How To Win Back Lost Love
If you've had a break-up, you're probably either trying to figure out how to get over the person, or how to win back lost love.
Neither is very easy, but most people fall to one or the other, with only very few able to move on quickly without pining or wishing things could be different.
You should really think hard about the relationship and your ex before you do anything. Think about how things were and how they will be now.
Try to be as unbiased as you can.
You might decide that the break-up really isn't a bad idea.
If you decide to try to win back lost love, the first step is to apologize. You might think you've done this. You might have said you were sorry several times.
But if your ex thought you were apologizing just to stop a break-up, he or she might not think the apology was sincere.
If you were the one who did something that you need to apologize for, apologize again. Now they might think the apology is sincere, because nothing hinges on it.
If the relationship has ended, you won't be saying it only to save it but they will believe that you really mean it. (And hopefully, you do.)
When your ex was the one who did something worth apologizing for, then rather than try to get a sincere apology from them, forgive them. This is the tough part for many and it maybe easier said than done.
You may never forget, especially if your break-up was because of cheating, but you must learn to forgive.
Forgiving is much harder for some of us than merely saying, I forgive you, though, so you might want to read a book or two on forgiveness and how to really mean it.
If you want to win back lost love, this step will help you do it. And it can help prevent problems in the future, too.
If you do succeed and you win back lost love, 3 or 6 or 9 months into the newly patched relationship, old issues might come up.
If you haven't forgiven the person for whatever was done to break up the relationship, then you might have a hard time getting past everything.
Old wounds would be reopened and it's likely that hurtful things would be said.
But if you can truly forgive the person, then there won't be any need to rehash the past.
While you're working on forgiving him or her for whatever happened to cause the break up, forgive them for the break up itself and you'll save yourself lots of grief down the road.
Also, to win back lost love, show the person the "you" they fell in love with, not the you that has been dumped.
They were with you because you have certain qualities of kindness, thoughtfulness not because you're angry, jealous or hurt.
While you might not be able to hide the hurt, concentrate on being the best "you" you can possibly be and you may win back lost love by reminding them why they loved you in the first place.
For Your information on How to Win Back Lost Love
A blog from a Relationship Consultant. One that loves what he does and wants to share some of his learning experiences.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
How To Know When They Are Lying- Body Language Signs & Science ( Do You Believe in this??)
How To Know When They Are Lying- Body Language Signs & Science ( Do You Believe in this??)
People lie for a variety of reasons. It may be to cover up a fault or embarrassment, to avoid upsetting other people, to encourage when no hope can be perceived, or to be spared from petty hassles. It may also be due to more serious psychological problems such as delusional imaging or extreme vanity.
Here are some indications that are conveyed by people when lying:
• They speak in a high-pitched, fast-paced, stuttering voice.
• They are constantly swallowing and clearing their throat.
• They try their best to avoid having eye contact. This applies particularly to people who want to avoid discussing a certain topic.
• They look somewhere else and glimpse from the corner of their eye.
• They stick their tongue out to moist their lips.
• They are blinking rapidly.
• They rub their throat.
• Their arms are crossed over the chest.
• They are constantly touching parts of their face, especially the mouth, ear, and nose as if covering them.
• They scratch their head or the back of the neck.
• Their poses are closed, descending, and insecure.
• Their hands or feet are tapping. . They always look down with shrugged shoulders.
• They are constantly moving from one place to another or changing their poses.
• They are projecting parts of their body (feet) to an escape route (door).
Don't Jump to Conclusions**** Every person has a unique body language. Although silence usually denotes that an individual is reserved and relaxed, some people keep their anger within themselves and stay quiet. This is very unhealthy because rage kept up inside can explode furiously anytime, causing serious casualties. A wide open mouth may indicate shock or astonishment for one person, while another person who performs this gesture could just be concentrating intently on a task he’s doing.
Constantly touching the mouth may indicate lying, although the real reason might just be that the mouth is itching, ummm....?? One way to overcome this dilemma is to watch out for other signals that jive with the body language being exhibited. For example, you can confirm if a person is really nervous if he exhibits many of the qualities of nervousness described above. Judgment based on one or two gestures only may not be accurate enough, although they can be dependable.
Be aware of the body language, but also combine your observations with the spoken words to get more hints regarding the inner feelings of another. Use this science to your advantage:)
For Your information on How To Know When They Are Lying:
People lie for a variety of reasons. It may be to cover up a fault or embarrassment, to avoid upsetting other people, to encourage when no hope can be perceived, or to be spared from petty hassles. It may also be due to more serious psychological problems such as delusional imaging or extreme vanity.
Here are some indications that are conveyed by people when lying:
• They speak in a high-pitched, fast-paced, stuttering voice.
• They are constantly swallowing and clearing their throat.
• They try their best to avoid having eye contact. This applies particularly to people who want to avoid discussing a certain topic.
• They look somewhere else and glimpse from the corner of their eye.
• They stick their tongue out to moist their lips.
• They are blinking rapidly.
• They rub their throat.
• Their arms are crossed over the chest.
• They are constantly touching parts of their face, especially the mouth, ear, and nose as if covering them.
• They scratch their head or the back of the neck.
• Their poses are closed, descending, and insecure.
• Their hands or feet are tapping. . They always look down with shrugged shoulders.
• They are constantly moving from one place to another or changing their poses.
• They are projecting parts of their body (feet) to an escape route (door).
Don't Jump to Conclusions**** Every person has a unique body language. Although silence usually denotes that an individual is reserved and relaxed, some people keep their anger within themselves and stay quiet. This is very unhealthy because rage kept up inside can explode furiously anytime, causing serious casualties. A wide open mouth may indicate shock or astonishment for one person, while another person who performs this gesture could just be concentrating intently on a task he’s doing.
Constantly touching the mouth may indicate lying, although the real reason might just be that the mouth is itching, ummm....?? One way to overcome this dilemma is to watch out for other signals that jive with the body language being exhibited. For example, you can confirm if a person is really nervous if he exhibits many of the qualities of nervousness described above. Judgment based on one or two gestures only may not be accurate enough, although they can be dependable.
Be aware of the body language, but also combine your observations with the spoken words to get more hints regarding the inner feelings of another. Use this science to your advantage:)
For Your information on How To Know When They Are Lying:
Friday, December 30, 2011
When Are You Ready to Move onto a New Relationship?
When Are You Ready to Move onto a New Relationship?
A breakup is painful and difficult to deal with on so many levels. The end of a close relationship,an intimate friendship, the dreams that were shared with the significant other are just few things which are lost. When are you really ready to move on to a new relationship without the trauma of the past relation? You may reflect on some of these points:
1. Your significant other from the past no longer occupies your thoughts constantly. You cannot move ahead with a new person if you are mentally focused on someone else.
During a breakup your main thoughts are occupied by the ex – what could have happened, what if things were somehow different, and what if you had not made a mistake, what if there was something you should have said? Once these thoughts of past relationship have been slowly died it will no longer be the primary force in your life.
2. You no longer get all worked up and upset when dealing with your ex. There will surely come a time, when dealing with your ex will become easier and much less emotional. You will be dealing with just another annoying person.
3. You have stopped trying to please your ex. Once a breakup has occurred all obligations to please are over. You no longer do the special things you used to do for them. Favors like washing the car or doing the laundry are no longer obligatory.
4. Your conversations with friends do not include your ex anymore. We all tend to think and speak about the most important things in our lives, if you are no longer talking about your ex it means you can move on.
5. The romantic feelings are all gone. We all harbor feelings towards our ex just after a breakup. When they subside it means you have recovered considerably.
6. You can accept the fact that your ex may have a new romantic partner. There is not a feeling of jealousy because the emotional tie has worn off.
7. You no longer get angry at your ex. During a breakup one feels intensely angry. When former partners no longer evoke anger, one has become detached emotionally. You must wait and reflect till you get over some of these feelings and attachments. Everyone goes through them and it's only natural.One must be hopeful and have a positive approach to life.
For Your information on When Are You Ready to Move onto a New Relationship
Discover How Get Your Ex Back in 4 Easy Steps
Discover How Get Your Ex Back in 4 Easy Steps
Almost everyone in their life has had to go through a breakup. A breakup is a strange thing. Most things in life, the more you do them, the easier it becomes to do. With breakups no matter how many you've had to go through in the past, they certainly don't become easier to go through. After a breakup, unless the relationship was completely terrible, most people desire to get their ex back. In fact, sometimes, even if the relationship was unhealthy, they still desire to get their ex back. You really shouldn't try to get back with your ex if they ever used physical violence or words to hurt you. That is not a healthy relationship.
If you were in a relationship like that and your ex broke up with you, then consider yourself lucky. Otherwise, most relationships follow a pretty predictable pattern. When you first meet someone everything is wonderful and new. They can do no wrong and you can do no wrong in their eyes. After a short while comfort sets in. You adjust to each other. When the newness is gone and the comfort is there things in the relationship change. The little quirks you were willing to overlook before actually bother you now.
There is an expression: Familiarity breeds contempt. Truer words couldn't be spoken for relationships. After a couple get comfortable and familiar with each other, trouble usually starts. This is exactly what tests the strength of the relationship. It takes work and effort to maintain a relationship. Sometimes, when things break, instead of getting repaired, the other person wants out of the relationship completely Do you believe, despite it being over, your relationship is worth salvaging, even if the other person made it clear, it's over? You need some answers on how get your ex back.
Here are four steps you can take. 1.Say sorry Saying you are sorry is one of the best how get your ex back methods. Even if it doesn't get your ex back, it's usually the best first step. Be sure that you say sorry for the right reasons. After a breakup it can be easy to blame yourself for everything. Remember, it takes two people to have a successful relationship. Knowing what exactly to apologize for is critical. Whatever you do, when you apologize don't let your ex bait you into an argument. The biggest irony of saying sorry to an ex is that it can easily lead to another fight. If you say you're sorry, and your ex brings something else up, don't get defensive. Stay calm, keep your emotions, your ego, and your pride in check.
2.Sit down and talk things out If your ex is up to it, set a time where both of you can sit down and talk. Whatever you do don't beg, plead, cry, or force your ex into this. If they don't want to, then just go to the next step. If they do agree, you're going to have to keep your emotions in check. This isn't the time to get into a fight again. Make it clear to your ex that you have no desire to bring blame into the discussion. You want to talk about the issues objectively. If you talk strictly about the issues without assigning blame, you'll get better results. It is best if you can get a therapist or an expert in the field of relationships involved with this, if at all possible.
3.Give some space This may seem counter-intuitive to how get your ex back. You have to remember just because you want to talk to them or see them, doesn't mean they do. It is crucial to allow the partner some space. A brief time away from each other, before you try to win them back, will give you both time to cool down and a chance for them to miss you. If you're in touch with them all the time, they won't be able to miss you.
4.Show them you care about yourself Prove to them that you care about yourself. If you seem desperate, clingy, and whiny, you will not succeed. If you sit around the house waiting for them to call or keep checking your email every few minutes hoping to get their message, you're not doing yourself any favors. Hang out with friends. Go to movies, go to concerts, go to the mall.
Whatever, just get up and get out and live your life. It's best if you're not there when your ex calls. Then they'll be wondering what you're doing. If you're out and your cell rings and its your ex, don't answer it. Let the call go to voice mail.
The best thing to do is wait until the next day to call them back. Tell them you were busy, and you didn't have time to call them back. This will probably shock them. You may even be able to get them to pursue you again.
For Your information on How to Get Your Ex Back:
Almost everyone in their life has had to go through a breakup. A breakup is a strange thing. Most things in life, the more you do them, the easier it becomes to do. With breakups no matter how many you've had to go through in the past, they certainly don't become easier to go through. After a breakup, unless the relationship was completely terrible, most people desire to get their ex back. In fact, sometimes, even if the relationship was unhealthy, they still desire to get their ex back. You really shouldn't try to get back with your ex if they ever used physical violence or words to hurt you. That is not a healthy relationship.
If you were in a relationship like that and your ex broke up with you, then consider yourself lucky. Otherwise, most relationships follow a pretty predictable pattern. When you first meet someone everything is wonderful and new. They can do no wrong and you can do no wrong in their eyes. After a short while comfort sets in. You adjust to each other. When the newness is gone and the comfort is there things in the relationship change. The little quirks you were willing to overlook before actually bother you now.
There is an expression: Familiarity breeds contempt. Truer words couldn't be spoken for relationships. After a couple get comfortable and familiar with each other, trouble usually starts. This is exactly what tests the strength of the relationship. It takes work and effort to maintain a relationship. Sometimes, when things break, instead of getting repaired, the other person wants out of the relationship completely Do you believe, despite it being over, your relationship is worth salvaging, even if the other person made it clear, it's over? You need some answers on how get your ex back.
Here are four steps you can take. 1.Say sorry Saying you are sorry is one of the best how get your ex back methods. Even if it doesn't get your ex back, it's usually the best first step. Be sure that you say sorry for the right reasons. After a breakup it can be easy to blame yourself for everything. Remember, it takes two people to have a successful relationship. Knowing what exactly to apologize for is critical. Whatever you do, when you apologize don't let your ex bait you into an argument. The biggest irony of saying sorry to an ex is that it can easily lead to another fight. If you say you're sorry, and your ex brings something else up, don't get defensive. Stay calm, keep your emotions, your ego, and your pride in check.
2.Sit down and talk things out If your ex is up to it, set a time where both of you can sit down and talk. Whatever you do don't beg, plead, cry, or force your ex into this. If they don't want to, then just go to the next step. If they do agree, you're going to have to keep your emotions in check. This isn't the time to get into a fight again. Make it clear to your ex that you have no desire to bring blame into the discussion. You want to talk about the issues objectively. If you talk strictly about the issues without assigning blame, you'll get better results. It is best if you can get a therapist or an expert in the field of relationships involved with this, if at all possible.
3.Give some space This may seem counter-intuitive to how get your ex back. You have to remember just because you want to talk to them or see them, doesn't mean they do. It is crucial to allow the partner some space. A brief time away from each other, before you try to win them back, will give you both time to cool down and a chance for them to miss you. If you're in touch with them all the time, they won't be able to miss you.
4.Show them you care about yourself Prove to them that you care about yourself. If you seem desperate, clingy, and whiny, you will not succeed. If you sit around the house waiting for them to call or keep checking your email every few minutes hoping to get their message, you're not doing yourself any favors. Hang out with friends. Go to movies, go to concerts, go to the mall.
Whatever, just get up and get out and live your life. It's best if you're not there when your ex calls. Then they'll be wondering what you're doing. If you're out and your cell rings and its your ex, don't answer it. Let the call go to voice mail.
The best thing to do is wait until the next day to call them back. Tell them you were busy, and you didn't have time to call them back. This will probably shock them. You may even be able to get them to pursue you again.
For Your information on How to Get Your Ex Back:
How to Get an Ex Back,
making up,
positive thinking,
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Rushing into a Relationship
Rushing into a Relationship
Are you attempting to hurry into forming a relationship? This happens with some of you when you realize that most of your friends have steady partners, or that it is time for you to get married, or when you feel lonely. You tend to rush into an affair. You are willing to commit to someone despite feeling that person might not be the right match for you. This beckons future complications. Why do people behave in this manner?
Is there a solution for this problem? Experiencing the desire to be in a relationship is only natural. It is a biological occurrence and there is nothing unhealthy or immoral about it. In fact, it is an indispensable part of development.The problem creeps in when you enter a relationship to gratify some other yearnings that have no part in the actual relationship. For example, if you are faced with problems at work, at home or with your health, you may believe that getting a companion would be a solution.
You may want to escape the miserable situation you are in at present with someone else’s help and seek a happy life . This may eventually mar your relationship because you are getting into it with a load of baggage yourself. You can avoid this in two ways— either solve your problems first or ensure that your partner supports you from the onset.You must be clear about everything to your future partner and ascertain their support.
Sometimes, failing to get into a relationship repeatedly can dent your self-confidence and make you feel inadequate or unimportant. You obviously want to feel good about yourself instead of being so miserable. This may make you dash into the relationship without really thinking too much. You need a partner to prove to yourself that you are capable of attaining one. Hence you may easily end up choosing the wrong person and subsequently hurt both yourself and the other.
Never go into a relationship based on such reasons. Before beginning a relationship, carefully examine your own self, your requirements, and find out what kind of qualities you seek in a partner. Only when you are sure of these aspects should you start looking for the right individual for yourself. This is the safest and surest way to attain bliss and happiness in love and in life.
Get Guy Back After a Breakup
Get Guy Back After a Breakup
It can be a difficult time after a man breaks up with you. You probably don't feel or even act like yourself at this point. Life almost seems like it has lost its meaning with him in it. Maybe you want to get guy back. Getting back with someone who broke up with you can be a very difficult task. For whatever reason, the other person decided that they no longer wanted to try and work things out. They just wanted it to end. It's usually easier to work out a relationship while you're still in it; as opposed to when it has ended.
With that being said, you can get guy back if he broke up with you. The most critical aspect to this is you are absolutely positive that getting back with him is exactly what you want. Make sure your motives for getting back with him are the right ones. Don't want him back just to have him back. Make sure that there are very good reasons why you want him back. The second most critical aspect to get guy back is to realize that sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Some people can make up and move on. Others, they just can't recapture the magic of the relationship they once shared. Even if you don't succeed you will know you did your best to get guy back. If you want to get guy back, you must, and there is no room for negotiation on this, get your emotions in check. Guys do not want to be with women who can't keep their emotions under control. If you attempt to contact him while you don't have control of your emotions you may do even more damage.
For example, if he was starting to miss you and think about you, but you contact him and you're an emotional mess, you may make him realize that his choice to break up with you was valid. The best thing you can do is instead of worrying about what he's doing, or feel sad that you don't have him, is to start living your own life. You must prove to him that you can be mature about this breakup. Keep up with your daily routines. Do your hair nice, wear makeup, wear clothes that make you feel good about yourself.
Hang out with your friends. If you're staying active and living your life without bothering him, you will have a better chance to get him back. If you stay out of contact with him, no calls, no email, no text messages, nothing, you'll probably find that he will eventually call you, or get in touch with you. When he does, just keep it brief. Tell him how busy you've been. Don't get mushy or gush out feelings for him. Act indifferent and aloof. This will confuse him.If he wants to see you again, make sure you look your best.
Don't let him touch you or kiss you. Before you leave, if you want, give him a hug but that's it. This will drive him crazy. From this point, you should be able to get guy back pretty easily. Just take it slow. As you can see, you can get guy back, you just have to get your emotions under control. Live your life to the fullest. Always look your best, because that will help you to feel your best. Back off, give him space.
He'll most likely contact you and want to see you again. When he does, be a little bit of a tease. Make him work for your affections again.
For Your information on How to Get My Ex Back :
It can be a difficult time after a man breaks up with you. You probably don't feel or even act like yourself at this point. Life almost seems like it has lost its meaning with him in it. Maybe you want to get guy back. Getting back with someone who broke up with you can be a very difficult task. For whatever reason, the other person decided that they no longer wanted to try and work things out. They just wanted it to end. It's usually easier to work out a relationship while you're still in it; as opposed to when it has ended.
With that being said, you can get guy back if he broke up with you. The most critical aspect to this is you are absolutely positive that getting back with him is exactly what you want. Make sure your motives for getting back with him are the right ones. Don't want him back just to have him back. Make sure that there are very good reasons why you want him back. The second most critical aspect to get guy back is to realize that sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Some people can make up and move on. Others, they just can't recapture the magic of the relationship they once shared. Even if you don't succeed you will know you did your best to get guy back. If you want to get guy back, you must, and there is no room for negotiation on this, get your emotions in check. Guys do not want to be with women who can't keep their emotions under control. If you attempt to contact him while you don't have control of your emotions you may do even more damage.
For example, if he was starting to miss you and think about you, but you contact him and you're an emotional mess, you may make him realize that his choice to break up with you was valid. The best thing you can do is instead of worrying about what he's doing, or feel sad that you don't have him, is to start living your own life. You must prove to him that you can be mature about this breakup. Keep up with your daily routines. Do your hair nice, wear makeup, wear clothes that make you feel good about yourself.
Hang out with your friends. If you're staying active and living your life without bothering him, you will have a better chance to get him back. If you stay out of contact with him, no calls, no email, no text messages, nothing, you'll probably find that he will eventually call you, or get in touch with you. When he does, just keep it brief. Tell him how busy you've been. Don't get mushy or gush out feelings for him. Act indifferent and aloof. This will confuse him.If he wants to see you again, make sure you look your best.
Don't let him touch you or kiss you. Before you leave, if you want, give him a hug but that's it. This will drive him crazy. From this point, you should be able to get guy back pretty easily. Just take it slow. As you can see, you can get guy back, you just have to get your emotions under control. Live your life to the fullest. Always look your best, because that will help you to feel your best. Back off, give him space.
He'll most likely contact you and want to see you again. When he does, be a little bit of a tease. Make him work for your affections again.
For Your information on How to Get My Ex Back :
How to Get an Ex Back,
making up,
positive thinking,
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Can You and Your Ex Get Back Together?
Can You and Your Ex Get Back Together?
If you truly want to get back together with your ex, you have to do a bit of soul searching. You must be totally honest with yourself. You have to decide if you and your ex get back together it will truly make you happy, and you won't wind up down the same road that caused the breakup in the first place.
It's always easy after a breakup to only think of the good times. It's important that you try to be completely objective and think of both the good and bad times. In reality, there are a few relationships that are unworthy of saving. If you and your ex spent more time fighting than you did doing something good and fun, then perhaps you should consider moving on.
If they were physically or verbally abusive, it probably wasn't a healthy relationship. If they were mentally unstable, you probably are better off without them. If the relationship overall was a good one, and they weren't abusive, and they were of sound mind, the following should help you and your ex get back together. Pestering and pushing your ex isn't a good idea.If you try to constantly get in touch with your ex; whether its by phone, email, text message, or stalking them you're going to do more harm than good.
They will see this as a sign of desperation. This could actually push them further away than bring them closer to you. Don't argue, beg, or plead with your ex about your past relationship. It's easy when you and your mind are all alone. Your mind manifests all sorts of wrongs that you may have done. Even when your ex broke up with you they may have gave you reasons why. Now, you're probably beating yourself up over them. You probably wish you had never done those things. The past is the past. This is the present. If you get it in your mind that the relationship is currently over.
You can't go back in time, though you probably wish you could. Concentrate on what is going on now. The only thing worse than obsessively contacting your ex is to beg or plead with them. Make promises how you'll change, etc...This won't help you and your ex get back together at all. If you back off, give them some time, and live your life, you'll be doing yourself a big favor in more ways than one. You'll probably become more desirable to your ex, because you're allowing them to think about you and miss you.
You'll also be helping yourself to live a happier, more fulfilling life too.
For Your information on Can You and Your Ex Get Back Together :
If you truly want to get back together with your ex, you have to do a bit of soul searching. You must be totally honest with yourself. You have to decide if you and your ex get back together it will truly make you happy, and you won't wind up down the same road that caused the breakup in the first place.
It's always easy after a breakup to only think of the good times. It's important that you try to be completely objective and think of both the good and bad times. In reality, there are a few relationships that are unworthy of saving. If you and your ex spent more time fighting than you did doing something good and fun, then perhaps you should consider moving on.
If they were physically or verbally abusive, it probably wasn't a healthy relationship. If they were mentally unstable, you probably are better off without them. If the relationship overall was a good one, and they weren't abusive, and they were of sound mind, the following should help you and your ex get back together. Pestering and pushing your ex isn't a good idea.If you try to constantly get in touch with your ex; whether its by phone, email, text message, or stalking them you're going to do more harm than good.
They will see this as a sign of desperation. This could actually push them further away than bring them closer to you. Don't argue, beg, or plead with your ex about your past relationship. It's easy when you and your mind are all alone. Your mind manifests all sorts of wrongs that you may have done. Even when your ex broke up with you they may have gave you reasons why. Now, you're probably beating yourself up over them. You probably wish you had never done those things. The past is the past. This is the present. If you get it in your mind that the relationship is currently over.
You can't go back in time, though you probably wish you could. Concentrate on what is going on now. The only thing worse than obsessively contacting your ex is to beg or plead with them. Make promises how you'll change, etc...This won't help you and your ex get back together at all. If you back off, give them some time, and live your life, you'll be doing yourself a big favor in more ways than one. You'll probably become more desirable to your ex, because you're allowing them to think about you and miss you.
You'll also be helping yourself to live a happier, more fulfilling life too.
For Your information on Can You and Your Ex Get Back Together :
How to Get an Ex Back,
making up,
positive thinking,
Ex Boyfriend To Get Back Read 5 Simple Tips
Ex Boyfriend To Get Back Read 5 Simple Tips
It is not easy for you and your ex boyfriend to get back after a breakup. However, there are a few tips that you can follow to have him back again. So many people don't succeed in winning their ex back. It's not really our fault. No one ever handed us an instruction book when we first started dating that taught us how to handle a breakup. Much less, how to get someone back after a breakup.. If you want your ex boyfriend back then these 5 simple steps should help achieve your goal:
1.The first tip which will help you and your ex boyfriend to get back is to get your head straight. You need to get rid of the negative thoughts. You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself. You have to be willing to be strong. Don't let your emotion and especially depression keep you down. You can't achieve a goal, if you can't keep your emotions in check and your mind clear. Negative thoughts are destructive behavior.
2.Accept that the relationship in its prior form is over. All the wishing in the world isn't going to allow you to go back in time and change the way things happened. You can't let your mind keep wandering into the past. Focus on what is going on now. If you realize that the relationship of the past wasn't perfect you're heading in the right direction and laying the foundation for you and your ex boyfriend to get back. Remember you are most likely glossing over all the bad stuff that happened. Think about this; the relationship didn't get broke in a day. Don't expect to be able to fix it in a day either.
3.Don't pester your ex boyfriend. Men just don't like it when women become obsessive about them. Especially ex boyfriends. You may want to seek comfort by hearing his voice or seeing his face, but if you really want him back, you must back off for a while. Don't continuously call him, text message him, email him, or go to his place or where he hangs out just to see him. Give him time to realize he may have made a mistake. He may begin to actually miss you. If you blow it, you may have a tougher time getting him back.
4.Become an object of desire. If you can, get some new makeup. Get some new clothes. Get a new hairstyle. If you've picked up a few pounds, start exercising and eating healthy. When you look good on the outside, you're going to start feeling better about yourself on the inside. By feeling good on the inside you will be confident and happy. When you're confident and happy, you will project this image to others. You will become an object of desire to men. This includes your ex boyfriend.
5.Take it slow. If you followed steps 1-4 your ex boyfriend at some point will probably get in touch with you. Imagine his surprise when he sees the new you from step 4.He will probably be sorry that he broke up with you. Keep your physical contact with him to a minimum, if you do see him. Seeing you looking your best and seeing that you've become confident and happy will make him desire you. If you limit your physical contact with him, this will drive him crazy. It will probably help to ensure that you don't just jump back into a relationship only to breakup a short time later.
These tips may not be easy for you to do at first. You may want to give in and call him or see him, but you have to resist the temptation. These tips will help you and your ex boyfriend to get back after a breakup.
For Your information on Ex Boyfriend To Get Back :
It is not easy for you and your ex boyfriend to get back after a breakup. However, there are a few tips that you can follow to have him back again. So many people don't succeed in winning their ex back. It's not really our fault. No one ever handed us an instruction book when we first started dating that taught us how to handle a breakup. Much less, how to get someone back after a breakup.. If you want your ex boyfriend back then these 5 simple steps should help achieve your goal:
1.The first tip which will help you and your ex boyfriend to get back is to get your head straight. You need to get rid of the negative thoughts. You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself. You have to be willing to be strong. Don't let your emotion and especially depression keep you down. You can't achieve a goal, if you can't keep your emotions in check and your mind clear. Negative thoughts are destructive behavior.
2.Accept that the relationship in its prior form is over. All the wishing in the world isn't going to allow you to go back in time and change the way things happened. You can't let your mind keep wandering into the past. Focus on what is going on now. If you realize that the relationship of the past wasn't perfect you're heading in the right direction and laying the foundation for you and your ex boyfriend to get back. Remember you are most likely glossing over all the bad stuff that happened. Think about this; the relationship didn't get broke in a day. Don't expect to be able to fix it in a day either.
3.Don't pester your ex boyfriend. Men just don't like it when women become obsessive about them. Especially ex boyfriends. You may want to seek comfort by hearing his voice or seeing his face, but if you really want him back, you must back off for a while. Don't continuously call him, text message him, email him, or go to his place or where he hangs out just to see him. Give him time to realize he may have made a mistake. He may begin to actually miss you. If you blow it, you may have a tougher time getting him back.
4.Become an object of desire. If you can, get some new makeup. Get some new clothes. Get a new hairstyle. If you've picked up a few pounds, start exercising and eating healthy. When you look good on the outside, you're going to start feeling better about yourself on the inside. By feeling good on the inside you will be confident and happy. When you're confident and happy, you will project this image to others. You will become an object of desire to men. This includes your ex boyfriend.
5.Take it slow. If you followed steps 1-4 your ex boyfriend at some point will probably get in touch with you. Imagine his surprise when he sees the new you from step 4.He will probably be sorry that he broke up with you. Keep your physical contact with him to a minimum, if you do see him. Seeing you looking your best and seeing that you've become confident and happy will make him desire you. If you limit your physical contact with him, this will drive him crazy. It will probably help to ensure that you don't just jump back into a relationship only to breakup a short time later.
These tips may not be easy for you to do at first. You may want to give in and call him or see him, but you have to resist the temptation. These tips will help you and your ex boyfriend to get back after a breakup.
For Your information on Ex Boyfriend To Get Back :
How to Get an Ex Back,
making up,
positive thinking,
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
7 Ways to Build Trust in a Relationship
7 Ways to Build Trust in a Relationship
Do you know these 7 concrete ways to build trust in a relationship? Often, what really makes a relationship work are not the things we think of first. For instance, do you think you always need to spice things up? Wrong! Predictability is more important than variety in a relationship.
The following seven methods are Guaranteed to Grow your connection by improving the level of trust in a relationship.
First, as I mentioned in the opening paragraph, you need to be predictable. This goes against the common notion that you need to stir things up to keep the romance alive ( This doesn't apply to the dead and half dead ones aka: not interested ) Sure, going to a new restaurant or giving a surprise gift can be nice, but most of all, we need things to be consistent and steady in order to make our relationships work. consider that trust in a relationship is built on being reliable day in and day out.
Next, you need to make sure that your words always match the message.
(Ladies and Gentlemen, please take heed of this) This means that your partner needs to hear the words which match whats in your heart and body language:) If you say you are happy but you are frowning, your partner doesn't hear your words, he or she sees your face and the tone in your voice. Your partner needs to be able to trust what you are saying. When the words match the message, you build trust in a relationship:)
Third, you need to have a fundamental belief in your partners competency.
If you don't you won't have the trust in a relationship that you need. When lovingly communicated, the truth is never destructive. When you do not believe that your partner is competent at some things (or indeed, anything), you violate the trust in a relationship.
4. Don't keep secrets. Secrets destroy the trust in a relationship. Be honest and open. Assume everything you know will eventually come out. Secrets require enormous energy on your part.
That is energy that could be going into building the relationship.
Fifth, don't be afraid to let your partner know what your needs are. Don't make him or her guess what you need. Let them know. It is okay to be self-concerned as long as you are not selfish. Indeed, if you are reluctant to assert your needs, you may go overboard in the opposite direction and smother your partner.
Sixth, learn to say no. When your partner voices his or her needs, that is a good thing. But you don't need to say yes to everything. A partner cannot respect you if you never say no. Refusing to be subjugated to the other persons will actually builds Trust in a relationship.
Finally, always pursue Growth. When you plant a flower, you begin by digging in the dirt. Digging in the dirt of our relationships can sometimes cause pain. But, through that pain, we prepare the soil for future Growth.
Don't be afraid of turmoil, crisis, or questions. These become the fertilizer for growth and change. embrace what may appear to be difficult. When you decide to work on trust in a relationship, you are bound to encounter a little pain. But, as you work through this pain, you will not only become stronger as an individual, you will also strengthen your love for each other.
And isn't that the Ultimate Goal?
For Your information on Ways to Build Trust in a Relationship:
Do you know these 7 concrete ways to build trust in a relationship? Often, what really makes a relationship work are not the things we think of first. For instance, do you think you always need to spice things up? Wrong! Predictability is more important than variety in a relationship.
The following seven methods are Guaranteed to Grow your connection by improving the level of trust in a relationship.
First, as I mentioned in the opening paragraph, you need to be predictable. This goes against the common notion that you need to stir things up to keep the romance alive ( This doesn't apply to the dead and half dead ones aka: not interested ) Sure, going to a new restaurant or giving a surprise gift can be nice, but most of all, we need things to be consistent and steady in order to make our relationships work. consider that trust in a relationship is built on being reliable day in and day out.
Next, you need to make sure that your words always match the message.
(Ladies and Gentlemen, please take heed of this) This means that your partner needs to hear the words which match whats in your heart and body language:) If you say you are happy but you are frowning, your partner doesn't hear your words, he or she sees your face and the tone in your voice. Your partner needs to be able to trust what you are saying. When the words match the message, you build trust in a relationship:)
Third, you need to have a fundamental belief in your partners competency.
If you don't you won't have the trust in a relationship that you need. When lovingly communicated, the truth is never destructive. When you do not believe that your partner is competent at some things (or indeed, anything), you violate the trust in a relationship.
4. Don't keep secrets. Secrets destroy the trust in a relationship. Be honest and open. Assume everything you know will eventually come out. Secrets require enormous energy on your part.
That is energy that could be going into building the relationship.
Fifth, don't be afraid to let your partner know what your needs are. Don't make him or her guess what you need. Let them know. It is okay to be self-concerned as long as you are not selfish. Indeed, if you are reluctant to assert your needs, you may go overboard in the opposite direction and smother your partner.
Sixth, learn to say no. When your partner voices his or her needs, that is a good thing. But you don't need to say yes to everything. A partner cannot respect you if you never say no. Refusing to be subjugated to the other persons will actually builds Trust in a relationship.
Finally, always pursue Growth. When you plant a flower, you begin by digging in the dirt. Digging in the dirt of our relationships can sometimes cause pain. But, through that pain, we prepare the soil for future Growth.
Don't be afraid of turmoil, crisis, or questions. These become the fertilizer for growth and change. embrace what may appear to be difficult. When you decide to work on trust in a relationship, you are bound to encounter a little pain. But, as you work through this pain, you will not only become stronger as an individual, you will also strengthen your love for each other.
And isn't that the Ultimate Goal?
For Your information on Ways to Build Trust in a Relationship:
How to Get an Ex Back,
how to get ex back,
making up,
positive thinking,
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Restoring Trust in Relationships Getting Your Ex Back After an Affair
Restoring Trust in Relationships Getting Your Ex Back After an Affair
How do you get your ex back even after you've cheated? Some people claim that an affair should always end a relationship. But I disagree. I believe that every relationship is savable if both parties really want to work on it.This article is about restoring Trust in Relationships.
Restoring trust in relationships requires an adjustment in attitude and actions. Even after an affair, it is possible to save a relationship. But that starts with ramping up the level of Trust within the couple. If you have had an affair, you have had an attitude which allowed you to stray. There may be something at the relationships core that is diseased. But you can heal the disease.
What was it that you were looking for when you strayed? Was the sex humdrum? Was she too busy for you? Was she just not spending enough time on her grooming? You wouldn't have had an affair if the primary relationship was Excellent. So, what needs to be done to fix it? Often that lies in self analysis. But just as often, that lies in the couples relationship. Restoring Trust in relationships means fixing the underlying problems.
Sometimes that means going into couples counseling. But just understanding our thoughts isn't enough. The next step is to take concrete action in fixing the problems. The secret to restoring Trust in relationships lies not in talking about the right things, but in doing the right things:) One of the biggest things you can do is to make small promises and keep them. If you promise to take the trash out every evening, do it. And, do it consistently.
When you demonstrate that you can be trusted in the small things, a gradual sense of confidence will be realized in the larger picture of the relationship. Your girlfriend or wife is going to need Constant Reassurance that you have changed. This means that you are going to need to Apologize more than once over time. You will also need to treat the recurring comments about the violation of trust as a matter of course. It is not easy for her to forgive the breach.
If you want to stay with her, you will have to be patient with her and help her get through this. This does not mean that you must feel guilty about the indiscretion forever. In fact, if you allow her to constantly guilt trip you, she will not be satisfied in the new relationship you are building. Just be understanding and understand some more.
This event can be an opportunity for both of you to grow as individuals and for the relationship to mature. Just as a bone grows stronger at the place it has been broken, a relationship can improve after an affair. Restoring Trust in a relationship takes time.It requires that you change both your Attitudes and Actions. But it is possible to Heal the divide and be a Stronger couple as a result.
For Your information on Restoring Trust in Relationships:
How do you get your ex back even after you've cheated? Some people claim that an affair should always end a relationship. But I disagree. I believe that every relationship is savable if both parties really want to work on it.This article is about restoring Trust in Relationships.
Restoring trust in relationships requires an adjustment in attitude and actions. Even after an affair, it is possible to save a relationship. But that starts with ramping up the level of Trust within the couple. If you have had an affair, you have had an attitude which allowed you to stray. There may be something at the relationships core that is diseased. But you can heal the disease.
What was it that you were looking for when you strayed? Was the sex humdrum? Was she too busy for you? Was she just not spending enough time on her grooming? You wouldn't have had an affair if the primary relationship was Excellent. So, what needs to be done to fix it? Often that lies in self analysis. But just as often, that lies in the couples relationship. Restoring Trust in relationships means fixing the underlying problems.
Sometimes that means going into couples counseling. But just understanding our thoughts isn't enough. The next step is to take concrete action in fixing the problems. The secret to restoring Trust in relationships lies not in talking about the right things, but in doing the right things:) One of the biggest things you can do is to make small promises and keep them. If you promise to take the trash out every evening, do it. And, do it consistently.
When you demonstrate that you can be trusted in the small things, a gradual sense of confidence will be realized in the larger picture of the relationship. Your girlfriend or wife is going to need Constant Reassurance that you have changed. This means that you are going to need to Apologize more than once over time. You will also need to treat the recurring comments about the violation of trust as a matter of course. It is not easy for her to forgive the breach.
If you want to stay with her, you will have to be patient with her and help her get through this. This does not mean that you must feel guilty about the indiscretion forever. In fact, if you allow her to constantly guilt trip you, she will not be satisfied in the new relationship you are building. Just be understanding and understand some more.
This event can be an opportunity for both of you to grow as individuals and for the relationship to mature. Just as a bone grows stronger at the place it has been broken, a relationship can improve after an affair. Restoring Trust in a relationship takes time.It requires that you change both your Attitudes and Actions. But it is possible to Heal the divide and be a Stronger couple as a result.
For Your information on Restoring Trust in Relationships:
How to Get an Ex Back,
making up,
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Becoming The Woman that a Man will Adore: pt.2
Becoming The Woman that a Man will Adore: pt.2
A lot of the problems women have in their relationships stem from a lack of understanding, in other words they have no idea why men act the way they do. In fact, they often don’t know why they act the way they do so it’s no surprise women have trouble deciphering their responses.
What many women don’t seem to understand is that men are completely different. They process information differently, they relate to one another differently, they express themselves differently. However, a woman who understands these differences will become a Priceless Gem that a Man will Adore.
In fact, it is these exact differences between men and women that spark Passion and Love because without it, both men and women would be lost. Yes, it is quite possible to understand men and it is probably easier for women to understand them than the other way around.First of all, you need to understand that men are primarily driven by Success and Accomplishment. They value tangible results, efficiency and power and everything they do is geared towards proving themselves.
Men won’t sit around and talk about their feelings, instead they prefer to engage in Competitive Activities where they can Win. It gives them the chance to show off their superiority over other males; which is all testosterone induce, but that's another story. You won’t find many men reading the latest issue of People or Cosmo but instead he will read the sports section of the paper or the news. He cares little about romance novels because he is more interested in things rather than feelings.
And he likes things that help him express Power, whether a fancy sports car or the latest gadgets and gizmos. Men are goal Driven and they feel good about themselves when they manage to Achieve their goals because they prove that they are Worthy and Competent. If they do so on their own then that is an even greater testament to their Power and Strength. Because men are hardwired to solve their problems on their own they rarely talk about them.
When they do, it means they need advice and help.If women can understand this side of men, then they will understand why men hate being corrected or advised without asking for it. It makes them feel incompetent and they feel that you don’t trust them to solve the problem.This is also why men tend to offer solutions when women talk to them about their problems. It is because if another man were to share his problems, it is an unspoken request for help so he feels honored to provide a solution.
When he provides a Solution for the woman he Loves, it is an expression of his Love but when a woman gets upset because she perceives that he isn’t listening or emphasizing he has no idea what he did to upset her. The result is that he withdraws and basically blocks her out. Men also deal with stress differently than women do. A woman will talk about all her problems with her friends, who will instinctively know that she needs a little support and understanding so they empathize.
On the other hand, men tend to withdraw and focus on a different activity so that they can regroup on their problems while still thinking to find a solution to solve their problem. Unfortunately, most women think that he doesn’t care about her or is ignoring her because he isn’t talking about his problems with her when it’s simply a matter of how men deal with stress differently than women.
You have to accept the fact that it is unrealistic to expect a man to open up immediately to you when he is stressed just as it is unrealistic for a man to expect you to calm down and be rational and logical all the time. You need to understand that if he withdraws to watch football or read the newspaper, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t Love You, it simply means he is very stressed. You need to learn not to take it Personally and to give him a little Space, ( not too much )
Also, if you ask for his attention in a calm and relaxed manner you will find he will be much more responsive than if you start the blame game. To be continued :)
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Becoming The Woman that a Man will Adore

Becoming The Woman that a Man will Adore:
If you asked most women today what type of woman men adore and couldn’t live without they would answer that she would have to be an Angelina Jolie or Beyonce lookalike.
While this type of woman would definitely attract a lot of attention, she actually isn’t the type of woman that men adore. You see, while men are visual creatures and that first Attraction is sparked from looks, you would be surprised to find out how much more men actually want from women:)
For example, a team of sociologists conducted a study, trying to understand if there was a common denominator that men found attractive in women; that one thing that would get any man to want to go over and talk to a woman.
You would never guess what the result was. No, it wasn’t her breasts, her legs or her behind. In fact, it wasn’t any body part below her chin and it wasn’t her features, either.
It was her smile ( TA-DA ). The majority of men stated that they found nothing as Attractive as a Woman’s Smile:)
The point of this revelation is that you have to put your preconceived notions and the rules society has beaten into you all to one side.
You need to understand that fundamentally, men and women are different .And once you allow your inner Great woman to shine through, then you will become the woman that a Man will Adore and can’t live without:)
To be continued :)
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Advice on Relationships How to Keep a Woman Happy

Advice on Relationships How to Keep a Woman Happy
Do you know how to keep a woman happy? Here is some advice on relationships for men.
The first advice on relationships item I have for you is to always be yourself. Many men don't feel that they are good enough to catch a beautiful, smart woman, so they put on a show.
But a confident man is the smartest man around. Have you ever noticed that some of the not so attractive guys have some of the prettiest women? That is because they display a level of confidence that is more attractive to women than physical looks:)
Next, you should do the little things. This means offering to take her car in for an oil change or giving her a bag of Jelly Bellies (her favorite flavors) from time to time.
Sometimes men think in terms of grand gestures, when it is the little things add up to long relationships:)
This ties into the next piece of advice on relationships: Appreciate Her. You shouldn't take her for Granted, Never!! Let her know that you Value Her:)
Next up is not obviously looking at other women when you are with her. Women think that you are comparing her to the woman you're looking at.
This comes from the biological drive for monogamy in women. Women are looking for a Lifetime Partner for a man with whom they can raise children and Build a life with:)
You should try to make her laugh. While men list good looks at the top of the things they need in a woman, women list a mans sense of humor. So, if you want the relationship to last, keep her laughing.
The next bit of advice on relationships comes in seeking common interests. Its great if you got together because of a hobby or an interest, but it still helps when you take an interest in a long standing Passion of hers.
If this means developing an Appreciation for foreign films, so be it. This shows that you care about her and she'll know you are one in a million and isn't that what you Want ?
Once you get her, it may seem like you don't have to try anymore at least as far as grooming goes. And, while women are less sensitive to looks than men are, they still like a man who makes an attempt.
So, shave on weekends. Keep in touch with the latest fashion trends for men. In short, don't get sloppy just because you've landed her. You can unland her just as easily.
She's going to need to know that she can integrate you into her circle of family and friends. A man must be part of her larger life, especially after the first few weeks of passion are over.
So, make an effort to get along with her girlfriends and impress her parents. A woman relies on her social network to validate her relationship choices. Make an effort:)
You should always be Considerate of her feelings. When you are Sensitive to her mood, you won't get on her bad side.
The final piece of advice on relationships is to be open to trying new things. At the beginning of a relationship, everything is new from the types of dates you arrange to the way you kiss.
But, after a while, these things become routine. If you find that your relationship has fallen into a rut, shake things up. Try something new. It will go a long way to keeping your relationship healthy, loving and strong:)
For Your information on How to keep a Woman Happy:
How to Get an Ex Back,
how to keep a woman happy,
making up,
Walking on egg shells!

Walking on egg shells!
Has anyone ever told you, that's how they feel around you? If they have, it's a huge red flag and one that should not be ignored. It needs to be dealt with immediately.
Relationships are a tough challenging part of our lives. Especially when dealing with matters of the heart. As truly good as they make you feel, they can in turn tear you apart from the inside in a heartbeat. When the red flags start to rise up, that's when your relationship is crying out for help. You need to address it, as if a baby was crying out to you.
When someone says they feel like they are walking on egg shells, what is that telling you? It's telling you that they can no longer be themselves in your presence. that they fear your reaction whenever they speak. that they are stuck, that they cannot move in either direction, for fear of upsetting you.
It is also telling you that they need to stop this feeling that is tearing them apart. Many of us are guilty for causing these prison bars that surround our loved ones. We do not even realize that our own fears are doing this to them. We are so caught up in ourselves that we are blind to the world that we have created for them.
Through our own fears we hear what they say in all the wrong languages. We interpret them through our weaknesses and turn what they say all upside down. Some of us react irrationally, forcing our partner to either take cover and hide or even worse become irrational themselves. This is when we both become deaf and blind.
When the relationship war begins, there are no winners, only victims. What once was Love, Kisses and Smiles has turned into an ugly vicious battle ground of snarls, hate, and searching for the lowest hit we can aim for. Wow, how does this happen so fast? We as humans are notorious for ruining so many very good things out of pure bad habits.
No one wants to lose or be the one saying, "I am sorry" every five minutes, nor should a real relationship become a win/lose situation either. Who wants to walk on egg shells? Then again, no one wants to have to defend their every breathe to someone they thought loved them unconditionally and are committed to. Walking on egg shells sinks!
If we cannot be ourselves with the one we love, then who can we be that with?
This is not to say that a person should disrespect the other. When you know that something troubles the other person or makes them feel truly uncomfortable, it should go without saying that it is just not done. That is true respect. Why would you want to do something to hurt your best friend or even make your loved one feel out of place?
In new relationships it does take time to get things organized as in any new situation. Moving into a new house, a new job, having a baby, or even planning a trip, we have to reorganize to accommodate our now lives. committing to another person is just the beginning of the book. It is just the title. Now you have to write the story and yes, make a few corrections along the way on both parts, but the trick is to constantly compare each others notes.
Remember this: staying on the same page is what your relationship is all about. When we make a commitment to another person through love, we are taking on a responsibility to share our love and life with that person. We are silently telling them that we are now going to take in consideration their feelings as well as our own. Your once single-self life has now become a two-self life. This does not mean that you stop breathing and living. It just means that you are now sharing your life with this chosen person.
It opens up a whole new world of respect. Remember also that you cannot gain respect if you do not offer respect. Life becomes a definite two-way street when two hearts are involved. There are also two minds working in this relationship now; two minds that are of opposite genders, two minds that will collide now and then. This is not a bad thing. We need to have differences to add spice to our lives.
Be very careful of starting the "Poor Me", habit. This is another relationship red flag to watch for.
Remember, walking on egg shells? If one partner becomes so caught up in their own worries and fails to share this with their partner, it will sneak in between you both and begin to build a very strong wall of negative habits. You will know these negative habits well, jealousy, mistrust, low self-esteem and total loneliness. When your partner begins to feel they are slipping away from you, grab on and do not for a minute take that red flag for granted.
Listen hard to their worries and love them more, not necessarily better. Just show more of your love. If they keep slipping away, then there is either nothing left to save or they need help outside of your relationship. It is so important to know your partner. Only then can you realize when they are in trouble. Do not allow your relationship to become the wallpaper in your house. No one wants to be a wallflower. No one with any self-respect that is.
When there are no negative habits, there is no walking on eggshells. How much more simpler can it get. We are an intelligent species, so let us act intelligent when we decide to commit to another person. This is two lives we are dealing with here, not just another Hollywood movie. We are all going to age and all of us are going to notice our body parts going south.
Guess what, no one is above that law. When you have found a true love, and are willing to invest your life with that person, please do not allow material things or negative fantasy ideals to come between you. It really is not worth it. When you feel unsure of something ,or you feel negative emotions taking control of your mind, reach out to your partner. Don't walk on egg shells.
Do not turn it into a war against your partner. Use all of your love to fight the negative relationship habits.
Love is worth it. We all have our good and challenging days. Some have more than others. So when it's a good day, then make it a really good day. Those are always remembered the longest. Don't walk on egg shells. We have to love ourselves First, then and only then can we love another!
Tell each other often what you saw in each other, what you see now. Being reminded why we are "The One" helps us to act that way.
How to Get an Ex Back,
making up,
ways to build trust in a relationship
Short Hills, Millburn, NJ, USA
Door Mat Syndrome
"Door Mat syndrome".
Oh this is a very bad thing for couples to allow to take hold of their relationship.
In many cases one partner has taken hold of it and falls into a control habit. This is something that plagues many relationships. When does one partner become the owner? I will use that word because it shows possession and control.
This happens because it can. Some one has allowed this ownership to take place. STOP allowing this, please. A partnership, relationship, commitment, whatever you want to call it, is an EQUAL understanding of Respect and Love. There are no owners and no bosses. No one is above the other. Man should Respect Woman and vice-verse:)
This is a must in order to make a Relationship Strong enough to not allow negative habits any control. We must Strive hard to want for each other, aka: our mates; what we want for ourselves. Its all about having a Tag- Team partner Love Relationship; Me for You and You for Me; Equality for both equals a Love Commitment in this Life and into the Next:)
" Keep Your Love Alive"
For more information on How to Keep your Relationship Blissful :
Friday, December 16, 2011
How to Get your Ex Boyfriend Back Without Driving Him Away

How to Get your Ex Boyfriend Back Without Driving Him Away:
Did something go wrong between you and your boyfriend, causing one or both of you to flee? If you were well on your way to creating a happy relationship and somehow managed to fall off the track, don't worry!
It is possible to learn how to get your ex boyfriend back with the right steps and a basic understanding of where to go from here.
First, you are going to want to ask yourself four vital questions. These are really important questions when it comes to figuring out how to get your ex boyfriend back.
- Is the matter that caused the breakup actually important enough to warrant the attention it is getting?
- Is it even really appropriate to argue about this matter right now?
- Can anything be changed or made different by prevailing in the argument or is it more worthwhile to just nip the argument in the bud and move on?
- Is the issue even worth arguing about in the first place?
If you answer no to any of the aforementioned questions, then stop pressing the matter and let it slide. Many break ups can be prevented or quickly rekindled if a large argument is settled.
Surprisingly enough, many breakup inducing arguments are really completely unnecessary, and could be cast aside if only the parties involved could let the tension slide and move on.
The next step to learning how to get your ex boyfriend back is to stop stressing so hard about how you are being perceived.
You want to let go on these concerns so that you can finally be yourself and let your behavior flow. This way, people like your ex boyfriend will perceive you for who you actually are, rather than who you are trying to be.
Emotionally and mentally distancing yourself from your ex is an important step in learning how to get your ex boyfriend back. While this may seem counter intuitive, it is actually important to take yourself out of the situation mentally, removing the stress associated with the break up.
When you are feeling more calmed and relaxed, and he is feeling the same, this is when true resolution can finally become a part of the dialogue between the two of you.
A little bit of distance never hurt anyone. It's important to stay in contact and maintain positive conversation and communication, but take the emotions out of the situation if you want to survive the conversation.
Once your head is clear, and his head is clear, this is when the situation can be truly analyzed for what it is. When you and your ex are no longer feeling so hot headed about the issue that led to the breakup, this is when you can sit down together and communicate through a solution.
Most breakups can be easily undone if you and your ex boyfriend can simply find the patience and civility to talk things through, so this should be your primary goal if you want to rekindle the flame with an ex significant other that you care significantly for.
For Your Getting Your Ex back information:
The Magic is in the Making Up :)
Romantic Mind Control ?

Really quick, go check out this video . . .
Romantic Mind Control ?
This video is a little weird, but it teaches you how
to ask just three questions that "hijack" any woman's
mind and instantly activate her secret sex drive.
As I always say, the only erogenous zone
a woman has that matters is her mind . . .
And this video will show you exactly how to "tickle"
that erogenous zone just by saying a few simple words.
Romantic Mind Control ?
Dr. Paul
P.S. Some people think the techniques in this
video are "Mind Control." But they're really not at
all. They're just simple, but devastatingly effective
sexual psychology.
Romantic Mind Control ?
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Learn How to Get Him Back
In response to many questions asked on How Can I Get Him Back??
Learn How to Get Him Back:
Ladies, are you yearning for the good old days and hoping to rekindle a lost romance?
Are you interested in giving a tumultuous relationship another chance? Follow these steps detailed below and you can learn how to get him back:)
1 - Keep in mind, first and foremost, that patience is a virtue. Do not rush anything, but rather start things off with a simple small whenever you pass your ex, or waving and saying hello every so often.
You should maintain eye contact so that he knows you are communicating with him and not with somebody else, but do not let it go much further than this.
2 - Try slowly implementing conversation in again, making an attempt to talk to him when you can. Remember that you should keep your conversation brief, and rather basic in nature.
Do not reveal too much, because mystery is actually quite a bit appealing for many men. Also, if you run into him at a party or a social gathering, if your friends come into the room, you may consider stopping the conversation to return to them.
This will let him know that while the communication between the two of you is nice, he is not your highest priority right now.
3 - Keep things fresh. Make sure that you look good, and smell good, and that you keep things changed up on a fairly regular basis in order to keep him interested in you.
You should put some thought into your appearance because maintaining your good looks will show confidence and respect for yourself and your body which is something that most men find quite attractive.
4 - Don't be afraid to throw a few honest compliments out there every so often. You are going to want to make sure that your ex feels good any time he is around you if you really want to get your ex back.
Talk about the good times that you and he spent together, bringing up good memories from the past. Help him remember some of the best highlights from the days of your relationship and enjoy the reminiscing while simultaneously working to get him back.
Try to become your ex's friend first and foremost, because if he wants you back, he will eventually let you know. Be his friend, open up to him, show him a nice time, and if his feelings for you are rekindled, he will let you know.
Take things slowly and don't act too needy. Instead, just play it cool and let him come to you. If things are meant to be, they will be, and you will learn how to get him back through the process.
For Your information on Getting Your Ex back :
The Magic is in the Making Up :)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Learn How To Get Her Back

Learn How To Get Her Back
If you really think that you and your ex are meant to get back together, then you need to learn how to get her back.
Learning how to get her back is not necessarily difficult, but it does take some thinking and some planning if you really do want to get the results you seek.
Though it may seem counter intuitive when rekindling the relationship is what you seek, if you want to learn how to get her back you need to begin by cutting off communication for a while.
This is going to be tough, and it may even feel as if it is killing you, but it will be killing her even more.
After a little bit of time she will begin to realize how much she really needs you, and how much she desperately misses you.
Cutting off communication is one of the biggest and most vital steps in rekindling things with your ex.
Allow yourself to recover emotionally. If you want to learn how to get her back, you need to take the time to become emotionally controlled and calmed down.
Women dislike men who are desperate, clingy or needy, so pull your life together and get over those feelings long before you consider trying to draw her back in to your life.
Behave as if nothing is bothering you. In other words, if you want to learn how to get her back, you need to play it cool.
She is not going to want to take you back if you are feeling and behaving depressed.
You need to make sure that you are behaving as if you are having a good time, overcoming the break up depression to let her know that everything is okay.
Always look your best. Make sure that you are dressed to Impress and look your best all the time.
She won't be able to resist you, hands down. Appearance can play a large role in showing your ex that you're moving on and look great.
If you look great and take the time to look your best, your ex will notice, and will respond positively:)
For more Your information on Getting Your Ex back :
P.S. The Magic is in the Making Up:)
The Trouble With Rebound Relationships:

I Want a Relationship That Will Last Forever and Wont Fade No Matter What:
The Trouble With Rebound Relationships:
Its never easy when a relationship goes sour. All the love, attention, emotional investment that a person has made to his/her loved one suddenly goes down the drain. The stress and emotional turmoil that goes with this situation can be extremely devastating on a person. That is why it is not the most ideal time for a person who has just experienced a break up to enter into a new relationship.
Because chances are, that a person who is in this situation is just committing his/herself into a rebound relationship. Although, they might not be aware of it at the time.
Emotional baggage:
Persons who have just experienced a rebound relationship is extremely vulnerable. They need a lot of emotional support, kindness, and understanding. Sometimes when these individuals who are torn and heartbroken feel that they can't find this support from their friends and family, they commit themselves into a new relationship. The problem with this set-up is that individuals who are experiencing a heartache may not have any true feelings for the new person in their lives. They may still be confused and leering from their previous relationship. They just need somebody to help them heal.
Rotten deal:
Now if you are on the receiving end of this arrangement, chances are you are getting a rotten deal. Especially if you are already emotionally invested in this person. Rebounds can get extremely ugly for both parties. Especially once the clouds have cleared up, and the person who has just been through a break up realizes that he or she does not have any true feelings for this person that they are in a relationship with!
There is always the danger of persons who have been committed in a previous relationship to project their feelings of their former ex towards this new person that they have in their lives. Especially, if there are a lot of unresolved issues with his/her previous significant other. Whatever flaws that a person may have had might be unconsciously transferred into the perception of an individual who has not fully gotten over their previous ex. This situation is a recipe for disaster. It will instigate many fights.
The sad thing about this is the new person that would be entering your life might be really special. But chances are if things stay as they are, a person put into this spot would not stick around. Another problem with being involved in a rebound relationship is that it doesn't allow individuals who have just had a break up to work out whatever issues they might still have left from their previous broken relationship. The companionship that they get from a new person sometimes may serve as a false sense of security.
This becomes their way of burying problems. But problems and issues need to be resolved and not be suppressed because they will only come back to haunt them!
Take things slow, hopefully
It would be a good idea to take things slow. Just until a person who has just ended a relationship start to heal. If you find that you are interested in a new person, you might want to inform this person of your situation. Be friends and see where it goes. Look at it this way, if two individuals are meant to be together, destiny will bring them together! ( yea!! )
Support system ;" Very Important"
The best thing to do for individuals who have just experienced a heartache is to be surrounded by people they that will take care of them during this difficult time. This is specially crucial if an individual has just gone through a divorce or a long term relationship. It may take awhile for them to get back their footing. It is not an easy transition to go back from sharing your life with someone to suddenly becoming single again.
During this time, these individuals need to be with close friends and family- people who will guide them and be sensitive and understanding to their needs during this transitional time, wherein a person who has just ended a relationship is trying to leave their past behind and start a new life. Every person needs a clean start. This is why they should give themselves time to heal before entering into a new relationship. This would not be the best time to start a successful relationship.
In closing, I've heard it said that the best way to get over a old relationship, is to start a new one:(
I've ALWAYS disagreed with that mind set and from personal experience learned that it leads to crash and burn, "yikes".
Question?, What are your thoughts on this topic?
Your comments are invited :) Dr. Paul Pharms, PhD.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
How Can I Get My Ex Girlfriend Back??

How Can I Get My Ex Girlfriend Back??
Dear, How Can I Get My Ex Girlfriend Back,
If you really want to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back, there are a number of steps that you can follow to have more success than if you just wing it and hope for the best. Breakups happen, but they do not necessarily have to be forever. Here are five steps that will allow you to subtlety let your ex girlfriend know that you're still interested in being a fixture in her life, so that you can potentially rekindle things in the right away:)
5 - If you want to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back, start by reaching out and touching her.
Reach out to her and let her know subtlety that you are still interested in being a part of her life:)
4 - Drop her an e-mail to keep in touch. If you do not find casual, easy going methods of communication with your ex, you will never be able to get her back.
Staying in touch is absolutely vital, but keep it to casual messages like "Hey,
what's up?" rather than overwhelming her inbox with love poetry.
3 - If you want to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back, stay away from other women.
Sure, she may be understanding enough to let it slide if you begin to peruse other "prospects", but if you want to get your girlfriend back, stay away from other ladies.
2 - Remember the important things. Part of learning how to get your ex girlfriend back means treating your LADY like a Princess:)
One of the easiest ways to do this is to show her that you Care by remembering the most important anniversaries and dates in her life.
Send her a card on her birthday, and let her know you're thinking about her in a harmless and positive way:)
1 - Call and text, but use discretion when reaching out to her. You should not be afraid to send your ex girlfriend a text message, or drop her a line here and there.
Uncertainty is something that should be avoided in life and love, so call her up and let her know what's going on so that she knows where you are and what you're doing, and doesn't have to imagine that you're out having fun without her, or with another woman. Let her know you Care, and that you still think about her. If she knows she's still in your thoughts so frequently, it will contribute heavily to how quickly she will want to rekindle things with you.
There is no exact process or science to the process of learning how to get your ex girlfriend back, but there are some pretty clear cut suggestions out there that will steer you in the right direction. Obviously maintaining Contact and Communication is absolutely vital to the rekindling process, but do not over do it, otherwise you may scare her away.
For Your information on Getting Your Girlfriend Ex back:
P.S. The Magic is in the Making Up :)
Monday, December 12, 2011
How to Get My Ex Back When He Has Moved On

How to Get My Ex Back When He Has Moved On
Dear, How to Get My Ex Back When He Has Moved On,
Don't bother moping, because what you have lost does not mean you have lost it forever.
Here are some quick and simple tips for learning how to get your ex back even if he has moved on to another woman and no longer appears to be interested in associating with you.
1 - The first step to getting the man of your dreams back is finding a way to convince him that he still wants you. Unless he really, really does not want anything to do with you, then there are a number of options that you can employ from this point on.
2 - One of the most advantageous things that you can do is simply to be his friend. Make a really good friend to him, showing him that you understand him and that you can be around him without creating any drama. Show him that you can joke around with him and have a healthy friendship with him. When the drama and stress of the relationship and breakup have subsided, he may realize that he wants you again.
3 - When you communicate with your ex boyfriend, be sweet and kind to him but don't be afraid to have a little bit of attitude. You are going to want him to want you, but you're also going to want to give him the feeling that he cannot have you just yet. While playing games is not the best way to go, you do want to give an air of hard to get, making him more interested in the process. you also want to make sure that he knows you are available.
4 - But it is important that you play it safe because if he doesn't think you are available, he probably will not find the motivation to pursue you.
5 - Avoid acting desperate at all costs. If you act desperate, your ex boyfriend will under estimate you. You are going to want to play things cool, letting him know that you are okay with everything that has happened, and that you are willing to move on. If you act desperate, things won't work out the way you are intending them to, so avoid doing this at all costs.
6 - Any time that you know he is looking at you, or if you feel like he is looking at you, look at him out of the corner of your eye. This sidelong glance will let him know that you are paying attention to him, but in a mysterious "you can't have me" kind of way.
7 - Casually remind him of some of the best times that you have had together. These good memories will help him to remember how good the two of you used to be together. Don't bring up any bad memories, because it will only hurt his bad side, which will not do you any good.
For Your information on How to Get My Ex Back When He Has Moved on:
P.S. The Magic is in the Making Up :)
Do you have a problem that you can’t seem to find the solution for no matter how hard you try?
Sunday, December 11, 2011
How To Get My Ex back If He Wants More Space ???

How To Get My Ex back If He Wants More Space ???
Dear, He wants more space.
Almost everyone has experienced a powerful relationship in their life, when suddenly everything which seems so perfectly is broken off because your ex wants space.There are a number of different reasons for why your ex may suddenly need space, including family problems, insecurities, or a fear of commitment just to name a few.
- You are not going to want to lose your Pride, or to allow him to get the best of you - But clearly you are still in Love with him.It may be ideal to play a little bit hard to get at first, in order to show him that yes, it was his loss and not your own.
- If you are feeling like your ex still has feelings for you, then it may be ideal for you to strike up a conversation with him.Keep communication to a minimum in order to keep the level of drama to a minimum.
Short text messages, brief phone calls and online conversations in passing are all a great way to remind him how much he wants to be a part of your life without overwhelming him with your presence when he may actually want and need space.
- Eventually he will begin to show significant interest in you again if all goes well, and this will give you the chance to truly begin to reminisce with him.Keep in mind that you should focus primarily on all of the good memories associated with your relationship in the past. While rekindling a relationship with your ex , you are going to want to stay away from the bad experiences and negative experiences in case they conjure bad feelings and undo your hard work.
- If your ex is not responding to your slow and subtle advances, you need to take it for what it is.
Either he just really is not interested in you right now, or he really does just need space and you should give it to him.But if on the other hand he seems to be interested in you more than before, or is slowly warming up to you again, then you should continue gradually advancing on him to rekindle the relationship.
- If your ex is giving you the right signals, you can try to open your heart up to him. Let him know how you feel, but avoid looking desperate or needy in the process.If your ex is showing you that he is thinking about rekindling things, then it would be healthy to be open with him. But if his signals are pointing in the other direction, it may be wiser to step back and let things happen more naturally.
These are just the beginning steps in winning your Ex back. They are the initial steps, a simple, down to earth step by step plan called The Magic Of Making Up:
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Help!! Heartbroken, I really want Her back so bad.

Help!! Heartbroken, I really want Her back so bad.
Dear, want her back so bad.
If you are wondering how you can get back with your ex, the first thing that you need to understand is that this is a very delicate situation.Your feelings may be hurt, and her feelings may also be hurt - And it is important that you are careful about what you're doing accordingly, otherwise feelings may be hurt even worse.
Here are the considerations that you need to make when it comes to figuring out how to get back with your ex.
1 - First and foremost, what was it that you did in order to cause the break up? A Woman doesn't break up with her Man completely out of the blue, so there is probably a really good reason behind the action even if you are not immediately aware of what it is.The first step in this process has to be to figure out what went wrong, whether or not it could have been prevented, and how can you can fix it now that you know what it is.
2 - If the break up with your ex was entirely your fault, then the first thing that you need to do to help rekindle things is to let your ex know that you recognize what happened, you recognize that it was your fault, and that you are sorry for your actions and the unintended consequences.
3 - You should continue to socialize with other people, even though you are trying to court your ex again.
Just because you and your ex are not in contact right now, that does not mean that you need to cut yourself off from the rest of the world.
Have some fun with your friends. It may even work to your advantage for you if you really do want to get Her back.
4 - Show your ex that you have Accepted the break up, but you also need to show her that you still care about her.
This is the most ideal way to eventually get her back. Let her know that you have not completely moved on, and that you still have feelings for her, and this will make you appear more mature to her, and more desirable as well.
5 - Finally, it is important that you work ( DON'T PUSH) to become friends with your ex again. This will build Trust, and will help to make you Closer to one another:)
These are just the beginning steps in winning your Ex back:)
For Your information Getting Your Ex Back:
P.S. Remember to talk to Her in a calm state of mind and really listen to what She's saying.
If both of you really listen to each other, then The Magic of the Making Up will begin :)
How to Get an Ex Back,
making up,
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