. Try to do something medium for her at least once a week - such as bring home flowers or make a nice dinner. And try to do something big for her at least once a month - such as a full evening without kids that includes a nice dinner, a bath and a massage - all truly from your heart with no obligations attached. Mix it up - make nothing routine.
Every once in a while, go a week or two without doing anything romantic except calling or e-mailing to keep the romantic love connection flowing. Then start romancing her again. She'll appreciate it more that way - it won't be the same ol' thing.
For Your information on Romance Tools and Romantic Ideas to Ignite Her Passion:
Friday, January 20, 2012
Things I ve Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me?
Things I ve Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me
Okay, I'll admit, I've been dumped. More than once. More than I'd like to admit, actually. And, while it hurt quite a bit each time, I have to say that I have grown tremendously from the experiences. So, here are some things I've learned from women who ve dumped me.
Things I've Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me #1:
It takes two.
Often with the pain and heartbreak of a break up, it is easy to blame the other person for your misery. But the truth is that if the relationship was no longer working, you were part of the problem. Evaluate what went on so that you can apply the lessons to your next relationship.
Things I've Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me #2: Give women their personal space.
Women like to cuddle and snuggle. They may seem to always be around. But they need their personal space too. Men have a tendency to be possessive. We want to keep tabs on there personal space, you send the message that you don't trust your partner. This can easily lead to the end of the relationship.
Things I've Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me #3: You get stronger over time:)
When you wake up in the morning and the hurt's so real, you may believe that you will never get over the break up. But the truth is that not only does time heal all pain, but you will emerge from the break up a stronger person. As philosopher Frederick Nietzsche said, That which doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.
Things I've Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me #4: It's okay if it wasn't meant to be.
Coming to accept that a relationship wasn't meant to be is a key factor in healing. If you had started projecting your relationship into the future considering marriage, thinking about children and then the woman you were with broke everything off, consider it a blessing. It is better to end a relationship that wasn't meant to be earlier rather than later.
Things I've Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me #5: Good things don't happen unless you make them happen.
Finally, the last lesson I want to share with you is that you can't control what happened, but you can control to how you react to what happened. If you want good things to happen in the future, you have to make them happen.
That means getting back on TRACK. Go out, meet new people. Have some fun. Eventually, you will find another relationship. And, if you have followed the advice in this article about things I've learned from women who ve dumped me, the relationship will be even better and stronger than the last one:)
For Your information on Things Ive Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me:
Okay, I'll admit, I've been dumped. More than once. More than I'd like to admit, actually. And, while it hurt quite a bit each time, I have to say that I have grown tremendously from the experiences. So, here are some things I've learned from women who ve dumped me.
Things I've Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me #1:
It takes two.
Often with the pain and heartbreak of a break up, it is easy to blame the other person for your misery. But the truth is that if the relationship was no longer working, you were part of the problem. Evaluate what went on so that you can apply the lessons to your next relationship.
Things I've Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me #2: Give women their personal space.
Women like to cuddle and snuggle. They may seem to always be around. But they need their personal space too. Men have a tendency to be possessive. We want to keep tabs on there personal space, you send the message that you don't trust your partner. This can easily lead to the end of the relationship.
Things I've Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me #3: You get stronger over time:)
When you wake up in the morning and the hurt's so real, you may believe that you will never get over the break up. But the truth is that not only does time heal all pain, but you will emerge from the break up a stronger person. As philosopher Frederick Nietzsche said, That which doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.
Things I've Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me #4: It's okay if it wasn't meant to be.
Coming to accept that a relationship wasn't meant to be is a key factor in healing. If you had started projecting your relationship into the future considering marriage, thinking about children and then the woman you were with broke everything off, consider it a blessing. It is better to end a relationship that wasn't meant to be earlier rather than later.
Things I've Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me #5: Good things don't happen unless you make them happen.
Finally, the last lesson I want to share with you is that you can't control what happened, but you can control to how you react to what happened. If you want good things to happen in the future, you have to make them happen.
That means getting back on TRACK. Go out, meet new people. Have some fun. Eventually, you will find another relationship. And, if you have followed the advice in this article about things I've learned from women who ve dumped me, the relationship will be even better and stronger than the last one:)
For Your information on Things Ive Learned from Women Who ve Dumped Me:
Romance 101 ?
Romance 101
Men, what woman doesn’t want to be treated to a little romance every once in a while? Many women will agree that romance is all about the details. Small gestures really do make a normal night out into something romantic. So listen up…because these tips will sure earn you some points…
The key to being romantic is thoughtfulness…so start being a little less selfish. Learn that mood, location, situation and ambiance can heighten romance with dramatic effect. Communicate with your partner on every level and anticipate their desires and needs. Look at your partner when they are talking and hold their gaze.
Try doing little things to get right at your partner’s soft spot. Phone just to say hello, I love you and give your partner a nice surprise. Send them notes and small cards telling them you are thinking of them. Be spontaneous and do little deeds that show you care. Bring home take out from their favorite restaurant or take them to their favorite ice cream shop. Flowers are always a nice touch at any time of year. Be creative and pick out their favorite colors and types for a personal touch.
Remember birthdays, anniversaries and landmark days such as the day you two first met or first kissed, and plan something…maybe a return to the first date location. Listen to clues that your partner might drop, such as their favorite dessert or books they like, and surprise them with little gifts.
Learn how to hug, cuddle and make physical contact. Dance together when the occasion arises. Hold hands and do anything to make your partner feel close to you.
Write her a letter and let her know that you love her and you mean it. Use nice stationary, or make your own card, which shows thought and inspiration.
In terms of dates, learn how to cook your partner’s favorite dish. Plan a surprise candlelit dinner followed by a romantic movie. Take your partner on a outing to the park or beach and prepare in advance without involving them. This initiative is very romantic:)
For Your information on Romance 101:
Men, what woman doesn’t want to be treated to a little romance every once in a while? Many women will agree that romance is all about the details. Small gestures really do make a normal night out into something romantic. So listen up…because these tips will sure earn you some points…
The key to being romantic is thoughtfulness…so start being a little less selfish. Learn that mood, location, situation and ambiance can heighten romance with dramatic effect. Communicate with your partner on every level and anticipate their desires and needs. Look at your partner when they are talking and hold their gaze.
Try doing little things to get right at your partner’s soft spot. Phone just to say hello, I love you and give your partner a nice surprise. Send them notes and small cards telling them you are thinking of them. Be spontaneous and do little deeds that show you care. Bring home take out from their favorite restaurant or take them to their favorite ice cream shop. Flowers are always a nice touch at any time of year. Be creative and pick out their favorite colors and types for a personal touch.
Remember birthdays, anniversaries and landmark days such as the day you two first met or first kissed, and plan something…maybe a return to the first date location. Listen to clues that your partner might drop, such as their favorite dessert or books they like, and surprise them with little gifts.
Learn how to hug, cuddle and make physical contact. Dance together when the occasion arises. Hold hands and do anything to make your partner feel close to you.
Write her a letter and let her know that you love her and you mean it. Use nice stationary, or make your own card, which shows thought and inspiration.
In terms of dates, learn how to cook your partner’s favorite dish. Plan a surprise candlelit dinner followed by a romantic movie. Take your partner on a outing to the park or beach and prepare in advance without involving them. This initiative is very romantic:)
For Your information on Romance 101:
Thursday, January 19, 2012
I Lost Love Every Relationship Has a Time Line
Hey Doc, I read your posts on relationships and they are helping me. I want to thank you for taking out the time to help those of us, trying to get our relationship stuff together. Since, I'm getting a whole lot stronger I would like to share my story and maybe it will help someone out. Doc, please don't post my name, thanks.
Why I Lost Love,
In my case, my girlfriend and I were thinking about ratcheting up our relationship. Her lease was about to end, and she wanted to move into my apartment. As we were spending most of our time there anyway, it made sense from a financial perspective.
But there is something significant about having separate places. I know I lost love because I couldn't handle her taking our relationship to this level. I guess the time span of our relationship was up because I wasn't willing to become more committed.
Now, I know I handled the situation badly. I went to a friend,s bachelor party and let's just say things got out of hand. Word about the wild antics at the party got back to my girlfriend, naturally, and she dumped me. I lost love over the events of one night.
But, when I think back on what really happened, the events of the bachelor party were really a reaction to our discussion of more commitment. I seriously don't think I would have behaved the way I did if I really wanted her to move in. I lost love because I wasn't ready for the direction it was taking.
I'm glad I had the chance to be in a relationship with my ex. But I don't think she was the love of my life, my soul mate. Instead, she was someone with whom I genuinely enjoyed spending time. I loved her. I still love her. But, she is not the person with whom I see spending the rest of my life.
I went through a period of mourning the relationship and analyzing what went wrong. I really was hurt when she said she wanted to end things. Sure, I understood that I had hurt her. But, I didn't want her to leave my life completely.
I guess what I wanted was for things to continue on the way they were. But, every relationship has to grow or die. Because I wasn't willing to let it grow, it had to die. In every relationship, there is a time to die. And, for me, this was it. That's how I lost love.
Dear, I Lost Love,
Reading you story the words of Alfred Lord Tennyson's quote, Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, comes to mind. I think it is important to remember that every relationship has a natural lifespan. In Junior High, that's about four days. As we get older, the lifespan increases. But, there are certain relationships that are right for a period of time and then go awry. Most of us will only have one great love in our lives. The other relationships will terminate. I understand that this is a natural process, painful but yet a process. I do see that you have grown as a person and that's always a very good thing and do keep up the good works. You are now positioning yourself to become the Man of a Woman's Dream. Keep love alive in your life and grow on in a positive way.
For Your information on Keeping Love:
Why I Lost Love,
In my case, my girlfriend and I were thinking about ratcheting up our relationship. Her lease was about to end, and she wanted to move into my apartment. As we were spending most of our time there anyway, it made sense from a financial perspective.
But there is something significant about having separate places. I know I lost love because I couldn't handle her taking our relationship to this level. I guess the time span of our relationship was up because I wasn't willing to become more committed.
Now, I know I handled the situation badly. I went to a friend,s bachelor party and let's just say things got out of hand. Word about the wild antics at the party got back to my girlfriend, naturally, and she dumped me. I lost love over the events of one night.
But, when I think back on what really happened, the events of the bachelor party were really a reaction to our discussion of more commitment. I seriously don't think I would have behaved the way I did if I really wanted her to move in. I lost love because I wasn't ready for the direction it was taking.
I'm glad I had the chance to be in a relationship with my ex. But I don't think she was the love of my life, my soul mate. Instead, she was someone with whom I genuinely enjoyed spending time. I loved her. I still love her. But, she is not the person with whom I see spending the rest of my life.
I went through a period of mourning the relationship and analyzing what went wrong. I really was hurt when she said she wanted to end things. Sure, I understood that I had hurt her. But, I didn't want her to leave my life completely.
I guess what I wanted was for things to continue on the way they were. But, every relationship has to grow or die. Because I wasn't willing to let it grow, it had to die. In every relationship, there is a time to die. And, for me, this was it. That's how I lost love.
Dear, I Lost Love,
Reading you story the words of Alfred Lord Tennyson's quote, Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, comes to mind. I think it is important to remember that every relationship has a natural lifespan. In Junior High, that's about four days. As we get older, the lifespan increases. But, there are certain relationships that are right for a period of time and then go awry. Most of us will only have one great love in our lives. The other relationships will terminate. I understand that this is a natural process, painful but yet a process. I do see that you have grown as a person and that's always a very good thing and do keep up the good works. You are now positioning yourself to become the Man of a Woman's Dream. Keep love alive in your life and grow on in a positive way.
For Your information on Keeping Love:
Create More Romance In Your Life
Create More Romance In Your Life
Ah, romance, that wonderful and exciting feeling, that most glorious intertwining of two hearts. So intense, such a high, but so fleeting, and so often for so many once gone never to return. But does it have to be that way? Can we intentionally create and sustain more romance in our lives?
Most folks profess to want more romance in their lives. Indeed, for some, romance is a goal unto itself, or at least high on the list of goals for their love relationships.
But if having romance in our committed love relationships is a highly prized goal, and if so many people want more of it in their lives, how can we create, cultivate, and encourage it? What concrete steps can we take to make sure that romance takes seed and flourishes?
The purpose of this article is to explore the idea that romance begins in your heart-center and grows outward, and is, to some significant degree, a reflection of how you feel about yourself. In other words, by romancing yourself first you can create the conditions that allow you to experience and express romance with another more easily.
Listen: your capacity to love and accept yourself is the measure of your capacity to love and accept others. The same can be said for romance: your ability and willingness to create romance within is the measure of the romance you can help create in a committed loving relationship.
True romance isn’t just about flowers and poems. Flowers and poems are great, of course, but are really just an extension of a feeling that comes from within, something that starts in, and flows from, the heart. Without that heart-felt feeling, flowers and poems are but an attempt to be romantic, not an expression of true romance.
So how do you create more romance in your life? Begin by romancing yourself. Love, accept, and forgive yourself on a deep level. Treat yourself with respect and understanding. Buy yourself flowers. Write yourself a poem. Treat yourself with respect and dignity. And remember: if you don’t love yourself first, you can’t truly love another.
And remember that it is far more important to be the right person than to find the right person. Our relationships are a reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves. Romance, too, is a reflection of that inner state. By first creating romance within, you’ll be well on your way to creating more romance in your life.
For Your information on Create More Romance in Your Life
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Are You Romatically Hot?
Fanning the Flames: Being Romantically Hot
Men, to get some spice and romance back in your life, you’ll want to do something new and different. You don’t have to START with things that seem foreign to you. If you have never done anything more romantic than slap your spouse on the behind, it may be a bit of a stretch for you to pull off a lavender scented bath for two with rose petals floating on the water. The key to romance for YOUR relationship is to do things you know YOUR partner will like.
By asking your partner questions, you will find out who they are TODAY, and not have to depend on 20-year-old conversations you had during your first date. Remember, a big part of romance is knowing what makes the other person tick and showing how much you care by doing something THEY will like.
No need for special occasions here, just a lot of things you can do to remind your partner that you love them EVERY DAY. Try some of these ideas to get you started and to get you more comfortable with your romantic side. And remember to pick the things you feel will best suit YOU and YOUR PARTNER. Its never about one, its always about the two. You and Your partner :)
For Your information on Being Romantically Hot
How Get Your Ex Back What To Do When Shes Dumped You
How Get Your Ex Back What To Do When Shes Dumped You
How get your ex back? This is the lament of every guy who has ever been dumped. Did you know that in three quarters of break ups, it is the girl who calls the whole thing off? Guys generally want to stay together with their girlfriends. This article is about how to get ex back.
First of all, you have to determine whether she did you a favor by dumping you. Too often, guys stick with girls out of inertia. It is easier to stay in an okay relationship than go out and look for a really good one. If you don,t feel that the girl who dumped you was your soul mate, consider that her calling things off might be a blessing in disguise.
If this is not the case and you still want get your ex back, read on.
The next step is to determine whether she loves you. Girls can be over sensitive. They are much more likely to act impulsively and then have regrets about what they did. If you think she still loves you, you have a good chance at how get your ex back.
In this case, you have to make her come to you. Many guys call their ex's numerous times, send hundreds of texts, and exhibit other such stalker behavior. This just pushes their girlfriends away.
Instead, seem like you are accepting of the break up. Move on. Date other girls. By making her come back to you instead of the other way around, you will go about how get your ex back.
During this time, you should analyze whether you have changed from the man she first fell in love with. Often, guys try to impress girls up front. But, once they have slipped into a comfortable relationship with their girlfriend, they slag off. For instance, are you still working out as often as you did? Toward the end, were you still opening her car door, buying her flowers, and generally romancing her the way you did at the beginning of the relationship? These things can make a big difference in how get your ex back.
When you do see your ex girlfriend, subtly remind her of your common bonds. If you are going to go to a party where you know she,s going to be, wear a shirt she gave you. If she has a favorite cologne, wear it. And, when you talk, bring up the positive things in your past. Don't beat her over the head with them, but make her nostalgic about your common history.
Invite her to non-committal type of events. If a group of friends are going to the beach, ask her to come along. Begin seeing her in social settings once again. When she comes along, pay some attention to her, but spend your time with your friends also. When she sees that you are an attractive catch, you've already won half the battle of how get your ex back.
For Your information on How to Get Ex Back What To Do When Shes Dumped You:
How get your ex back? This is the lament of every guy who has ever been dumped. Did you know that in three quarters of break ups, it is the girl who calls the whole thing off? Guys generally want to stay together with their girlfriends. This article is about how to get ex back.
First of all, you have to determine whether she did you a favor by dumping you. Too often, guys stick with girls out of inertia. It is easier to stay in an okay relationship than go out and look for a really good one. If you don,t feel that the girl who dumped you was your soul mate, consider that her calling things off might be a blessing in disguise.
If this is not the case and you still want get your ex back, read on.
The next step is to determine whether she loves you. Girls can be over sensitive. They are much more likely to act impulsively and then have regrets about what they did. If you think she still loves you, you have a good chance at how get your ex back.
In this case, you have to make her come to you. Many guys call their ex's numerous times, send hundreds of texts, and exhibit other such stalker behavior. This just pushes their girlfriends away.
Instead, seem like you are accepting of the break up. Move on. Date other girls. By making her come back to you instead of the other way around, you will go about how get your ex back.
During this time, you should analyze whether you have changed from the man she first fell in love with. Often, guys try to impress girls up front. But, once they have slipped into a comfortable relationship with their girlfriend, they slag off. For instance, are you still working out as often as you did? Toward the end, were you still opening her car door, buying her flowers, and generally romancing her the way you did at the beginning of the relationship? These things can make a big difference in how get your ex back.
When you do see your ex girlfriend, subtly remind her of your common bonds. If you are going to go to a party where you know she,s going to be, wear a shirt she gave you. If she has a favorite cologne, wear it. And, when you talk, bring up the positive things in your past. Don't beat her over the head with them, but make her nostalgic about your common history.
Invite her to non-committal type of events. If a group of friends are going to the beach, ask her to come along. Begin seeing her in social settings once again. When she comes along, pay some attention to her, but spend your time with your friends also. When she sees that you are an attractive catch, you've already won half the battle of how get your ex back.
For Your information on How to Get Ex Back What To Do When Shes Dumped You:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Do Your Relationship need More Romance ?
Do Your Relationship need More Romance ?
Whether your relationship is a new romance or one that has passed the test of time, there are probably days where you wonder how to keep the fires burning. As time passes, and you settle into a comfortable relationship, you may find it all too easy to relax and forget the ‘romance’. Suddenly you feel that something is missing.
Perhaps your spouse or partner has complained that the romance is missing from your relationship. Maybe YOU are the one who has noticed the change. And now, it is time to do something about it.
But, you aren’t sure what you are supposed to do!
The only thing you need is the desire to put romance in your life and to spend a little time and energy focusing on your relationship. Take the time to pay attention to your love life!
It may sound corny or trite, but putting some romance in your life will improve your relationship and ensure that your partner knows he or she is loved and valued.
If you invest a little energy in the process, you’ll find that soon you and your partner, spouse, fiance or new love will come up with new ways to surprise each other and take pleasure and interest in keeping the process going.
What is important is that you try, and that you show that you care by your effort. Your partner will LOVE YOU for the effort and you will not feel inadequate in your expression of love:)
For Your information on Do Your Relationship need More Romance?
Whether your relationship is a new romance or one that has passed the test of time, there are probably days where you wonder how to keep the fires burning. As time passes, and you settle into a comfortable relationship, you may find it all too easy to relax and forget the ‘romance’. Suddenly you feel that something is missing.
Perhaps your spouse or partner has complained that the romance is missing from your relationship. Maybe YOU are the one who has noticed the change. And now, it is time to do something about it.
But, you aren’t sure what you are supposed to do!
The only thing you need is the desire to put romance in your life and to spend a little time and energy focusing on your relationship. Take the time to pay attention to your love life!
It may sound corny or trite, but putting some romance in your life will improve your relationship and ensure that your partner knows he or she is loved and valued.
If you invest a little energy in the process, you’ll find that soon you and your partner, spouse, fiance or new love will come up with new ways to surprise each other and take pleasure and interest in keeping the process going.
What is important is that you try, and that you show that you care by your effort. Your partner will LOVE YOU for the effort and you will not feel inadequate in your expression of love:)
For Your information on Do Your Relationship need More Romance?
How to Get Over Guy The Steps for Moving On
How to Get Over Guy The Steps for Moving On
Are you having trouble getting over the guy? Whether he dumped you or you broke up with him, letting go of someone who you had a close relationship is very difficult. There is a space in your heart as well as a space in your life that are not quickly filled with anything or anyone else. Yet, people do get over a relationship.
Here are five steps to get over guy you still like.
First, you need to let out the hurt. Know that it is okay to cry when you are trying to get over the guy. Some people keep a journal of their experiences because writing about the pain helps.
One thing that I have seen some people do that is very effective is to write a long letter about the relationship to their ex boyfriend. Talk about the good times and bad. Talk about the relationship and how he hurt you. Let it all out. When you have finished the letter, burn it. That's right. Don't even think about sending it to your ex. Instead, let flames consume the letter. That provides excellent closure to the relationship.
Next, you have to decide that the relationship is really over. If you hold on to the thought that he will change and come back to you, you will never get over this guy and move on.
Do something that symbolizes the finality of the end of the relationship. A good example of this is to exchange all of the personal property that you have of his for others. Don't even keep the over sized t-shirt of his that is so comfortable for sleeping in. And, if there are things too minor to exchange (like a toothbrush), throw them away. Clear your place of all of his things. It is a way of clearing him from your life.
You need to depend on your friends through this time. Until you meet your husband, guys will come and go, but your girlfriends are forever. If you have been in a hot and heavy relationship, you may have inadvertently ignored your friends for a time. Not only will your girls help you get over guy, but reconnecting will be good for your social life.
Also, your girlfriends will have had similar experiences to your break up. Sharing their pain will help you understand that, however bad the hurt you are experiencing, others have survived and you will too.
You will probably have extra time on your hands now that you have broken up. You used to spend a lot of time with your ex. Use this time productively to get over guy. Go to the gym and get your body in shape. Take up a new hobby.
One of the best things you can do during this period is to join a group or a class. Not only does a class take up the time you would have spent with your ex, but it also introduces you to a new circle of friends.
And, that brings me to my last point, when you want to get over guy, the best thing you can do is move on. Between your old friends, the new friends you make in your class or hobby, and the activities you do to fill up your time, you will emerge as a new person.
Moving on is the best way to get over guy.
For Your information on How to Get Over Guy The Steps for Moving On :
Are you having trouble getting over the guy? Whether he dumped you or you broke up with him, letting go of someone who you had a close relationship is very difficult. There is a space in your heart as well as a space in your life that are not quickly filled with anything or anyone else. Yet, people do get over a relationship.
Here are five steps to get over guy you still like.
First, you need to let out the hurt. Know that it is okay to cry when you are trying to get over the guy. Some people keep a journal of their experiences because writing about the pain helps.
One thing that I have seen some people do that is very effective is to write a long letter about the relationship to their ex boyfriend. Talk about the good times and bad. Talk about the relationship and how he hurt you. Let it all out. When you have finished the letter, burn it. That's right. Don't even think about sending it to your ex. Instead, let flames consume the letter. That provides excellent closure to the relationship.
Next, you have to decide that the relationship is really over. If you hold on to the thought that he will change and come back to you, you will never get over this guy and move on.
Do something that symbolizes the finality of the end of the relationship. A good example of this is to exchange all of the personal property that you have of his for others. Don't even keep the over sized t-shirt of his that is so comfortable for sleeping in. And, if there are things too minor to exchange (like a toothbrush), throw them away. Clear your place of all of his things. It is a way of clearing him from your life.
You need to depend on your friends through this time. Until you meet your husband, guys will come and go, but your girlfriends are forever. If you have been in a hot and heavy relationship, you may have inadvertently ignored your friends for a time. Not only will your girls help you get over guy, but reconnecting will be good for your social life.
Also, your girlfriends will have had similar experiences to your break up. Sharing their pain will help you understand that, however bad the hurt you are experiencing, others have survived and you will too.
You will probably have extra time on your hands now that you have broken up. You used to spend a lot of time with your ex. Use this time productively to get over guy. Go to the gym and get your body in shape. Take up a new hobby.
One of the best things you can do during this period is to join a group or a class. Not only does a class take up the time you would have spent with your ex, but it also introduces you to a new circle of friends.
And, that brings me to my last point, when you want to get over guy, the best thing you can do is move on. Between your old friends, the new friends you make in your class or hobby, and the activities you do to fill up your time, you will emerge as a new person.
Moving on is the best way to get over guy.
For Your information on How to Get Over Guy The Steps for Moving On :
Monday, January 16, 2012
Catch your spouse doing something "right"
Catch your spouse doing something "right"
Staying Happily Married:
Being happily married and staying happily married is not such a hard jigsaw puzzle to put together. It just needs tender loving care and some extra gestures of concern to always keep the fire within the marriage ablaze. Both spouses must always exert extra effort to keep the marriage fresh and interactive. Couples may start the journey to a strong and satisfying married life by avoiding the common pitfalls that haunt marital relationships.
Disagreements and arguments will happen. It is normal in any relationship. Two individuals, no matter how similar or compatible, will at some point clash and get into an argument - be it petty or something more serious.Leaving the issue unresolved or the concerned addressed allows the issues pile up over time and subsequently result in graver situations that are more difficult to resolve or address later on.
This scenario is avoidable had the couples been open to the idea that they can get through any problems if they knew the marriage pitfalls and troubles that they should have looked out for. Couples, either newly married or married to each other for a long time,should understand that they need to communicate. It may sound surprising but recent studies show that communication issues actually top the list of the most important things that couples hope they had focused on before jumping into marriage.
Talk. It is unsafe to assume that a partner knows the others thoughts and needs and vice versa. Ask, and do not assume. Then pay close attention and listen to what is being said. Don't just hear. Acknowledge that what has been said is clearly understood.
Take some time to send your partner a heartfelt thank you. Write a card or send flowers out of the blue to let your partner know that you appreciate him or her. An unexpected phone call would also be a nice gesture. If you are on the receiving end, reciprocate the initiative with the same sincere appreciation.
It feels good to know that what you have done is acknowledged. Also, ‘making your partners day’ will give you the same euphoric feeling :-)
For Your information on Catch Your Spouse doing Something Right:
Staying Happily Married:
Being happily married and staying happily married is not such a hard jigsaw puzzle to put together. It just needs tender loving care and some extra gestures of concern to always keep the fire within the marriage ablaze. Both spouses must always exert extra effort to keep the marriage fresh and interactive. Couples may start the journey to a strong and satisfying married life by avoiding the common pitfalls that haunt marital relationships.
Disagreements and arguments will happen. It is normal in any relationship. Two individuals, no matter how similar or compatible, will at some point clash and get into an argument - be it petty or something more serious.Leaving the issue unresolved or the concerned addressed allows the issues pile up over time and subsequently result in graver situations that are more difficult to resolve or address later on.
This scenario is avoidable had the couples been open to the idea that they can get through any problems if they knew the marriage pitfalls and troubles that they should have looked out for. Couples, either newly married or married to each other for a long time,should understand that they need to communicate. It may sound surprising but recent studies show that communication issues actually top the list of the most important things that couples hope they had focused on before jumping into marriage.
Talk. It is unsafe to assume that a partner knows the others thoughts and needs and vice versa. Ask, and do not assume. Then pay close attention and listen to what is being said. Don't just hear. Acknowledge that what has been said is clearly understood.
Take some time to send your partner a heartfelt thank you. Write a card or send flowers out of the blue to let your partner know that you appreciate him or her. An unexpected phone call would also be a nice gesture. If you are on the receiving end, reciprocate the initiative with the same sincere appreciation.
It feels good to know that what you have done is acknowledged. Also, ‘making your partners day’ will give you the same euphoric feeling :-)
For Your information on Catch Your Spouse doing Something Right:
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Get Guy Back – A Gals Guide to Making Up
Get Guy Back A Gals Guide to Making Up
How do you get guy back? How do you convince him that what the two of you had together was special? This is your get guy back gals guide to making up.
First of all, you have to recognize that what ever happened, you were both at fault. He wasn't giving you what you needed so you looked elsewhere. If you were the one not giving what he needed, your guilty also. Yes, the fault lies in both party's laps. Given that, it is important to forgive and forget. True forgiveness means that you let go of all of the anger related to the incident.
You must never bring it up again. You must never let it cloud your relationship. If you cannot do this, you won't get guy back for any period of time. If you were the person at fault, apologize and mean it. Too many times, after people say I'm sorry, there's an Oops I did it again, moment. You're not Britney Spears. It's not cute. When you say you are sorry, you have to commit to changing. Otherwise, you don't mean it and you won't get guy back.
Be prepared to chase him a little bit. This doesn't mean sending him hundreds of text messages or stalking him, but you have got to show him that you are still interested if you want to get guy back. You can't expect him to come running back just because you have sent out some modest signals that you are ready to re-start the relationship. Put your ego in check and put your heart on the line.
You may have to settle for something less than you wanted. It may be that he is only ready to be friends when you want a full fledged boyfriend. It may take time to rebuild the trust. If this is the case, you need to give him the space he needs to get to know you again. Accept that you have to take what he is offering right now if you want to eventually get guy back.
Finally, you have to know when to give up on the get guy back strategy. Sometimes, you just have to move on. If your boyfriend is unable to forgive you, you are in a position where the best thing you can do is move on and enter into new relationships. While this will break your heart right now, it may be the best thing that could have happened to you. Whatever went wrong in this relationship, your soul mate is still out there. Get guy back may stop you from meeting him!
For Your information on Get Guy Back- A Gals Guide to Making Up:
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