There are a lot of people who tend to be more negative then positive. This may have to do with some low self esteem issues that they have. A lot of people who are negative are still carrying around hurt and pain that has been with them for years. If you are a negative person then you will only attract negativity. You'll need to consider that your attitude predicts the type of life that you will have. You'll need to keep in mind that there are going to be highs and lows in your life. You'll need to rid yourself of the negative thoughts and negative energy in order to make something positive of your life.
Finally, you'll also want to consider what is best for you. Instead of allowing yourself to get hung up on people,places and things that are NO Good for you, focus your Attention and Concentrate on forming a Success Action Plan. There's only One You, now TREAT yourself like the Unique and Priceless Person that You were Born to Be :) Never Give Up on Your Success :)
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