
Saturday, September 17, 2011

At Aikido dojo since 930 am, whew :) Never Give Up on Your SUCCESS:)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

In a negative mind, there is no form of love and abundance in it. Accept and Believe in Positive thinking.Love and Abundance lives there:)
We are surrounded with tons of negative junk. Its like Trying to be free from drinking, while every one is passing You a drink. Stay Focused
You must fight hard to keep Your Mind Positive free. It takes work, but You can do it:) Everything Worth Having, is Worth Working for:)
We can't Focus of Stay Focused, if Our Mind is Constantly being Filled with negative Drama Junk information :( Free Your Mind:)
Watch Your Thoughts because they become Your Words:)
Watch Your Words because they become Your Actions:)
Watch Your Actions because they become Your Habits:)
Watch Your Habits because they become Your Character:)
Watch Your Character because they become your Destiny:) Never Give Up on Your SUCCESS:)
You Have Complete Control of how You Think and the Power to Change Your Thoughts and Perceptions at any time:)You are so POWERFUL:)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Listen to Your Intuition,this is Your Greatness/ Goodness Speaking To You:)
If You do this,You're Destined to Discover Your Life Purpose:)
Soul-Mates are People who Bring out the Best in You:)
They are not perfect, but are Always Perfect for You:)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

You are so WORTH it, Yes You are:) DESERVING of LOVE and ABUNDANCE,absolutely:) so, whats Stopping You from getting Your SHARE?
LOVE and ABUNDANCE will never come if we are afraid to try and try again.Nor matter how many attempts,Once ACHIEVED,wasn't it Worth It:)
Stop sabotaging Your own efforts and Get out of the Way. Stop berating Yourself for Your set- backs and Tell Yourself, We will SUCCEED:)
The only People that Want You to be SUCCESSFUL are the Ones that TRULY CARE about You:) YOU Must be the first one on the LIST:)
Let Go of the negative past and Be Free.. Let Go of all the people,places and things, that give You no Positive Support and Be FREE:)
If Your Life isn't what You WANT it to be,then CHANGE Your thoughts /Mind to a POSITIVE Focused One:) Never Give Up on Your SUCCESS:)

Monday, September 12, 2011

One of Life’s Greatest lessons is to Learn to IGNORE with a DEAF Mental Ear other people’s negative advice/comments. Uh, what did You say:)
People will have negative opinions about what You are attempting to do.Especially if You are trying to Accomplish anything POSITIVE:)
There are thousands to tell You it cannot be done, Ignore Them:)
There are thousands who prophesy failure,Smile at Them and Become GREAT:)
Sometimes we Need to be the Person who is Courageous enough to see the Truth for what it is and face the issue Squarely:) Be Courageous:)
Never Under Estimate the Power of a Positive Mind. If, You have any Questions... research FAITH:) Never Give Up on Your SUCCESS:)
The More You Believe in Yourself/Greatness/Goodness, the MORE You will Turn a Deal Ear to the Words of the negative ones:)
Smiles are Light from our Greatness/ Goodness and they are Priceless, Just Like Friendship:) Never Give Up on Your SUCCESS:)
The Best and Most Beautiful things in life cannot be seen, not touched, but are Felt in the Heart. And its called LOVE :)
They called You nothing, but You are Some-thing:)That Some-thing is the DIVINE Greatness/Goodness that Lives inside of You aka TRUE -SELF.
All the nay-Sayers, haters and dream killers, YOU must SUCCEED in order to PROVE them Wrong. When YOU do, just Smile and remain Humble:)
The Best Revenge to Give the negative mind Set ones, is to SUCCEED in a Life filled with LOVE and ABUNDANCE:)Never Give Up on Your SUCCESS:)
Let Go of the negative past and become the Person in Your POSITIVE Great Future:) Never Give Up on Your SUCCESS:)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

If You Want to Bring LOVE and ABUNDANCE into Your life, it Must Begin with You :)
When We get our Mind right, Everything else will Follow.
To all the Great Ladies, here :) Let me be one of many to say: Thank You for all theActs of Goodness/ Kindness that You do every day :)