Couples throughout time and the world recall the one date when everything clicked. In the story of their relationship, this date is they share with family and friends. The pinnacle date proves unique, but it links to every other date like a string of pearls connecting their history and future. Looking at date nights, couples could discount their importance, not see their benefits or be fresh out of ideas.
More Than Optional
Talk to anyone in relationship about the point when things became stale and they indicate the loss of romance, fun, commitment or perhaps all three. If asked at the beginning, the wild passion would have blinded them to a bland future because people rarely plan for the slow decline of anything, much less a relationship. Everyone, even the most stoic, needs these energizing aspects in their relationship. People want to feel valued, heard and considered. The lack of these things cause people to seek it elsewhere.
How Can a Date Night Help?
The act of setting aside time and making a plan permits couples an escape from their routines. Most established and effective patterns aid smooth transitions from one aspect of life to another. Dates are not always about things going smoothly. Running out of gas on a date creates space for a quite conversation walking hand in hand. Time away helps each person see their partner as an individual with interests, dreams and quirks rather than some relational icon. Also a pleasant delay happens within a date allowing intimacy to build. Pursuing each other kindles fun and playfulness. In this fertile ground, romance can blossom.
Don't Need to Be an Artist
"I'm not that creative." The phrase of surrender for everyone. Guess what? It does not represent a relational escape hatch. Everyone loves to be seen and known intimately. The agreement struck should never be one sided. The most buttoned up partner can step up because of their investment in the relationship. Before we start with date night ideas, some ground rules need to be put in place.
* Date nights can occur in daylight.
* Be aware of personal tastes meaning don't take someone involved with animal rights to a bull fight.
* Both partners should participate in spearheading a date night as the responsibility does not fall to one person.
* Not everything requires a bank loan, so look for low cost options.
* Make it fun.
With those as the foundation, here are some ideas to get date night rolling. Be aware all of these options have a variety of commitments and costs. Time taken in research demonstrates care partners have for one another.
Dance Lessons: Several dance studios offer free introductory lessons or packages. What could be more tender and intimate than learning to move in unison with your partner? Also, it might open up avenues for other date nights like monthly salsa dancing at a local club.
Cookouts: Preparing a meal, packaging it up and carrying it to local park demonstrates ones knowledge of the other person. No one hates the thought of being whisked away and fed. Selecting a few specialty meats and cheeses would be a nice touch. Though tempting, avoid bologna because this is a date and not lunch.
National Parks: Hiking surrounded by nature and national monuments allow for good conversations. Selecting a time when the park will be less crowded, like a Tuesday morning when kids are in school and others at work, places couples in a grand and intimate setting. Also, look at the previous idea for a combo of park and picnic.
As you can see, date night is a critical part of any relationship. Those who ignore time alone with their partner will do so at the peril of their future. Take the time, do the research and have fun connecting. You'll be glad you did and so will your partner.