A blog from a Relationship Consultant. One that loves what he does and wants to share some of his learning experiences.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
How To Be A Girlfriend Without Driving Him Away
How To Be A Girlfriend Without Driving Him Away
Isn't it funny what we wonder about? I mean if you are thinking about how to be a girlfriend, it would suggest that something isn't working in your relationship. Or perhaps you thought it was working but you have just been dumped.
Hollywood makes having a perfect relationship seem so easy. In fact all the famous love stories do i.e. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Pretty Woman all finish when the couple get together. They don't hang around for the difficult part i.e. when she discovers he snores in bed and puts his dirty socks under the bed rather than in the laundry. He finds out that she may be gorgeous but has a wicked temper and is quite demanding at times.
So what do you have to do to be a great girlfriend? You must accept your man for who he is. Far too many women get involved with "Mr OK but will soon change him to be Mr right" (in their mind). That is insulting for both of you. He doesn't deserve to be your pet project but deserves someone who will accept him for who he currently is. Does he have good character/ manners? His he kind to you? It would be better to be a loving girlfriend than to be the nagging spouse/partner no man wants.
You can be part of a couple and have an independent life. Some women find a man and then spend all their time with him and that's good. Intimacy is a very good thing. While it is normal to enjoy spending time with the man in your life, you need to have some time away too if only to have something to talk about when you do meet up. Men appreciate space and time with their buddies or hobbies. When he is having some time out, don't keep texting him as he will think you are stalking him.
Have conversations with your man rather than one sided lectures. It is difficult for most men to get excited about the latest plot on a soap opera or what the current fashion is. Try to talk about topics that interest the both of you and every so often shut up and let him talk as well. The LORD gave you one mouth and two ears for a reason, use them in proportion. He will appreciate it.
Just because your man wants you as his girlfriend doesn't mean that he is going to fall in love with your family and friends too. So long as he is polite to them, don't push him into being anything else. Relationships develop over time but there is a chance he may never like your best friend. That is life and you can't change it.
Always be honest with your man and for goodness sake drop the mind games. Whoever told a woman that men are intrigued by mind games obviously drank too much alcohol.
There is a tried and tested recipe for success in all relationships. I am guessing you are not sure what it is if you are asking how to be a girlfriend. Don't you think now would be a good time to find out?
Thursday, January 10, 2013
How To Be A Better Girlfriend Before Danger Creeps In
How To Be A Better Girlfriend Before Danger Creeps In
How to be a better girlfriend is something many women ask a lot. When you initially get together it is easy to keep the spark alive. You have so much to explore and learn about each other and the sexual attraction should also be very strong. But when you have been together for a while, the initial lust factor has probably reduced somewhat and you know as much as there is to know. Life can get a little mundane and this is when danger can creep in. Most relationships break up due to lack of communication rather than a major problem like having an affair.
So you start wondering how to be a better girlfriend? Perhaps there are some good books you could read to help you spice up your love life. Or, if it is your thing, why not surprise him with a movie? You could make your own but don't go overboard as these things have a habit of reappearing when you least want them to. Just ask Paris Hilton!
Becoming a better lover is something some women tend to leave to the men to worry about but it is a two way street. And for such a little word, sex can cause major problems for any couple. But it is not just about sex. There is an urban myth going around which seems to suggest that men don't want affection. While some may not do public displays, most love being cuddled or caressed in the comfort of their own homes.
Men like to be appreciated too. So why not think up a couple of things you could do for him. For example, you could try getting him seats to a game for him and his buddy if it is not your thing. Not only are you telling him that you want him to enjoy himself but you also trust him to go out without you and have a great time. This is important as often men can feel trapped without there women even realizing it. While women want to spend every minute with the man they love, often they couldn't imagine anything worse. It is not that he doesn't appreciate you but sometimes men need some space. Give him lots of this and he will happily nominate you for girlfriend of the year award.
Men also like their women to be respectful; just like you do also. What I mean is that they don't like their partner to put them down, especially when their friends are around, or to act coarse and unladylike. It is never attractive when a woman acts or talks like a marine. But it is even worse when you do so in front of an audience.
So stop wondering how to be a better girlfriend and go apply these tips. If you are still concerned it would be worth investing in some additional relationship coaching to make sure you keep yours in tip top condition.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
How To Be Nice To Your Girlfriend And Make Her Happier
How To Be Nice To Your Girlfriend And Make Her Happier
If you are wondering how to be nice to your girlfriend you have probably picked up some signs that it is not all rosy in your relationship. You must act fast as she may get fed up and decide to become your ex.

Some men appear to have a gift for instinctively knowing how to treat a woman, but for most it can be a little more complicated. At least read up on some techniques. Your girlfriend will be amazed. In fact she may think that another woman was teaching you how to behave! Not to worry, just show her the reading material that your studying and a big smile will come on her face. Which may even bring a big kiss, believed me.
In fact she will be very impressed that you cared enough to try to learn new skills; relationship improvement skills always a big hit. Obviously it will depend on what the situation is with your relationship. If you are asking how to be nice to your girlfriend you are obviously worried that you are missing something. Why not try sitting down with your partner and asking her how she is feeling.
Ask her if she is happy or is there something wrong? Some women like gestures aka gift whereas others, simply will want your attention. Men, must learn that women like to chat even if there is nothing important to say. The key to your relationship success will be for you to LISTEN.
They actually enjoy talking to us and listening to our views so long as we also listen to them. But they hate when we try to fix every problem. note:( we men are wired to fix/solve problems, so tell your mouth to stay shut.) Just because they tell us they are having an issue at work or with a friend, doesn't mean that they want us to solve it for them. Most likely they just want reassurance that they are handling the situation properly by themselves. They may simply be using you as a sounding board.
If you want to still be together when you are old and grey, you need to learn how to communicate properly. Then you won't be wondering how to be nice to your girlfriend.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
First Step Toward A Second Chance
First Step Toward A Second Chance
The first thing you need to do if you've lost the love of your life is communicate – with yourself. You need to get clear in your own head on what is really going on by ignoring all the noise. Forget the arguments, forget the fights and just get to the heart of the matter.
You'll have to be brutally honest with yourself here because what you're searching for is the truth. You want to dig past the clutter and the excuses and pinpoint the true reason or reasons your relationship began to go south.
Don't gloss over the little things, because often it is simply a combination of so many little things piled one on top of the other with no one ever going back to apologize and make things right that add up to one seemingly unmovable Big Thing.
Many times these small mountains of little things, too long ignored, make a relationship start to sour. If they keep adding up, things go bad a lot faster. So really think about the life of your relationship, and be honest with yourself about what really happened. What were the core events or words that put a hitch in the smooth turn of the wheel?
Once you've pinpointed all the things you feel are the likely culprits for pushing your relationship to take a turn for the worst, your next step is to communicate with your ex. Let him or her know that you want to sort out all the problems, get them out in the open and talk about them so you can figure out, together, what went wrong in your relationship because you never want to repeat these mistakes again.
Here's a valuable hint to remember during these communications: Discuss does not mean argue. If you can't act like a mature, responsible adult for the duration of a simple, single conversation to help make your relationship better now, how can you possibly expect to have a meaningful, long-term relationship?
So the next step is to find out what he or she thinks started the damage to your relationship. The point is for each of you to know what the other feels caused the relationship to go bad so you both will know exactly what needs working on – by both parties – to fix the relationship.
Next, ask if your partner feels your relationship has a chance, if they are interested (like you) in trying to change things for the better, working together to build a better life together, and then decide if you're both willing and able to do what you now know it will take to make the necessary changes and put the relationship back on track.
Communication is one of the cornerstones of all meaningful relationships. If you haven't been communicating with your partner, that could be one part of the problem. Make sure he or she knows you now understand this and that from here on out, you will definitely want to discuss your problems with each other, as well as possible solutions.
Why? Because by doing this, by communicating openly and honestly with each other about your hopes, fears, expectations and whatnot, both of you will be better equipped to make your relationship much better than it has ever been, to make your relationship the kind that lasts forever.
Short Hills, Millburn, NJ, USA
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