
Monday, February 28, 2011

At some point in your life you’ll need to take some time to reflect and assess where you are, where you’ve been, and how this is affecting where you want to be. During this time reflect and consider are you on the right track? As you look at the obstacles in front of you, try to figure out where it came from and why you might not have seen it before you tripped over it. Have you strayed off course and found this boulder in the way ? If you’ve lost sight of your values, reassess now and get back on track. Don’t forget your key value of integrity and realize that integrity is the most important thing as you pursue success, also remember your WHY? Your WHY? is your reason for pursuing success in the first place. Your WHY? has to be BIGGER than you, your WHY is the mental protective shield that will get you through all the twists and turns of life as you forge ahead on your journey to success. Always remember your WHY ? Never Give Up on Your Success :)

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