Win Back Lost Love From Long Ago
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Dr. Paul Pharms,PhD.
A blog from a Relationship Consultant. One that loves what he does and wants to share some of his learning experiences.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Win Back Lost Love From Long Ago
Win Back Lost Love From Long Ago
If you want to win back lost love that is from a long time ago there may be an uphill battle ahead for you. If you are like many, you have reached a point in your life that you realize that things might have been better for you if you had taken that other path. You thought the grass was greener on the other side and then realized that it was an illusion. You realize that the love you had a long time ago may be what you are missing. Here are some things to think about when you want to win back lost love from long ago.
First, make sure that there is nothing in your life right now that may missing out on. The mistake you may have made in the past was that you didn't take advantage of the opportunities that you had at that moment. Make sure that you don't make the same mistake again by missing out on something potentially good. If you hate looking back and thinking what you may have missed out on now, try to prevent it from happening again. It's better having love now and to not have to try and win back lost love later because you were too blind.
Second, realize that they may have moved on. Just because you are discontent with your present and are longing for what could have been with the love from long ago doesn't mean that they are. You could cause yourself and them more harm than good. If they are happy and content, let them be. If they have moved on, it's a good sign that you should and not be concerned with winning back lost love.
Third, understand that people change over time. Things may have happened in both of your lives that may have made you very different people. Don't do this to try and relive what once was. Try to win back lost love because you believe that your future will be better than your present and even your past with this person.
Fourth, start off slowly. If they aren't expecting you to come calling and all of the sudden you are there constantly it may smell of desperation. You may be desperate and be somewhat obsessed about them but don't let them know. Take your time and don't let them know how badly you want them back, at least not for a while. Take the time to get to know them again and for them to get to know you.
Lastly, think forward, not backward. What matters now is moving forward. You can't relive the past but you can make a future with this person. As much as you may want to go back in time, you can't. You lost it because one or both of you didn't make the most of chances you were given and you are doomed to repeat it if you don't take advantage of today. If you have a chance to start this love over or win back lost love, make the most of the moment.
For your information on Win Back Lost Love From Long Ago:
Friday, March 9, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Win Ex Boyfriend Back With Dignity
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Dr. Paul Pharms,PhD.
Read the rest of the article:
Dr. Paul Pharms,PhD.
Win Ex Boyfriend Back With Dignity
Win Ex Boyfriend Back With Dignity
When you try to win ex boyfriend back you may feel like you need to go begging on your hands and knees. You may feel that you have to lower yourself and lose every bit of pride that you have. The breakup may have gone a long way towards hurting your pride as it is, there is no need to further hurt your self image. There is no reason that you shouldn't be able to win ex boyfriend back and retain some dignity.
You may feel that you need to go begging back to him but there are things that you can do that won't make that necessary. If you got dumped that was enough to hurt the way you look at yourself. If you broke up with him then, realizing you made a huge mistake, you may feel that you have to go crawling back to ask for forgiveness. That may not be what you need to do to win ex boyfriend back.
If he broke up with you, think about what it was that drew him to you in the first place. What was the attitude you had then? How was your spirit? If you want to rekindle that love that was once there, try putting all the elements back that caused the fire in the first place. Whatever you do, let yourself be visible to him.
Let him see that you are still the same person that he fell in love with once. Let him also know that you know he sees you. Be obvious that you are that person again. If he doesn't notice you, someone else just might and that might not be a bad thing. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. If there is another horse there, they may be more appreciative of what you have to offer.
If you broke up with him, and you believe that it was a mistake, let him know. Let him know that he has every right to be mad but tell him that you don't expect to have him come back. Tell him, Whatever happens from this point is OK with me. I just wanted to let you know that I made a big mistake with you and I'm sorry if I hurt you. Ask for forgiveness, but don't beg for it. Begging is not a good way to win ex boyfriend back.
Also, don't ask to be reunited. You should let him know that you don't expect a second chance and you probably don't deserve one but you really wish that things had worked out differently. Say your piece and then walk away. If he is interested in getting back together with you or is curious about what you are trying to do then let him make the move. It takes strength and character to admit a mistake and an equal amount of it to take the consequences. If he is as special as you believe him to be, he will notice what you have just done and will want to be your boyfriend once again.
Unless you have some amazing love spells, you may find it a huge challenge to win ex boyfriend back.If he is the one and the result is supposed to be marriage or a life long relationship then it will happen. The trick is to get him involved and make it seem like he is pursuing you. Make him want you, again. As hard as it is to do and as humiliated as you could feel, just know that there is a way to win ex boyfriend back and have some dignity doing it.
For your information on Win Ex Boyfriend Back With Dignity:
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Im Having Trouble Dealing With Break Up
Read the rest of the article:
Dr. Paul Pharms,PhD.
Read the rest of the article:
Dr. Paul Pharms,PhD.
Im Having Trouble Dealing With Break Up
Im Having Trouble Dealing With Break Up
When you are having trouble dealing with break up it is only natural. There is nothing to be ashamed of because everyone does. The important thing to do is to decide how you are going to deal with break up.
You have two ways that you can go about dealing with break up. The first is to let it tear you apart. The second is to overcome it and become stronger because of it. There is a saying that that whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger but that all depends on your attitude and how you decide you will be dealing with break up.
This break up may have been the most devastating thing you have gone through but you don't have to let it destroy you. What makes you a survivor is you deciding that this moment will not define you. A marriage ending in divorce or any type of relationship ending is difficult. If it was due to someone's infidelity or an affair then you may have self-esteem issues that you need to get some counseling to help you through it. The same is especially true if there was abuse of any kind involved.
If you were on either side of those issues, seek some help. Dealing with break up for any reason can cause some long-term problems if they aren't dealt with soon.
When you are dealing with break up you want to be strong after you have gone through all of it. By deciding that you are going to come out a winner and stronger you are going to be helping yourself by giving yourself some positive focus and good goals to achieve. Don't let this consume you. You have to be able to move on. Winning this is learning that there is life after this relationship and finding that life.
Also, don't decide that you just want to survive, decide that you are going to THRIVE! Realize that your best days are ahead of you. Wake up each morning trying to focus on what good things can come on this day and try to be excited about what tomorrow holds. Focus on the good things that life has to offer. Life isn't over just because that relationship ended. You don't have to lie to yourself and others. Believe that today is a gift and that you are fortunate because you have an unopened gift waiting for you just around the corner. Once you start believing that, you won't have any more problems dealing with the breakup.
Breaking up is hard to do but it is only as devastating as you let it be. A nasty breakup doesn't have to be the end of you. It can and will be a new beginning. The breakup of a relationship doesn't have to bring the breaking up of your life. If you build a new foundation from the ruins of this tough breakup, chances are that you will have no problem dealing with break up in the future.
For your information on Im Having Trouble Dealing With Break Up
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Get Ex Girlfriend Back From Abusive Situation
Get Ex Girlfriend Back From Abusive Situation
How can you get ex girlfriend back from an abusive situation? How ever it needs to happen, you need to make sure that she gets out of it. It can be heartbreaking to know that your ex girlfriend, the one that you love, is not only with the wrong person, but in an abusive situation. That is something that no person deserves. Whether you are able to get ex girlfriend back or just get her out of it, you need to help.
You need to make a decision. Is it more important to get ex girlfriend back or to save her from this horrible nightmare that she may be in. What is going to make the most difference is if she sees it as you looking out for her best interest rather than yours. You will also have to look closely at your motivation so that you don't just use this as an attempt to further your own interest. Whatever you decide, though, if you see the good that needs to be done, do it. You also need to realize that she may not want to be rescued and have to accept there is nothing that you can do.
Being the hero can go a long way in her eyes if you save her from not just an unhappy situation, but a potentially life threatening one. It is well known that once someone has been abused that it is easy for them to fall back into it. If she knows that you are a safe one that she can turn to then she will find it harder to turn away. You have to first let her know that you are a safe place.
Hopefully she will have known that you are able to take good care of her. If you didn't do that good of a job, let her know that you have changed (you better have seriously changed, though). Let her know that she can depend on you and that you will listen. That may be the hardest part but it will go a long way. It is a good thing to learn how to do anyway. Also make sure that she knows she deserves better. An abuser will thrive on making the abused feel small and that they deserve what they are getting. Her self esteem may be severely hurt. Make her know that she is special. Get ex girlfriend back from that bad place because she truly deserves better.
Your true motivation for saving her from the abusive situation will help make it easy to get ex girlfriend back. If you are trying to make it obvious that your main priority is to get ex girlfriend back then you may do something that compromises her safety. If the abuser gets a idea that someone is trying to take her away and that she might be contemplating it then the situation might get worse. Abusers are generally very jealous and have a great need to control. When they feel that their control might be lessening up they will try to correct it using whatever means they feel is necessary. What ever you do trying to get ex girlfriend back, you need to think of their safety first.
If you see that your ex ex girlfriend is in trouble, do something about it.It is too easy to turn away from someone in need. It can get messy in your own life but there is much good that can come from it. If you succeed, not only will you get ex girlfriend back, but you may have saved a life.
For your information on Get Ex Girlfriend Back From Abusive Situation:
Monday, March 5, 2012
6 Secrets to Be the Nice Guy Women Want
6 Secrets to Be the Nice Guy Women Want
Sure you're nice - most people are.
This quality is one that reflects your feeling that you're a man worth knowing and you deserve
women's attention. But do you really believe that women pay attention to what you think you deserve?
Being nice is not enough. Okay, fine, you're nice, but you also need to be interesting. Unfortunately, "nice guy" equates to wimp/dweeb in too many people's minds, which is all untrue.
Believe me: you don't have to be a jerk to attract women!
As a matter of fact, women do not like jerks or aggressive men. They are attracted by challenging, interesting guys. That's all. You can be interesting, challenging and still a nice man. Be yourself but keep in mind these significant things that can make the difference between a regular nice guy and a successful one:
1. Women LOVE a man who is a CHALLENGE... the quickest and easiest way I've ever heard to let a
woman know that YOU are the guy she should be pursuing is to let women know you are successful with women. Be a nice guy, but one that is desirable. :)
2. The MOST EFFECTIVE way to approach a woman and spark her attraction for you is giving her a
COMPLIMENT on her looks. This can be suicidal if done wrong... but just find something about her what
you really think is special, different about her. You give attention, and you will get attention in return!
3. Not being aggressive doesn't mean that you have to wait for madam perfection to drop into your lap (which you as a "nice guy" deserve by definition, of course). You have to take some initiative. BE SELF-CONFIDENT (but not really cocky) and show some honest interest in something about a woman.
4. The best selling genre of books in the world is romance novels... because women LOVE romance. So don't talk about sports! If you are not the type of man that reads poetry or find it hard to talk in romantic terms.Try taking your date to a romantic place, offering her a nice flower, enjoying some good music or even touching her hand in a delicate way is very romantic.
5. And don't talk only about you. You want her to listen to you? But first listen carefully to her interest,needs, dreams, wants and desires. When with her make her the center of your universe aka concentrate on her:)
The most effective way to be interesting is asking questions and listen to her responses :)
Keep in mind that when a woman tells you about a problem she's having, she's not looking to you for the
solution. What she's often looking for is comfort and reassurance and knowing that YOU'RE THERE for HER.
6. One of the most important things in dating is to approach women that are interested in dating and women that seem to be interested in you. Don't try to sell candies to someone that is looking for peanuts and don't waste your time with women that are still affected by their ex's long term relationships. You don't want to be just a shoulder to cry on aka rebound affair.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Dr Pharms Help I Still Love My Ex
Dr Pharms Help I Still Love My Ex
If you are finding yourself saying, I still love my ex then you have to figure out what you want to happen next. It is only natural for there to be some residual love hanging around. After all, the two of you shared some special times together and were able to get close. The closeness and love is not easily broken completely. Does the love that is still there mean that you want to get back the one you love? When you say, I still love my ex what does that mean?
When someone says I still love my ex it is a really good sign because, first of all, it means that there was some love there to begin with. That love was a gift that isn't easily taken away. There will still be a fondness there and there will be a lot to remember from the marriage or relationship. Much of it will be good memories. Just because there is love still lingering doesn't mean that you are bound to get back together or that it should even happen. You do need to be asking yourself, I still love my ex, but do I want my ex back? If you look at it closely and with a chance to step back and ponder it, you will be more able to see if the two of you are meant to be together.
If you have been able to figure out that your statement, I still love my ex is due to just a remaining fondness then don't feel any need to push it in one direction or another. Just go with the flow. What will happen is that the two of you will either drift away or you will remain friends for a long time. That could be something special on it's own and something few have. Good friends are hard to find.
If, by saying, I still love my ex, you mean that you want to get back together with them then you have to be willing to do some work. You need to first see if the other person has an interest in getting back together with you. This will happen naturally because, like with the above advice, it will happen naturally. Just don't push it one way or the other and you will tell if the feeling is mutual. When the two of you decide that you want to try again, be ready to work.
If this was a marriage that failed, seek marriage counseling. No matter what kind of relationship it was, though, seek relationship advice from someone trained to do so who can help the two of you build back stronger what had fallen apart. Obviously there were mistakes made and the two of you were incapable of handling it on your own. If you had been getting counseling before, find someone different to get it from. The two of you will need a fresh start and someone that will help the two of you make the relationship stronger.
If you find yourself saying Help! I still love my ex! there isn't any need to panic. Just let things take their course naturally at first and then seek help to get it on the right path. The momentum you two make on your own will make the guidance easier. Before you know it, you won't be saying, I love my ex, but you will be saying I'm in love!
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