
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Becoming The Woman that a Man will Adore: pt.3

Becoming The Woman that a Man will Adore: pt.3

Some women, may seem to think that the best way to influence their partner is either by nagging, yelling or shutting down when she feels he is ignoring her. The problem, though, is that most often than not women expect men to read their minds and understand what they want from them.Unfortunately, that is the path that will lead to certain death for any relationship for the simple reason that men are different in how they process feelings and emotions.

For example, a woman wants to talk about her problems whereas men tend to become introverted and like to figure out their problems on their own. For a man to talk to someone about his problems it usually means that he is asking for advice or a solution, which is why when men share their problems they tend to offer solutions.

The thing is that when women are airing our grievances they usually don’t want to hear a solution, they just want to be Heard, Understood and Held. Women Want someone to Empathize with them aka: Emotional Connection and Bonding.  However, some men don’t know how to empathize with there woman because they haven't learned how to do so as of yet.

When men are talking about their problems to each other it is a sign that they are asking for advice, for a solution because they certainly aren’t asking for an understanding and a hug of support, as some women expect. So, of course, when he starts offering a Solution she will get all upset that he doesn’t understand what she wants without actually realizing that he simply doesn’t know at the time.

Foot note: Ladies, help us out and simply tell us Directly what You WANT; Thank you so Much :)

By opening your Heart up and Expressing your True feelings you will be surprised at the results it will Have on us, hint, hint... Use your femininity, the Softer, Gentle, Loving parts of Yourself :)

And , watch how he will drop what he's doing and come to the Rescue; we are built like that :)

You see, a man is most Happier when knowing he can make his woman Feel Good and when she is upset, he Wants to do Everything in his Power to Make her Feel Better :)

If you can Learn to genuinely Express your Feelings to him in a Loving Caring way rather than rattle off a list of problems then you will find that he will become much more Receptive and Attentive. And don't you want that?

Always remember the goal; Becoming The Woman that a Man will Adore     To be continued:)

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