A blog from a Relationship Consultant. One that loves what he does and wants to share some of his learning experiences.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Before You And Your Boyfriend Get Back Together
Before You And Your Boyfriend Get Back Together
Are you considering getting back together with your ex boyfriend? The idea probably seems quite exciting, especially if both of you are remembering all of the good times that you had together. But you should definitely do some serious thinking before you and your boyfriend decide to get back together.
Many couples do successfully reunite and end up with very strong relationships after a break-up. However, some couples end up getting back together for the wrong reasons or without fully dealing with the factors that led to the dissolution of the relationship. If you want your rejuvenated relationship to be a success, make sure that you first take the time to consider the following issues:
• Old wounds need to be healed.
In other words, there was some reason why you and your boyfriend broke up in the first place; has this issue been resolved? If not, it is likely that your relationship may fail again. You and your boyfriend must find a way to either deal with the problems that led to the break-up or you must jointly decide that the break-up issues are no longer conflicts. It isn’t enough to simply have regrets about the relationship and how it ended; things must change.
• Let go of old expectations.
If you and your boyfriend decide to give the relationship another try, you will need to learn to treat it as a new relationship--not as an extension of your old one. This doesn’t mean that you need to completely start fresh; however, you do need to rebuild trust and friendship. You will need to reassess your goals as a couple and work on creating a new life together.
• Don’t let emotions make decisions about reuniting or about the new relationship.
Of course it can feel quite thrilling to talk again with your ex, and you both may be feeling the euphoria of falling for each other once again. Yet allowing those feelings to control whether you and your boyfriend get back together could be a mistake. You both need to think rationally about how a new relationship would be--without letting the floods of emotion overcome you.
Similarly, when making decisions about the new relationship, it is best to do so calmly and with sensible and reasonable thought. If either of you allow emotions to cloud your judgment, you may come to regret it later on.
If you really want to get back together with your boyfriend, make sure that you and he are both really ready for another try at the relationship. By doing so, you could end up saving yourself a great deal of heartache if, for some reason, the relationship does not fare well again.
It may seem quite easy to believe that your boyfriend has changed because of your great desire to reignite the relationship; however, if it isn’t actually true you will just be setting yourself up for failure. Instead, set yourself up for success by being honest with your boyfriend and making sure that the two of you do not follow the same path that led to your first break-up.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Effective Tips On How To Save My Marriage
Effective Tips On How To Save My Marriage
If your relationship between the two of you to the point of questioning how long you will be together, you may be asking how to save my marriage. Remember that a marriage is a union of two people, so finding solutions to your marriage problems together is essential. These problems cannot be solved by just one of you.
Here are some tips that can help bring you together and increase the chances of your marriage lasting:
- No marriage is perfect. Unlike fairy tales, typical marriages have their flaws just like each of us do. Do not expect perfection from each other. Accept that there will be lumps and bumps along the way.
- Marriage requires work. For your relationship to work, both of you need to realize that it takes work to make a marriage strong. The more work that you put into your marriage can result in an honest and happy relationship. If you do not take this seriously, it can be detrimental. The areas that typically need the most work involve trust and respect in one another . Without these things, your relationship will fall apart.
- Communicate and listen effectively. Create an environment where you can talk to each other without getting upset. Speak calmly and clearly about how you feel and allow your partner to do the same. Make sure to listen to what they have to say, regardless of what they say. Discuss how each of you feel and find common ground where both of you feel that you can find solutions for issues you are facing. The more open and honest you are with each other, the better.
- Do not dwell on past problems. Do not let past mistakes or misunderstandings determine the future of your marriage. While your past problems may be quite serious, dwelling on them will not help your marriage. Focus on the here and now and take each day as it comes.
- Be more giving to one another. Be considerate of each others needs and feelings. You can do caring gestures to simply show that you are thinking of them. If you are unsure as to what you should do for your spouse, ask them what you can do to make them happy. Doing something that will make them feel loved and special can go a long way towards strengthening your relationship. Sometimes doing the simplest things can mean the most to them.
If you have tried all of the above and still are asking how to save my marriage, a professional marriage counselor may be your best option. The decision to go to a counselor must be made by both of you as it will not work if you both do not participate fully.
If you are both truly committed to making changes to save your marriage, a counselor can offer unbiased advice to help you. By getting advice from counselor, it may help you see your problems in a different light and help you find solutions.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Advice On Sex To Repair Your Relationship
Advice On Sex To Repair Your Relationship
Being in a bad relationship is a tough thing to do. Nothing is worse than being married and lonely at the same time. If you think the best way to save your relationship is to 'spice up your sex life' you may want to think again. Here is some advice on sex to repair your relationship.
First of all don't buy into the old cliche that if you have great sex your partner will be satisfied and not leave. Unless your partner is an adolescent, or just acts like one, sex alone won't be enough to keep your relationship strong. A good adult relationship is made up of many components and until you can get it clicking on at least several levels, not just sexual, you will struggle and most likely won't be happy in the relationship.
A word of caution though, no one is perfect and no relationship is perfect. You will have times when you and your partner are not on the same page, and that's OK. It's more about balance, in your relationship as a whole you should be on the same page more often than not. If it's balanced the other way, where you are at odds more often than you are in sync you should seriously consider reevaluating the relationship because the two of you just aren't a good fit, and that's unlikely to change.
So before you decide that hotter sex is the key to making your relationship what you really want it to be, consider some of these points:
1. How was your relationship in the beginning? Did you have a lot of hobbies that you shared together? What did you do, besides sex, when you spent time together? If you don't do those things together anymore, why not? If you analyze these changes in your relationship you will be a lot closer to figuring out what you need to work on to make your relationship strong again.
2. Have you asked your partner what they think is going on with your relationship? After all you're both part of the situation, and the problem. Why not share with each other what you are feeling, instead of complaining to your girlfriends, or buddies, why not ask your partner? You two know whats really going on and they don't.
Make sure that when you ask your partner what they're thinking you give them the opportunity to tell you how they feel in a 'safe' environment. What I mean by that is don't get mad and yell at them if they say something you don't want to hear. If you do then you are sending them a signal that they can't open up to you or it will get ugly, so they won't turn to you and share their feelings. That is the beginning of the end for many relationships.
Once they've told you how they feel, it's your turn. And the same rules apply. You have the right to express your feelings without being persecuted by your partner.
If you and your partner have reached a rough patch in your relationship it can be tempting to think that if you can reignite a fire in bed you'll be able to save your relationship, unfortunately that's simply not the case. Use the advice on sex to repair your relationship tips I've given you above to start to rebuild your relationship in a healthy way. But don't leave out sex and romance, just don't make it your only instrument in reigniting the love and passion in your relationship.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
A Man’s Perspective on How to Attract a Guy
A Man’s Perspective on How to Attract a Guy
In needing dating advice from men, many women are really looking to learn what makes a man tick. Furthermore, it’s easy to become discouraged in the world of dating today. Media puts so much pressure on people (women especially) to hold themselves to these unrealistic ideals of “beauty”.According to popular magazines, a woman might only be beautiful if she is extremely thin, or has full pouty lips, or a deep, dark (and usually artificial by the way) tan. Photos of women who have been air brushed to within inches of their lives and who are often unhealthy because of the pressures of the beauty industry are the photos that real women like you compare themselves to.
As a result, women like you often become discouraged and develop a poor body image. That often snowballs into a dating life that leaves you feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. Either you are attracting the wrong kind of men, or you wind up feeling too down on yourself to even bother with dating altogether and are left wondering “will I ever find my true love?”. I would say that’s a pretty sad state of affairs, wouldn’t you?
Every Woman Has Something Beautiful About Them That Makes Them Marriage Material ( yea! )
I’m here to tell you to throw all that “ideal woman” crap out the window. Take it from a man who knows… beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. There is a man out there in this world who thinks YOU are the most beautiful woman on this planet. Don’t despair if you haven’t yet met him, because I guarantee you he is out there, just waiting to be found. You just have to be willing to look.And it’s important to remember that while at first glimmer of interest we men might initially start looking at you in a physical way ( Men are more visual, wheres women are more audio). But the real, deeper attraction happens when we start to talk to you and get to know you better. We become attracted to the little quirks that make you unique. Maybe we love the softness of your hands, the dimple in your chin or the way you smell.
Maybe we love the way you fill out a pair of jeans, or the way your eyes crinkle up when you smile. True attraction happens on a deeper level than just looks. Real beauty isn’t just a pretty face or a perfect body. The men who are marriage material, the men you are looking for YOU; they already know this. They are looking for the beauty inside a woman. They want to find that woman that will look beyond their own flaws too and really see the man they are inside.
Because deep down, we men are concerned also. We secretly reflect on that we may never find Mrs. Right. We get nervous in initiating a conversation or asking a woman out. And just like you we want to be loved, flaws and all. The difference is we’re men. We don’t communicate those things well. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t feeling them also.
Please stop worrying about whether or not we think you’re beautiful, because chances are we think you’re beyond beautiful. We just don’t know how to say it. Take some pressure off us poor saps and initiate a conversation. Say hello :)
Monday, December 17, 2012
Guy Advice On Healing A Relationship
Guy Advice On Healing A Relationship
If you're struggling to keep your relationship with your wife or girlfriend from falling apart you will need guy advice on healing a relationship. You may want to talk to your buddies, but the truth is they probably don't know any more than you do. Instead read this article for some good advice on repairing your broken relationship.
There are two phrases that should be the building blocks to repairing your relationship: "I'm sorry" and/or "I was wrong". Neither one will mean a thing if they aren't sincere. The first thing you have to do to heal your relationship is to be a man and own up to your part in the problems.
Many men seem to think that apologizing is a sign of weakness. Actually nothing could be further from the truth. If you think about it, one of the hardest things you will ever do is to admit you were wrong and that you caused someone else's pain, especially someone you love. That is a hard thing to do. So apologizing isn't a sign of weakness, it's actually a sign of being a man and being strong.
In some ways it might seem easier to just bury your feelings and don't admit that you were wrong or that you are in pain. Again, a very 'manly' thing to do. But is it? While that might be the first thing many men will do, it's not the easiest in the long run. If you bury those feelings you will never truly be free of them. They will jump up and haunt you when you least expect it. No matter how painful it is you need to face them and get over them once and for all. That's the only real way you can have peace for the rest of your life.
So if you want to heal your relationship you need to honestly access your part in the breakdown of the relationship. Were you inattentive, did you take your wife/ partner for granted, did you stop making her feel special and loved?
There's a seen in the movie "The Breakup" where Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn are fighting. She had just put in a long day at work and hosted a dinner party and wanted his help to clean up. She said to him " I want you to want to do the dishes" and, of course, his response was "Why would I want to help you do the dishes"? A valid question. Sort of.
I doubt that character really thought she wanted him to want to do the dishes. What she really wanted was for him to understand that she was tired and wanted to relax too. She wanted him to show his appreciation of all she does by helping her and taking some of the burden off of her shoulders.
Are you guilty of pretending to be 'stupid'. Pretending like you don't really know what your wife wants? Many men fall into that trap, just like in the movie. They know what their wife is trying to say, they just choose to pretend like they don't because it seems easier than actually helping. It's selfish. And it will lead to long term problems. This all goes back to what I was talking about above: making your wife feel appreciated.
The good news is that if you've made some mistakes in the past you can change and become a better man. You can become the kind of man that you can be proud of and that she can love and respect. Use this guy advice on healing a relationship as a starting point and you can not only save your relationship but improve it too.
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Sunday, December 16, 2012
Love Relationship Advice
Love Relationship Advice
For most people, it's pretty easy to find love. The challenge often seems to be to be able to make it last. Keeping your love for each other strong is not impossible. You just have to understand why it falls apart and make sure you, and your partner, avoid those traps. That's where love relationship advice comes in handy.
For most couples the first few months is pretty easy. You are falling in love and you think the other person is perfect. You can see no wrong in them or what they do. And maybe there isn't anything wrong with the way they, or you, act in the early stages of a relationship.
They say that familiarity breeds contempt and if that's true it would go a long way to explaining why the longer a relationship goes on the more it tends to break down.
Here is a list of some of the things you, and your partner, need to be on the lookout for in your relationship. These are common traps that many couples fall into without realizing it. If you know what to watch out for and can avoid these mistakes you will have a much better chance of keeping your relationship strong and healthy for a long time:
1. Unrealistic expectations. As I said above we think our new love can do no wrong. As our relationship slowly changes from falling in love to being in love and all the day to day stresses and mundane tasks we must face, it's easy to lose some of that early 'glow'. This can be a pivotal time in many relationships, sometimes the couple will think that they just don't love each other anymore and break up.
In reality, in any long term relationship, you will spend a much longer time in this 'normal' mode than you will in the early 'glow' mode. It's important to recognize that this is all a normal progression in an adult relationship.
2. Inability to effectively communicate. Men and women express themselves differently...that's just the way it is. The good news is that you can learn to communicate with your partner effectively, if you're willing to take some time to learn how. The whole 'it's a guy thing' or 'it's a girl thing' is only true to a point, and is largely just a cop out.
In reality any mature, intelligent adult should be able to learn how to talk to their partner, and even more importantly, listen to their partner. The real question is do you care enough about your partner and the relationship to take the time?
3. Don't confuse sex with love. This may sound obvious but men and women tend to look at sex in different ways. Women, for example, tend to look at sex as a way to connect with someone they love on a deeper physical level. Yes, it's pleasurable, but the pleasure isn't just physical it's emotional as well.
Men tend to look at sex as definition of who they are as a man. For them too, it's pleasurable but it's also a way to prove their desirability and masculinity. Sometimes when a relationship gets to the 'comfortable' stage this difference in views about sex can create problems. If one partner doesn't seem sexually interested in the other partner it can create severe stress on the relationship.
If your relationship gets to this point, it might help if you and your partner can remember that sex is only one small component of every thing your relationship is made up of. While for many couples, having an active sex life is an important part of the relationship, it's important to understand that as you age and your relationship grows, it probably won't be quite as important as it once was. That doesn't mean your partner doesn't love you or find you attractive, it's just a fairly common way for long term relationships to go.
I hope this love relationship advice will help you hold on to the love you've found. Being able to make a deep, long lasting, connection with another person really is one of life's blessings. Make your connection last by learning how to avoid the pitfalls of some relationships :)
Friday, December 7, 2012
How Can I Get My Husband To Fall In Love With Me Again
How Can I Get My Husband To Fall In Love With Me Again
Whether you feel that you're in a loveless marriage or your marriage has taken a nose dive, you many be asking yourself "How can I get my husband to fall in love with me again? This article will address some ways that can help you win back the heart of your husband (if you've really lost it, that is).
If you happen to be in what you feel is a "loveless marriage", you should understand that if your husband is there, he probably still does love you. "Falling out of love" is a term that is often applied to hum-drum marriages but what it frequently means from the man's point of view is that he has fallen out of love with the way the marriage is going.
Your husband may have pulled away from you because he is not happy but can offer no more detailed explanation for his feelings. Men have a hard time accurately interpreting and then communicating what they are feeling. Even if they can't put words to it, what they are often feeling is the relationship doesn't make them feel good about themselves anymore.
When you first started your relationship, you were both putting your best foot forward and putting a lot of time and effort into making the other person feel good about you and about themselves.
So your relationship became stronger and both you and your husband felt wanted, important, interesting and competent, just to name a few. For men, these feelings are what makes him feel like he is in love. So, it's important to understand that when your husband says (or you think) he doesn't love you anymore, that might not be true. It's very likely that he's actually mourning the loss of the relationship that made him feel so great about himself.
So, now that you know this. . .what can you do? First, you get it all out. Tell your husband that you are feeling a distance in your marriage and you miss the closeness and intimacy that you both once enjoyed. Ask him if he wants to improve your marriage. This could scare him because he thinks it will take a lot of work but don't worry about that. The goal here is to communicate your desire to your husband.
Then you show him that he'll probably like what you have in mind. Define what you miss in your relationship. If that happens to be more affection, then show more real affection to your husband. If you want more appreciation, let him know you appreciate him first. Sure, you have to take the first steps, but in time, you'll see that he responds. It's not unusual in the beginning that your husband will just look at you funny or totally reject your attempts. This will probably be hard on your ego but don't give up! You'll see in time that you've found the answer to "How can I get my husband to fall in love with me again?"
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Should You Try Getting Over A Relationship Or Put Your Energy Into Getting Your Ex Back
Should You Try Getting Over A Relationship Or Put Your Energy Into Getting Your Ex Back
When we split from a lover, we can either try getting over a relationship or try getting them back. It obviously depends on whether you still love your ex as to which one you chose. If you do want your ex back, you need to make every attempt to achieve this. You and only you know whether he or she makes you happy and would make your life complete.
Your family and friends may try to advise you but remember that they are not impartial. They love you and hopefully want what is best for you but sometimes people act with their own interests in mind. If your friends are all single, they may have been jealous of your love affair and would prefer to keep you single. If they didn’t like your partner, they are not going to encourage you to get him/her back. Couples, as we know, break up for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes there is no coming back from the split and you have to accept it.
Often especially if it was caused by something trivial or a misunderstanding, you could salvage things if only one of you would swallow their pride and initiate contact. Usually this will have to be the man as society still thinks it is the man who should do the chasing. A woman who makes the first move can be seen as being desperate. Examine your own feelings before you decide which option to choose. Do you want to get back with your ex, to dump them so they know how it feels?
These are games for teenagers to play so if that is your motivation, do yourself a favor and move on. But if you really do believe this person to be your soul mate, you need to plan a way to get them back in your life. Try enlisting the help of their family and friends. Now there is a fine line between asking for help and becoming a stalker so take it slowly. Just happen to be at the places these people hang out i.e. bump into them by accident and see how MS/Mr ex is doing.
Make sure you are looking good so that the reports back are favorable. If you haven’t slept for days, plaster on the makeup. You do not want it going back to your lover that you looked miserable and suicidal. You could always try the direct approach and contact your former partner. Ask them out for a friendly cup of coffee, tea or meal and see where it goes.
You never know they could have been dying to make contact but were afraid that you would not entertain them. People are funny creatures –they will often let fear of the unknown hinder their future happiness. Whatever you decide, remember that we only get one shot at life. It is not a dress rehearsal. Getting over a relationship or getting back with your ex are both achievable, the question is which one do you want to succeed at.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Do You Want To Be The Women Men Adore And Never Want To Leave
Do You Want To Be The Women Men Adore And Never Want To Leave
Many women dream of becoming the women men adore and never want to leave. But just as many women go about it in the totally wrong way and end up losing one guy after another. What is the secret? I'll show you.
The first thing you have to do is totally change your way of thinking. Our society has done a huge disservice to men and women by creating unrealistic expectations of what men and women should be.
For example, for most of your history women have been taught that men are overly sexual and that they really only want sex. You've been led to believe that if a woman give her man enough sex he'll love you forever and never leave. That is complete and utter nonsense!
Yes men like sex, but surprise, so do women! Women have just as high of a sex drive as men but the difference is our society has encouraged men to follow their sex drive while women have been taught that 'good girls' will wait until they're married. The result? Men judge their 'manliness' on the number of conquests they make and women are frustrated and angry that they are forced to put their needs on hold.
So if you want to keep your man happy you need to get over the idea that he needs sex all the time or that he needs it more than you. Men and women really aren't that different in what they need and want from a relationship. Two words can describe what they want: Connection and Support.
As humans we all need to feel connected to others. If you can remember that and base your relationship on that fact you will have a great chance of making your man love you forever.
A connection can be made emotionally, spiritually, and sexually. The more of these types of connections you and your man have the stronger your relationship will be. If you want to keep him in love with you stay in a love-connected state with him. Don't get sidetracked with negative petty issues; think out and weigh whats really important in the relationship for both of you.
After all, you have to remember who you were when you met, he was attracted to that person so why would you change and become some boring, clingy, petty person now?
The women men adore and never want to leave knows all of theses things. She gives her man the connections and support he needs while keeping her own identity intact. She doesn't put his needs above hers, but she lets him know that she is his biggest fan and loves and accepts him unconditionally.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Why Men Leave Relationships
Why Men Leave Relationships
If you are a woman who is struggling to keep your relationship intact and you want to know why men leave relationships, this is the article for you. As humans, we have the tendency to make things more complicated than they have to be. This is compounded by some misconceptions that are strongly rooted in our society.
Many people have heard the saying: "Men use love to get sex and women use sex to get love". The problem is that doesn't have to be the way it is. While there might be some truth to that it just perpetuates a common flaw in our way of thinking: that men want and need sex more than women and that sex is all men need to be happy.
That's simply not true. For the most part men and women have similar sex drives but our society, and really throughout history, men have been encouraged to 'sow their wild oats' and women have been told they have to be 'good girls'. So men are used to giving in to their desires and women are used to putting their desires on hold.
No wonder relationships seem like such a challenge! Half the population doesn't feel like they have any control over their urges and the other half feels like their urges are wrong!
For anyone who wants a stable loving relationship you will need to re-think many of the concepts you were brought up to believe. The truth is that anyone, men or women, will leave unfulfilled relationships and all but the most shallow people want to be fulfilled in many ways not just sexually.
In order to really have a loving long term relationship you need to have connections: physical, spiritual, and emotional. These are necessary for the success of any long term relationship. All people want to feel like they are accepted, understood, desired, and loved by their partners.
When one or more of these needs aren't met the relationship will start to fall apart. For any woman who wants to know why men leave relationships so they can prevent it from happening to them, just remember to connect with your man on all of these levels, and both of you will be happy, fulfilled, and committed to the relationship forever.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
What Type of Woman Do Men Consider Marriage Worthy?
What Type of Woman Do Men Consider Marriage Worthy?
Whether they openly admit it or not, most men want to marry a woman that is both sexy and smart. In other words, they want the ‘whole package’. And the great thing about intelligence is that you don’t have to be supermodel material to pull off sexy with your intellect.
Brains, confidence, and a having a point of view are just hot no matter how you package it. And the right man will see that immediately and, most likely, he will classify you as marriage material because of it.
Having a strong belief in yourself is another quality men find sexy in a woman; it’s a quality that differentiates you from the other women he might only classify as fling material. If you have a strong sense of self and know exactly who you are, men find that extremely attractive.
More importantly, by showing a man that you are strong and confident, he will also see you as a woman worthy of marriage. They figure if you can hold such a powerful belief in yourself, that then you could hold that kind of belief in him as well.
And deep down inside, men want you to believe in them. They want you to believe they can be the strong man you desire and need them to be.
Attract a man by approaching him from a place of strength and brains, rather than overt sex appeal, if you want him to see you as marriage material. And remember that, although first impressions do count, as a woman you hold power and that power is you femininity. And it WORKS over men more than you realize!
Especially when getting a guy to choose you as his future wife. Use that power wisely and you just might be pleasantly surprised!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
A Good Man is a Confident Man
A Good Man is a Confident Man
A lot of women always seem to choose men that are not right for them. They end up dating a string of losers and never seem to know why they can't find a good man. Ladies, you need to be consciously aware not only of what you are attracted to, but also what you find unacceptable, and you need to take immediate action when a man has those unacceptable traits.
What It Means:
Most women know what they are attracted to. You might be looking for a man who is tall, good-looking, financially successful, has a great sense of humor etc. One trait that triggers attraction in women is confidence.
A man may have all of the other traits that you are looking for, he may be tall, good-looking, and wealthy but if he is so rude, insensitive, and treats women poorly you probably aren't going to end up dating him. On the other hand,a man that might be slightly less attractive but who is extremely confident will have no trouble coming up to you and starting a conversation, and before long you may be attracted to him.
Being attracted to confidence is that the men who could be considered as a " Good Guy" are viewed by the media as nerdy; but in reality are usually oozing with confidence. If you go out on a date with a man who tells you that he appreciates to be with you and he shows that he's enjoying your company. That in itself is a very good sign and can lead to another date with you.
The guy who is appreciate, kind, and treats women with respect will have tons of confidence and also have a lot of women interested in him. Why? , because he displays maintaining, providing and protecting qualities aka: Relationship Commitment Material.
Bottom Line:
As a woman, it is in your DNA to be attracted to confidence. It's like a chemical reaction that goes on inside your brain. What you need to be able to do as a woman is to make a list not only of the traits that you find attractive, but also the traits that you find unacceptable. You may feel drawn to a man that is good-looking but you have to be able to make a conscious decision to dump a guy when he exhibits traits that are on your unacceptable list.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Relationship Rescue
Relationship Rescue
Many people begin searching for relationship rescue tactics to try and bring back the spark they once had with a partner when the magic begins to fade. Over time, most relationships grow and change from the loving, romantic bond into a steady routine of daily rituals and habits. In some cases, those habits can make one or both people in the relationship feel as though they're being taken for granted.
Some people may find that they're arguing more often than they're enjoying each other. Others may find that there's nothing left to say to each other or they simply fall into a daily pattern where everything else seems more important than the relationship.
Your relationship doesn't have to be this way.
Often the first avenue many people try in order to re-kindle a relationship is to try and bring back some of the romance. Intimate dinners and provocative lingerie are nice physical attempts at bringing you closer again, but they don't address on the inner, emotional reasons why the relationship may be strained. On the other hand, endlessly talking about your relationship rescue plans and tactics could potentially drive a wedge between you and strain the relationship even further.
There are plenty of relationship rescue tactics you can use to bring that loving spark back into your relationships. Here are some relationship rescue suggestions you can try to help get you back on the right track.
1. Appreciation
When the initial heady, romantic stage of any relationship begins to settle into a comfortable partnership, many people lose sight of the things they originally appreciated in their partner. They begin to focus on the things that irritate them or annoy them or make them mad.
Unfortunately, focusing on all the negative aspects of your partner can often bring about a feeling of resentment, which can lead to arguments and eventually the destruction of the relationship.
It's important to try and find things in your partner that you appreciate. You might appreciate their kindness or their sense of humor or their intelligence or whatever attribute attracted you to them in the first place.
2. Awareness
Live each day of your relationship as though it was the last day you have with your partner. Accidents happen when we least expect them. While this doesn't mean it's going to happen to you, consider how you'd feel if something did happen and today really was the final day you had together.
What would you regret most? What would you wish you'd said or done or changed if you never had the opportunity to do them again?
Your answers to those questions should be the very same things you need to be doing with your partner each and every day. When you live each day as though it was your last, the romance will return almost immediately.
3. Communication
Your partner can't read your mind. Sitting in silence letting a problem brew until you're at bursting point won't make your partner see problems any more clearly and it can compound the negative emotions within you.
It's important to communicate with your partner about your expectations, your needs, your goals and ambitions, your disappointment and anger. Communication is about letting the other person know what you're feeling in a clear, non-blaming manner so that you can both be sure you're on the same page.
Relationship rescue is all about finding ways to be sure you understand and appreciate the little things you do for each other instead of focusing on the negatives. If you can communicate clearly and find ways to appreciate and support your partner, then your relationship rescue attempts will be rewarded.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Help Him Fall Deeply in Love with You
Here's a one secret : There’s nothing more attractive to a man than a woman who is comfortable in her own skin, confident in herself, and kind to others. Learn more secrets at Girl Gets Ring.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Where to Find Good Men When You Think They’re All Taken
Where to Find Good Men When You Think They’re All Taken
There’s a bit of myth that circulates a woman’s mind (often wildly perpetuated by media) that unless you’re already married, all the good men are gone. Sorry gals but that’s simply not true.There is a vast world out there full of eligible men that very well could turn out to be your very own Mr. McDreamy… if you know how to look for him. The first step in finding something you’re looking for or attracting that thing that you want most is to get really clear about just what the heck you want in the first place.
This Holds True for Finding and Attracting Mr. Right As Well
You need to know what kind of guy you want in your life for the long haul before you can even attempt to narrow down the field and figure out where to find him. Sound a little science-like? It almost sort of is!Think about it for a moment though.
If you know very specifically the traits you do and do not want in a man it gives you the ability to quickly (and more importantly painlessly) move through the masses and walk away from a man that doesn’t fit your personal “Man Picture” without hesitation.
You don’t wind up involved in messy relationships with men you will never be able to live with long-term because you already know (based on your personal “Man Picture”) exactly the type of guy you want to settle down with. It also allows you to find said man much easier by avoiding places you know he absolutely would not be caught dead in. It’s a bit like sales, marketing, and “Customer Avatars”; only applied to relationships and your own personal likes and dislikes in a mate.
In sales an ideal customer avatar is created based on all the characteristics market research has shown would make up a person most interested in a particular product or service. Then based on that customer avatar and all of those characteristics, targeted sales materials are created to sell specifically to that (fictional) person.
By the same token, if you create your own ideal personal “Man Picture” made up of all the traits and characteristics in a man that you absolutely adore… you know exactly who you are looking for.
You are then better able to figure out just where this man might be found and won’t waste valuable time or wind up battling heartbreak (to quote an old country song) by “looking for love in all the wrong places”.
In Girl Gets Ring I talk about something called the Waterfall Characteristic. In a quick nutshell it’s basically a single driving character trait you are looking for in a man that when you find it… you find the man that also tends to have a lion’s share of all those other character traits you’re looking for. Suddenly that man’s chances of being Mr. Right are increased exponentially. But you won’t know that single driving character trait or any of those other traits if you don’t first take some time to get really clear on who Mr. Right really is to you.
Create that mental picture of Mr. Right and then you can start putting yourself in his path by frequenting places he is most likely to be found.
Sample Questions to Help You Snapshot Your Personal “Man Picture”
- What does he look like?
- Is his hair long?
- Is his hair short?
- Is he clean-shaven or somewhat scruffy?
- What does he like to do?
- Where does he like to hang out?
- Who does he like to hang out with?
- What sort of job does he have?
- Is he into manual labor?
- Does he have a desk job?
- Is he funny?
- Is he serious?
- Is he athletic?
- Is he a fascinating blend of all three?
- Does he like books?
- Does he like art?
- Does he like to cook?
- Does he prefer sushi over BBQ?
- Does he prefer t-shirts or dress shirts?
- Does he like wearing boots or flip-flops?
Once you have that personal “Man Picture” in place you should then have a good starting point on where to begin looking for him based on his most dominant characteristics and you can begin placing yourself onto a path of collision. (I know! The space metaphors are awesome… what can I say, I’m on a roll.)
Careful though because you may find this strategy winds up placing more than one Mr. Right in your path which then leaves you with (gasp) options! For obvious reasons you don’t want too many of those but it never hurts to have more than one apple to choose from right?
And there you were, thinking all the good men were taken. You just didn’t know how to find them!
Monday, August 6, 2012
We Have a Kid and I Want to Get Married and Stay Together - How Do I Make This Happen
We Have a Kid and I Want to Get Married and Stay Together - How Do I Make This Happen
Thе twо оf уоu hаvе а child аnd оnе оf уоu dоеѕ nоt wаnt tо commit. Whаt іѕ thе reason fоr bоth оf уоu nоt ѕееіng eye tо eye? I'm ѕurе thе decisions thаt nееd tо bе mаdе іn raising thіѕ child hаvе caused а lot оf arguments. If so, аѕk yourself, аrе thеу rеаllу issues thаt can't bе worked out? Chances аrе уоur emotions аrе gеttіng іn thе wау оf compromising аnd finding solutions together. Aftеr all, bоth оf уоu аrе gоіng tо nееd tо work tоgеthеr fоr уоur child fоr а long time, ѕо whу nоt start now. Yоu knоw it's bеttеr оvеrаll fоr thе kid tо hаvе bоth parents gеt аlоng аnd ultimately stay together.
Rebuilding thе relationship wіth еасh оthеr іѕ thе fіrѕt step іn making thіѕ work іf уоu wаnt tо gеt married аnd stay together. Nоt јuѕt fоr thе child but fоr еасh оthеr too. Tаkе іt slow. Bе patient. Aѕk уоurѕеlf whаt brought уоu twо tоgеthеr іn thе fіrѕt place аnd gо frоm there. Mothers аrе еѕресіаllу emotional аbоut thеіr children ѕо іf уоu аrе а man reading this, thе bеѕt thіng уоu саn dо rіght nоw tо impress hеr іѕ pour уоur love аnd attention іntо thаt child. Yоu ѕhоuld bе dоіng thаt anyway, but naturally, а woman wіth а child wаntѕ а man thаt wіll аlwауѕ bе thеrе аnd provide fоr thаt child. That's а vеrу strong natural instinct іn а woman.
If уоu аrе а woman reading thіѕ аnd lооkіng tо kеер thе man уоu love аnd thе father оf уоur child, tаkе а step back. Trу nоt tо demand аnd nag. I knоw thіѕ sounds harsh bесаuѕе I'm ѕurе you're оnlу demanding bесаuѕе уоu wаnt уоur child tаkеn care of, but males run fast frоm nags nо matter whаt it's about. Males unfоrtunаtеlу ѕее thіѕ behavior аѕ hаvіng а mother telling thеm whаt tо dо rаthеr thаn а lover аnd partner. Yоu dо wаnt what's bеѕt fоr уоur child, ѕо maybe, thе bеѕt thіng tо dо rіght nоw іѕ tо lооk аt уоurѕеlf аnd ask, "would I stay wіth mуѕеlf acting thіѕ way?" mоѕt lіkеlу not.
Mауbе уоu hаd а child ѕо ѕооn thаt уоu rеаllу nеvеr hаd chance tо work оn уоur оwn relationship wіth еасh other. I wаnt tо tеll уоu it's nоt tоо late!
Remember, уоu аrе рrоbаblу hеrе bесаuѕе уоu wаnt what's bеѕt fоr уоur child аnd уоu ѕtіll love уоur significant other. Searching fоr а wау tо mаkе uр аnd stay tоgеthеr аlrеаdу shows уоu аrе tаkіng responsibility аnd genuinely care аnd wаnt tо mаkе іt right. Don't wait аnу longer. Thе time іѕ now!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
What NEVER to say or do to your man...
You’ve got to read this fantastic article I just came across.
It’s by Randy Bennett, a licensed relationship therapist, who has stumbled onto a special technique you can use to get your man to treat you like he did when you first started dating – for good! Here it is below – I hope you enjoy.
Dr. Paul Pharms,PhD. :)
Have you ever wondered why some men treat their women like a princess even well PAST the dating phase?
Even after many years these guys STILL buy flowers, they remember EVERY special occasion and they give their women their FULL attention when they are with them.
They NEVER retreat to the garage, NEVER ignore them to watch the football game on TV and NEVER disappear for hours on end to play golf with their “buddies”.
Well recent reports from relationship scientists (yes, those do exist!) say that you can actually get that exact SAME love, attention and warmth from your man, regardless of how long you’ve been together or how rocky your relationship may be.
The Secret to Getting Your Man to Treat YOU Like a Princess...
The secret to unlocking this same love and affection from your man is probably something you’ve never considered.
But once you know the secret, you can literally change your man and influence him to treat you better...even like a princess.
Now before you accuse me of heresy, let me explain by asking you a question:
Is there something you or your man does that REALLY gets him going?
You know what I’m talking about... maybe it’s a word, or a certain look, maybe a flick of the hand or a shoulder shrug – something that REALLY gets under his skin?
Whatever it is you KNOW it drives him batty and the result is typically the same.
Within milliseconds, his face turns the color of a boiled lobster; his heart practically leaps out of his chest and he either explodes with rage, he runs away to the garage and you don’t see him for hours, or he just sits there...stone-faced, not saying a word.
WHAT just happened?
His Brain Was Just Hijacked...
Familiar with the fight or flight response? Well, you just witnessed it and it’s the reason why a simple argument can turn into an all-out war.
Every one of us has a little internal guard on duty 24/7 in our brain. It’s called the amygdala and it’s a small walnut-sized part of your brain responsible for alerting the body to danger.
The amygdala processes incoming information and automatically searches your memory bank to determine if it recognizes the information as friend or foe.
All of this happens instantly, and if the brain has memory of that word or action and the memory is bad... the body goes into an automatic negative response over which you have almost NO control.
It’s called neural hijacking and it literally stops love, warmth and intimacy from being able to enter the relationship.
And this automatic negative response is triggered by those little shoulder shrugs, those eye rolls...and anything else you may do that has conditioned your man to react negatively.
And once this happens, it’s game over – your man won’t listen to ANYTHING you say after this and you’ll both go round and round with finger-pointing, name-calling and laying blame on each other.
How to Eliminate these Triggers and Establish a Deep Emotional Connection...
The good news is that you can uncover what these triggers are (for BOTH of you) and set the stage for both of you to plant, nurture and harvest new feelings of love and intimacy.
Here’s exactly what you do:
First, think of a few actions you know set him off. Be specific. You know what they are, if you dig deep enough -- you use a “tone,” you make a face, you have a specific phrase you say when discussing a touchy subject, whatever.
And when you use any of these things, you get a negative response out of him. Write those down now and remember them.
Second, go straight to the source: ask him what you do that sets off his emotional firebombs. But don’t get defensive...let him have his say...just listen.
He may feel reluctant at first to share, or maybe he’s not even aware that there might be something specific linked to his going off. Regardless, after you begin compiling your list here is what you do...
Avoid those words or actions at ALL COSTS.
It’s as simple as that.
Unless you really want to end up a divorce statistic or you really enjoy sifting through dating sites, avoid doing those behaviors or saying those words that cause problems in your relationship.
Once these are gone...your partner won’t have those mental blocks or love filters, and you’ll have a much easier time building intimacy and affection again.
This really works and I’ve been using this tip and several others for 25 years, teaching it to every woman who comes to me wanting to know how to melt her man’s heart...and in return, have her man treat her like he did when they first started dating – like a princess!
I wish you the best.
Randall E. Bennett, MA, LMFT, LCPC
P.S. Due to the overwhelming response I’ve received about these relationship triggers that can cause a good relationship to go bad, I recently put together a video that explains in much more detail exactly how you can eliminate them to develop a deep emotional connection with your man.
Nobody really talks about this technique and it’s a shame, because it’s extremely powerful and works in almost any situation.
It’s something you MUST know if you want to understand exactly what your man REALLY wants, what makes him tick, and how to get him to shower you with the love, care and affection that you deserve...not because you are forcing him to do it, but because he actually WANTS to do it.
So, sit back, relax and go watch my video as I am not sure how much longer I will have it up.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Get Him Interested In You
He doesn't notice me,
He doesn't notice me, but then again he might. He may have glanced my way.
He may have remembered the time that he passed my way.
Maybe I'm just dreaming, but he put a spark in my heart that's always gleaming.
Dear, He doesn't notice me.
There's plenty of steps that you can take to get the attention of this guy. Stop waiting for him to approach you, here's some inside information to help you understand how he thinks about relationships.
He doesn't notice me, but then again he might. He may have glanced my way.
He may have remembered the time that he passed my way.
Maybe I'm just dreaming, but he put a spark in my heart that's always gleaming.
Dear, He doesn't notice me.
There's plenty of steps that you can take to get the attention of this guy. Stop waiting for him to approach you, here's some inside information to help you understand how he thinks about relationships.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
What to Do When Your Boyfriend Doesn't Want to Get Married
What to Do When Your Boyfriend Doesn't Want to Get Married
It саn bе emotionally devastating tо discover уоur boyfriend dоеѕ nоt wаnt tо gеt married. If іt happens tо you, you may feel extremely confused. Hеrе іѕ whаt you can do tо gеt yourѕеlf оut оf this mess, аnd whаt I advise уоu tо dо too...
Gеt clear whісh іѕ mоrе important tо уоu - bеіng married оr bеіng wіth уоur boyfriend. You must discover thе power оf bеіng clear аbоut whаt you want...
Inѕtеаd оf trуіng tо manipulate your boyfriend іntо changing hіѕ mind, decided tо јuѕt gеt clear whісh is mоrе important tо you - bеіng wіth hіm оr bеіng married. Aftеr а fеw days оf thought, You may decided thаt bеіng married is muсh mоrе important thаn bеіng wіth а boyfriend whо doesn't nоt wаnt tо gеt married.
Tell him your true feelings; that іf hе wаѕ nоt gоіng tо marry you, then wе wоuld hаvе tо break up. Lеt hіm knоw thаt bеіng married is important tо you аnd thаt you understand іf hе dіd nоt feel ready. Tell hіm you hаve tо dо whаt іѕ rіght fоr you. Bесаuѕе your speaking frоm а place оf power, wіthоut thе nееd tо blame him, hе may reconsider hіѕ position аnd make plans tо gеt married!
Whу іѕ іt important tо bе clear аbоut whаt уоu want?
Yоur boyfriend knоwѕ hіѕ stand оn marriage. In order tо negotiate, уоu nееd tо knоw whеrе уоur stand іѕ too. Thе person wіth thе lesser nееd hаѕ mоrе power tо negotiate. Yоu can't gеt whаt уоu wаnt unlеѕѕ уоu аrе clear аbоut whаt іt is. Bеіng clear аbоut whаt уоu wаnt gіvеѕ уоu thе courage tо stay оr walk аwау frоm thіѕ relationship іf уоu hаvе to.
Whаt іѕ thе danger оf nоt bеіng clear?
Thеrе іѕ confusion. Yоu feel helpless аnd lost. Thеrе іѕ nо light аt thе еnd оf thе tunnel. Yоu feel upset, уеt уоu don't knоw why. Thіѕ іѕ frustrating fоr уоur boyfriend too. Worse still, іf уоu аrе nоt clear аbоut whаt уоu want, уоu соuld еnd uр arguing wіth уоur boyfriend fоr thе sake оf arguing. Untіl уоu аrе clear аbоut whаt уоu want, уоu can't mаkе а decision аbоut whаt tо dо nеxt іn уоur relationship.
Yоur relationship continues but уоur heart dоеѕ nоt feel safe wіthіn it. Inѕtеаd оf hаvіng fun wіth уоur boyfriend, уоu аrе worried аbоut thе future оf уоur relationship.
Sо gеt clear аbоut whісh іѕ mоrе important tо уоu - bеіng married оr bеіng wіth уоur boyfriend. Yоu wіll knоw whаt tо dо nеxt frоm there...
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
I Want To Get Married - Guidelines To Dazzle A Guy And Entice Him To Fall In Love With You
I Want To Get Married - Guidelines To Dazzle A Guy And Entice Him To Fall In Love With You
Althоugh еvеrу guy іѕ а unique individual, thеу dо embrace pretty muсh thе ѕаmе prerequisites whеn іt соmеѕ tо women. Yоu nееd tо fіrѕt figure оut whаt thаt person іѕ interested іn аnd whаt hе frowns upon. You'll nееd tо knоw hіѕ tastes аnd tendencies аnd ѕо on, іn order tо entice а guy tо fall іn love wіth you.
Thіѕ іѕ thе оnlу wау thаt уоu wіll bе аblе tо figure оut thе letter-perfect approach оf drawing hіm tо you. So, let's uncover thе guidelines tо dazzle а guy аnd entice hіm tо fall іn love wіth you.
Bе perceptive аnd considerate
Men gо fоr women whо аrе kind аnd considerate tо others. Kindness іѕ аn attribute thаt wіthоut а doubt draws men tо women. Bе neighborly tо thе folks аrоund уоu If уоu wаnt tо entice а guy tо fall іn love wіth you.
Display а charming personality, bе humble аnd bе ѕurе tо thаnk people whо dо ѕоmеthіng fоr you. Let's say, уоu gо оut оn а date wіth him, grin аnd bе polite tо уоur waiters whеn thеу serve you.
Don't bе discourteous оr disrespectful tо anyone. Abstain frоm insulting anybody, іt wіll perturb thе guy аnd unquestionably destroy уоur chances оf dazzling уоur fella.
Physical allure
Aѕ muсh аѕ beauty іѕ nоt thе infinite criterion tо entice а guy, іt саn wіthоut а doubt, carry а good deal оf weight. A beautiful woman іѕ а ѕurе thіng tо mаkе а substantial impact оn thе guy ѕhе takes а shine to.
However, а gal ѕhоuld nоt set оut tо соmе асrоѕѕ аѕ а model. A lady ѕhоuld dress attractively аnd mаkе аn effort tо lооk hеr best. Shе wіll wаnt tо bе comfortable іn hеr clothes аnd оught tо dress ассоrdіng tо hеr body type аnd age.
Internal beauty іѕ mоrе attractive thаn superficial sex appeal. Yоur unpretentious nature аnd values аrе rеаllу mоrе attractive tо hіm thаn уоur looks. Confidence іѕ ѕоmеthіng thаt уоu dеfіnіtеlу muѕt have. Aѕ а rule, guys аrе mоrе attracted tо self-reliant аnd cool headed women wіth а sunny presence аnd optimistic personality.
Mаkе hіm fall іn love wіth уоu
Guys wеlсоmе challenges аnd feel а real nееd tо pursue girls whо соmе асrоѕѕ аѕ mysterious tо them.
Yоu should lеt the topic sneak іntо уоur conversation аnd уоu wіll wаnt tо lеt hіm ѕее thаt уоu аrе сlеаrlу interested іn marriage аt thіѕ point іn time. Thіѕ wіll аllоw hіm tо bесоmе vеrу curious аbоut уоu аnd hе wіll kеер оn wondering what's gоіng оn іn уоur mind.
If уоu adhere tо thеѕе guidelines tо dazzle а guy аnd entice hіm tо fall іn love wіth you, уоu wіll attract the right guy lіkе а magnet.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Why My Girlfriend Does Not Want to Get Married
Why My Girlfriend Does Not Want to Get Married
It іѕ а vеrу natural thіng thаt а relationship wіll lead tо а marriage. Aѕ marriage іѕ а lifelong commitment, mаnу аrе nоt іn а hurry tо settle dоwn untіl thеу аrе rеаllу ѕurе thаt thе person thаt thеу wаnt tо marry іѕ thеіr love оf thеіr life.
Fоr сеrtаіn reasons, уоur girlfriend mау nоt bе ready tо commit іntо а marriage аѕ wеll but thаt dоеѕ nоt mеаn thаt ѕhе wіll thіnk lіkе thіѕ іn thе future аѕ wеll bесаuѕе hеr thinking mау change wіth time too.
- Gеttіng married tоо early
Hоw long hаvе уоu bееn tоgеthеr wіth her? Thе rush оf gеttіng іntо marriage mауbе tоо ѕооn fоr а relationship thаt іѕ nоt tоо long together. Shе mау nееd mоrе time tо understand уоu bеttеr bеfоrе making thіѕ decision.
- Nоt ready fоr commitments
Arе bоth оf уоu financially stable tо set уоur оwn family? Thеrе аrе mаnу commitments іn а marriage ѕuсh аѕ house, children, household expenses, etc. If ѕhе іѕ nоt ready fоr that, ѕhе mау nоt wаnt tо gеt married.
- Fear fоr marriage
Divorce іѕ gеttіng common nowadays аnd іf ѕhе had a failed relationship, ѕhе mау bе scare tо gеt married bесаuѕе оf hеr worries іn еndіng uр іn а divorce.
- Character Issues
Shе іѕ ѕtіll thinking оf whеthеr уоu аrе thе rіght man fоr her. Mауbе bоth оf уоu hаvе аlwауѕ bееn quarreling оr ѕhе finds thаt thе relationship іѕ plain аnd boring.
Assurance іѕ аlwауѕ needed іn а relationship аnd іf уоu аrе ѕurе thаt ѕhе іѕ thе оnlу woman thаt уоu wаnt tо marry, уоu ѕhоuld mаkе hеr feel confident аbоut thіѕ relationship. Give уоurѕеlf thіѕ chance tо discover thе proven ways оn hоw tо bеttеr а relationship аnd change hеr opinion іn marriage.
Monday, June 18, 2012
What Makes a Man Want to Get Married - Ways to Get Your Guy
What Makes a Man Want to Get Married - Ways to Get Your Guy
Whаt mаkеѕ а man wаnt tо gеt married? Thіѕ іѕ thе question thаt mаnу women wіѕh thеу hаd аn answer to. It's bеуоnd frustrating tо fall іn love wіth а man, anticipate а life tоgеthеr оnlу tо realize thаt hе јuѕt isn't interested іn tаkіng thаt fateful walk dоwn thе aisle tо bесоmе husband аnd wife. If you're іn love wіth а man lіkе this, don't give uр оn him. Althоugh mаnу people wіll tеll уоu thаt а man lіkе thіѕ won't change, hе will. Understanding whаt drives а man tо pop thе question саn hеlр уоu subtly guide уоur man tоwаrdѕ а happily еvеr аftеr future wіth you.
Onе vеrу important answer tо thе question оf whаt mаkеѕ а man wаnt tо gеt married іѕ security. Hе wаntѕ tо feel thаt thе woman hе chooses tо spend hіѕ life wіth wіll bе thеrе fоr him. Don't trу аnd persuade а proposal оut оf hіm bу making hіm jealous. If hе senses, еvеn fоr а moment, thаt уоu mау cheat оn him, he'll nеvеr commit tо you. Hе doesn't wаnt tо risk hаvіng hіѕ heart broken.
Hе wаntѕ tо feel safe аnd comfortable wіthіn thе relationship аnd thе marriage. If уоu twо аrе оftеn challenging оnе аnоthеr оr іf there's ongoing conflict, that's nоt gоіng tо hеlр іn уоur quest tо gеt hіm tо marry you. Hе wаntѕ tо feel thаt coming home еасh day wіll bе а pleasant, fulfilling аnd peaceful experience. If уоu trulу wаnt а future wіth hіm уоu nееd tо start working harder аt showing hіm thаt уоu twо аrе іndееd compatible. Thіѕ mау involve compromise оn уоur part, but соnѕіdеrіng hоw muсh уоu vаluе him, it's оbvіоuѕlу worth it.
Men аlѕо crave tо bе committed tо women whо aren't standing аt thе ready tо steal аll thеіr freedom frоm them. Mаnу men аrе quick tо ѕау thаt thе reason thеу don't wаnt tо gеt married іѕ thеу аrе fearful оf losing thеіr freedom. Thеу ѕtіll wаnt tо bе аblе tо hang оut wіth thеіr friends, pursue thеіr оwn hobbies аnd hаvе time tо themselves. If уоu show hіm thаt уоu wаnt thоѕе vеrу ѕаmе thіngѕ fоr yourself, he'll feel еvеn closer tо you. Encourage hіm tо gо оut wіth hіѕ friends, whіlе уоu dо thе same. Nеvеr аѕk hіm tо change fоr you. If уоu embrace hіm еxасtlу thе wау hе іѕ аnd lеt hіm knоw thаt уоu aren't gоіng tо monopolize hіѕ time оr hіѕ life, а proposal mау bе іn уоur nеаr future.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Why Won't He Commit
Why Won't He Commit
You met and have been seeing this guy for a while now and things have been going great as far as you are concerned but sometimes you get the feeling that he just isn't seeing things the way you do. Now you are beginning to wonder why won't he commit to you like you want to to him?
The best way for you to find out if he is a commitment phoebe is to ask him straight out why won't he commit to you and your relationship.
When you do this, try not to be threatening or demanding, this will just make him want to turn and run. Sit him down with a cup of coffee and tell him you have felt for a while that something was just not right and ask if there is anything you could do to help.
He may see this as an opportunity to explore his feelings and realize a few things about himself or he may just see this as your way of butting into his business.
Either way, you will get your answer. Here are the five main answers to the question, "Why won't he commit?":
1. He still has feelings for his previous girlfriend - If he does, you are most likely his rebound girlfriend and rebound relationships rarely, if ever, work out for the best. You can usually tell pretty easily if this is the case if he can't stop talking about her, compares you to her, or has a picture of her still on display in his house.
2. He is playing the field - You may not be the only one he is dating and he is having too much fun to be exclusive.
3. He is afraid of being hurt - Bad break ups can sometimes leave deep scars and create a reluctance to enter into another long term relationship.
4. He has trust issues because his parents went through a nasty divorce - Yup, this can have a lasting effect on someone's idea of what marriage is or should be. This is his baggage and you may or may not be able to help him sort through it and get over it. Just know that it will be a long drawn out process to get him to trust you.
5. He doesn't consider you the woman of his dreams - He likes you well enough and enjoys spending time with you but you are just not his "one". This reason will definitely be the most hurtful to you so if you sit him down for a talk be prepared for the answers you might get.
If he even opens up to you at all.
I am sure there are more reasons why a man won't make that commitment in some relationships but these are the five most "popular" reasons.
You can keep wondering why won't he commit or you can make a choice. Get out of the relationship and move on to the next or just enjoy it for what it is for just right now.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Get Engaged
Get Engaged
Congratulations, you are going to get engaged! This is an exciting and scary time. One thing I've found is that after the excitement winds down a bit many people start worrying how the marriage will be.
The statistics today are a little frightening, so many marriages end in divorce. I'm sure you don't want to think about that right now but those thoughts can creep in anyway.
But don't worry, you will get engaged and these simple tips will help ensure that you and your honey do live happily ever after. Now, I've got to admit that I'm not an expert, but I do have some ideas and I think they can help ease your mind a little bit.
As a matter of fact, many of the points I'm going to talk about are often covered in pre marriage counseling that is sometimes required prior to getting married. These are things that many of us don't think about, or talk about, but they are important.
You and your honey should think about the following:
1. What are your attitudes about money? Do you both have similar ideas about how to spend and save money? Do you both have similar ideas about which partner, or both, should take care of managing the household budget and paying bills? None of these issues are Earth shattering but it can cause strife in a relationship so finding some common ground early on is a great idea and a good, easy, way to avoid some conflict later on.
2. What are your attitudes about religion? Do you share the same faith, or are you of different faiths? If so, have you discussed how to handle various holidays? Most of the time before you get to the point where you get engaged you have already spent quite a bit of time together and have already gone through a few holidays so you have most likely already worked this one out.
But, if not, it's a good idea to discuss it now.
3. Do you both want to have kids? If so, how many? Have you discussed if you will both work or will one of you try to stay home and raise the kids? If so which one? Will you choose based on who makes the least income or on other factors? If you are of different faiths will you raise your kids with a knowledge of both faiths and basically let them choose?
4. And last but not least , have both of you fully committed to the marriage? What I mean is that have both of you formed a bond with the other and moved away from your family ties? No one is suggesting that you don't continue to have a relationship with your family but your partner should come first.
This is especially true when it comes to how you want to raise your kids and various religious beliefs. Sometimes the most pressure can come right from the parents of one or both of the spouses. They don't usually mean to cause problems but they often do.
That is why it is so very important that you and your partner commit totally to the relationship and each other. Your parents will sometimes want to enforce their ideas on you and your spouse and that can cause a lot of friction. You both need to learn how to respectfully tell them to back off. The sooner you do, the less stress you will have in your marriage.
I don't believe happy endings just happen on their own. I believe that it is a combination of many things such as being mature, committing fully to your partner and most importantly picking the right person in the first place.
When you get engaged you want to have a wonderful time planning not just your wedding but talking about your marriage too. Talking about some of these issues and figuring out how to handle them will make your relationship stronger and happier.
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