I'm expecting and preparing for a Major Global Economic pull back starting on the evening of Oct. 2nd 2016 ( During that time the asian markets would have just opened. Thus the pull back starting there.)
On Monday Oct. 3rd 2016, when our markets open at 915am. The downward pressure will accelerate . It could be Massive or Worst. There are at least seven bubbles waiting to burst.
Remember, all of this is on a Global scale. Plus, there may be a small economic rattle starting in September.
If you haven't done so please watch this video.
( Charles Hayek- He Predicted the Past 3 Recessions. Here’s why You should Listen to him...
”For More Information "Watch" "Surviving the Final Bubble" Video: http://bit.ly/1WkNtpI )
”For More Information "Watch" "Surviving the Final Bubble" Video: http://bit.ly/1WkNtpI )
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Peace and Blessings to you and your family. May the LORD continue to bless and protect us. Amen.