
Thursday, February 24, 2011

One thing that you need to understand is that a Set Back is an event, not a person. It doesn’t define you as a Person for the rest of your life unless you let it. You’re not a victim, so when it happens Pick Yourself Up and get ready for the next event in your life. You must adjust your Attitude as you Recuperate from a Set Back. You will Rise to your own Expectations,This is called a “Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, Believe in Yourself, Believe that your here for a Reason and Purpose, Believe that you have Greatness within You. So adjust your Attitude to the Positive Side of things. Question? If You never experienced a Set Back, then how would You know if You can Recover from one ? Set Backs are a part of life, its what brings out our Creative Genius, Audacity and Tenacity to its Highest Levels. They will make us Stronger and Wiser in this Human Experience called Life. Never Give Up on Your Success :)

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